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My game keeps crashing

SeashoreLiviaSeashoreLivia Posts: 835 Member
I'm trying to play in the custom world New York from here:
I can create my household and select a house for them, but when I click to play the household, my game crashes every time. I have a bunch of xcpt file things in my sims 3 folder which I guess are from the crashing. I have a gaming laptop that should be able to handle the game, so I don't know whats wrong. I just want to play my game.
Post edited by SeashoreLivia on


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    puzzlezaddictpuzzlezaddict Posts: 1,877 Member
    Do you have World Adventures, Ambitions, Late Night, and Seasons installed, and checked off in the launcher if you're on patch 1.69? (If you have a Windows/Origin install, you're on patch 1.69.) The page for the custom world lists all of those as necessary, although I don't know whether a missing pack would necessarily crash the game.

    One other easy thing to check is your RAM use. When you're in Edit Town and ready to place a household, put the game into windowed mode via Options, right-click on the taskbar, and select Task Manager. Watch what TS3's memory use does as you place the household and click play. If you're seeing the number in percentages, right-click on the column header to switch to absolute numbers. Anything above 3.5 GB for the game alone could easily be the cause of the crashing.

    Just to cover all the bases, it would be great to see a dxdiag on your computer. It'll list the last ten errors, including any TS3 crashes, as well as other relevant information. You can run one and then post the results at or another free filesharing site, and link it here.
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    SeashoreLiviaSeashoreLivia Posts: 835 Member
    I have all those packs. I'm on the Steam version of the game, so I don't know if that makes any difference. This is my first time trying to use a custom world.
    I tried watching the RAM and it started at 1.8, and then when I clicked to play my household it climbed up to 2.3 before the game crashed.

    Here's my dxdiag:
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    puzzlezaddictpuzzlezaddict Posts: 1,877 Member
    The fact that you have a Steam install doesn't make any difference, and it's not RAM use. (Some worlds use too much memory even on startup, but that's not the case here.) Your hardware looks fine too. One thing that does jump out at me in your dxdiag is that the Nvidia 1050 ti entry is missing some information. I've seen that a couple of times recently, with the same card, and in those cases, a clean install of the GPU driver has fixed the issue. So that might help you too.

    First though, just to make sure it's not something simple, try playing in a clean game folder. I just downloaded the world myself (the Seasons version, without the accompanying cc), played around in CAS for a bit, and then placed my sim in town. The game didn't freeze, at least in the few minutes I let the clock run and had a look around, so the issue doesn't appear to be the world itself. But it could be a problem with your game folder, and this is an easy test.

    Start by installing just the world, and if it runs smoothly, you can add the included cc if you want it and test again. Be sure to delete your cache files after adding the cc. If it's still working, great—you can copy over the contents of your old game folder to your new one. Let me know if you want instructions; there are a couple of tweaks you need to make to ensure that you don't have duplicate files and TS3 still reads all your custom content.

    If you're still getting crashes even in the clean game folder, I'll post instructions for how to do a clean install of your graphics card driver.
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    SeashoreLiviaSeashoreLivia Posts: 835 Member
    I think there's something wrong with my household. I made a clean game folder and downloaded the world with the cc, and when I made a random sim in cas, I was able to load the game without any crashing. But then I started a new save and tried to place the household that I created yesterday, and it crashed again. I spent over 3 hours creating them, so I don't want to start over if they're corrupted. :( I seem to be able to play the world with other sims, but I can't with that household for some reason.
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    puzzlezaddictpuzzlezaddict Posts: 1,877 Member
    Alright, start with another clean game folder (no need to download the world right now) and copy the Library file corresponding to the sims you created into the clean folder. If you don't know which one it is, check the last modified date; it will correspond to when you exited CAS after creating them.

    Start a new game in Sunset Valley and try to place the family. If it works, even temporarily, you can save the individual sims in CAS and then see if you can fix them. Without mods, the approach would be to open the cheats console (crtl-shift-C) and enter "testingcheatsenabled true" without quotes, then shift-click on each sim and select Edit in Create a Sim. Instead of editing, just click on the three dots along the bottom of the sim's portrait, then hit the folder icon to save. Repeat this for each sim, and they'll all be saved separately for you to work on later. You can load them by clicking on the silhouettes to the left of a sim's portrait, then selecting the one you want. The files for these sims land in SavedSims inside your game folder, and these files can be transferred from one game folder to another.

