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Midnight's School Of Photography


Welcome to Simatography’s latest project, powered by Midnight’s Universe, the school that will
make you sparkle!

Are you ready to learn something new, to feed yourself with detail and dept? Did you have enough with your parents saying that The Sims is just a game and you don’t learn a thing? Wait, have you thought at least once that The Sims is a loss of time, just a game, nothing more? Even worse, don’t you envy those simmers who come up with those flawless interiors, exteriors, sims, machinima, stories or photography? What are you ? A simple simmer? Can you even call yourself a simmer? A simple player? You deserve more, you need your spot, how about an artist? A breath-taking simatographer? A somebody that can bring to life his imagination, a somebody that can burn the ground under his feet?

Well then, it’s time to resuscitate that dead bone of yours, let Midnight polish you, bring out the best of you with his new School Of Photography, powered by Midnight’s Universe and Simatography, put on your man pants and join the Journey!

Portraits, landscapes, rules, lightning, color mixes, sci-fi, nature, photo editing, details over details, photo levels, shadows, emotions, clothes, buildings sets and characters. Everything from A to Z, easy to nightmare, told in small steps so even your great grandmother could understand!
It’s time to put your fingerprint, the sky is not the limit anymore, there is not even a definition for it. Sign in whenever you want, drop out minutes after, no rules just ambition, motivation, socializing, developing a handful of skills and pure simming!

School starts Monday, 4th of July. Are you in or what?

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