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  • I rarely use them in the older games, but they save some space. I would have expected them to come with Tiny Living, it sounded fitting.
    in Seriously? Comment by fmil July 2020
  • I remember in my early days of playing the game i had either a baby or a toddler get stolen by the babysitter. She got into a taxi while holding her and i followed them trying to find her house so i can go and take her back, i didnt know at the time that she does not live in one. So, the taxi stopped at an empty lot and…
  • I would not say favorite as i dont care about premades, but i very recently became aware of the fact that The Landgraabs are everywhere!! They own properties, products and corporations and they seem like a very prominent family in the ingame universe so they are pretty noticeable even for someone like me who doesnt focus…
  • I am a cat lover but my parents won't allow me to get a cat, so having one in the game at least was something i really wanted to try. I dont own C&D yet, but i recently gave the family i play in sims 3 a cat. I chose occasionly since i am not sure yet about how many times i am going to play with them.
  • Do i have to say what my score was? I am sorta ashamed of it XD it was 4/10 or maybe 3? Cant recall because i took it last night. Thank you so much <3
  • I guess i agree almost all the things you listed could count as a major first, but i would personally say a new gameplay system with a new theme is what i mostly assume when i hear these words, not taking something old and doing a few improvements, well unless they are some big changes, then maybe.
  • I think it is a pack that has to do with small creatures. I am going by the assumption that the roadmap posted pages before has clues. There is a guy with what seems like a spider on his shoulder and the the little girl is hugging a bear but it could be that they are adding rabbits or something. There is also the owel. I…
  • Sounds annoying but also fair. Why interrupt the sweet dreams of just one poor family member.
  • Maybe in the future. I dont care all that much, to be honest. I always kept them in their cribs in the previous games and didnt bother taking them in strolls or anything like that so it was mostly like how it is in sims 4. Knowing that in ts4 they are trapped makes me feel kinda weird though.
  • I just hope it is not a niche theme, and rather something i can use many times in my regular gameplay, but i know that is subjective since we all have our own unique playstyle. For example, i know that some simmers use the club system from GT a lot while others dont use it at all.
  • I dont think this is a priority for them.
  • Certainly not currently. I hear it has some bugs that can drive you up the wall. I am waiting for a discount, personally.
  • @SimmerGeorge It wasnt turned on and most things looked ok except for the sims themselves, they had a weird texture even on highest settings. I cant remember if they always looked like this or if my graphics cards just started acting up. I had a few old pics and they looked better but had custom skins on. I just saw that…
  • @CAPTAIN_NXR7 Haha! I am glad you are having fun solving the mystery of how things work. I enjoy that part too, but i admit that i cheated a few times. I would love to hear more about what you think of it, and the AI and all these kinds of stuff, when you feel like you are ready to give your opinions.
  • I dont know if this is only happeing in my old laptop, but it had an integrated graphics card and even on highest settings the sims still looked off and had a "low settings" kind of look about them, so even if the laptop can run the game with a weaker graphic card, it might not look that great, so keep that in mind if you…
  • Open lots are obviously so much better than closed ones, but on the other hand, i really dont like closed worlds with loading screens. Semi open ones like in sims 4 are better than a fully closed world, at least. It is true that sims 3 starts with some buildings being mainly rabbit holes like the resturants and theaters,…
  • I don't know what to make of that tweet saying it has many more years still. I cant see it lasting for more than two years, but i wouldnt call that many many years, or whatever the words they used. That statement makes me think it has like 4 years left or something. My estimation changed after reading that.
  • I never ever use them. My sims havent set foot there in a long time, but to be honest i dont take them to the gym or library either. I prefer parks and resturants and places like that for a hangout. Maybe you can turn it into something else like a resturant while still keeping some art there?
  • Since i just commented on what i like about sims 4, i guess it is only right to say what i dont like. You guys already said it, it is the AI and the personality of the sims themselves. The sims in sims 2 had an impressive and immersive level of depth. I honestly havent played sims 2 in a very long while so i am sure there…
  • Toddlers are amazing! Multitasking makes the sims themselves feel more lively as well as how expressive they are, and the way they move around is better for sure beacuse i dont have to worry about routing as much, they know how to navigate a room to do interactions. TS4 has also tons of awesome new features like lot…
  • Less than a minute! but mind you, i only have the base game currently and no mods at all. That should play a part, i assume, as well as the specs of your laptop. Mine is a brand new gaming laptop.
  • I dont like how the sims look in that game, but it is a mobile game so maybe it is normal for graphics to be like that. Anyway, i really love how enthusiastic the sims freeplay team seems to be, They have nice ideas.
  • I made some of the NPCs live in the park using NRaas and it became like a household, but i forgot how exactly i did it and i dont know if the relationships stay the same. I guess you can move them to an actual house after that, too. I am gonna check that save again and try to figure it out then come back to you with a…
  • Does this happen with because of a pack or something? I play the base game currently and havent noticed this happening. I guess i should save these mods for the future, just in case.
  • The welcome wagon is starting to get annoying for me. Why are these people trying to poison my sims, how neighborly. I forgot to throw the fruit cake away and my sim went and ate some more even though there was good food leftovers inside the fridge. Dont get me wrong, it is a fun feature and kinda quriky like all sims…
  • It is a conversion of a sims 3 hair from the store, it is called "loose curls". I think there is a retexture for it too, but i dont know which one you are using in that pic.
  • I dont know if a tool for creating a world from scratch would be ever possible, but i can see them providing tools to allow us to customize the current ones as much as possible
  • I, too, thought it is gonna be a safari type of pack. It is not what i would have personally wanted at this point, but it could still be fun.
  • You can download and install them through Origin without ever having to use the disks, and afterwards when you start palying, you dont need to put the disk to launch the game you just need to open Origin.
    in Sims 3 Disks Comment by fmil July 2020
  • If you lean more towards Dine Out, then get Dine Out.
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