    When you are working on them, I'd suspect a bad cc item first. The clean game folder won't have that cc, so hopefully you'll be able to load them long enough to remove it in CAS. If you can't though, I don't know what else you can try. Maybe someone else here will have suggestions.
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    SeashoreLiviaSeashoreLivia Posts: 835 Member
    I guess the cc hair on one of my sims is broken. I tried it in a clean folder without any mods and I can finally play my family. Thank you for all your help! :)
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,091 Member
    edited June 2019
    Thought I'd pop in since I have this world installed, the world is heavily modded and has a lot of CC, in fact the CC is so much that it has to be installed separately into the mods folder.There's also a really bad routing issue in the world.On one side of the world, for whatever ever reason, the roads are not route able, meaning if your sim lives in a house on that side of town, you won't be able to leave your lot, because they can't use the roads.Causing quite a few unroutable sims.I recommend only using this world as a vacation world at the most, not one for long term play.
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    igazorigazor Posts: 19,330 Member
    edited June 2019
    Ouch. I have no experience with the digital version of New York (the real life one I am quite familiar with), but I have tested out custom worlds with breaks in the world lot/road routing as described and with or without CC they are impossible to play for very long. After a while half of the residents cannot leave their houses as said because they are unable to route across town and the game performance goes down to zero as it constantly tries to reroute everyone. Those who do make it out of their houses get stuck halfway to where they were going and end up on the sides of the roads waving their arms and screaming at the player.

    Even if really only totally engaged with the sims under active control and if one finds creative ways to get past the broken routing for ourselves (break trips up into three smaller parts to bypass the broken intersections for example), and even if we don't notice what the other residents of the world are doing, the game quickly becomes not very much fun to play in worlds with such routing flaws built in.
    NRaas has moved!
    Our new site is at
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    puzzlezaddictpuzzlezaddict Posts: 1,877 Member
    Lol, that's what I get for testing for all of five real-time minutes just to make sure the world loaded at all. Thanks @GraceyManor for the info.

    And yeah, it sounds like it would be no fun to play at all.
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,091 Member
    edited June 2019
    Exactly.For this world you definitely need at least overwatch...And errortrap perhaps.But even then its not completely liveable.I managed to get 3 days out of it, and then it started crashing my game.Let's just say I uninstalled and removed the world and CC.

    And I ran into a few worlds that have that issue with the intersections and roads not working.Any world with that kind of issue is unplayable in my book, and I usually uninstall.
    The creator does have a separate section for crashing.However, its mostly using an FPS limiter to limit the frame rate.
    Which, even with my framerate capped, it doesn't fix it.

    He also says:
    'The world crashes on the loading screen'
    This means you are missing a required expansion pack : (

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    SeashoreLiviaSeashoreLivia Posts: 835 Member
    I guess I should find a different world for my family. I really want them to live in a world that's based on New York though. Does anyone know of a similar world that doesn't have lots of routing issues?
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,091 Member
    edited June 2019
    I don't know of a NY world that doesn't have issues unfortunately.But if you're looking for a world that has a little bit of everything try
    Beach City by Rflong7.I rarely have issues with her worlds:

    I do suggest installing NRAAS saver though.
    The world is quite large, so I frequently save under different names to prevent Error 12s.

    Feel free to browse through my favorite worlds
    And see if you like anything

    And here is Rflong7's worlds
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    AuroraskiesAuroraskies Posts: 1,834 Member
    edited June 2019
    I think this one is very impressive:


    A NY Brooklyn/Queens world for those wanting to build lots themselves. Still a work in progress I believe, but ready to download since some time. Lots made by the creator in update thread. I would recommend reading the info provided.
    I have not played in it.

    Showcase thread MTS

    For lots for the world built by other players see posts #2, 102, 108, 113-115, 121, 133-135, 183. See also posts by jje1000 (creator) for info on the world.
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