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Strangervill love trouble (story input wanted)

EnkiSchmidtEnkiSchmidt Posts: 5,375 Member
I need way to reconcile two sims after a breach of trust. The interaction I used had no ingame effect, their friendship is still at 100% and romance at roughly 75%. However, what happened between them is pretty bad, so I can’t just marry them as if everything was fine.
  • “Willow” and “Amos” are both in the military career, she in the Resistance, he in the First Order. They are part of a mixed team that is tasked with defeating the motherplant and during the mission they fell in love.
  • Amos is possessed. Not knowing what side effects the experimental vaccine might have, Willow spilled it into Amos face without warning and now they don’t talk anymore.
  • They live in a tiny bunker in Strangerville with four other sims: one dorm, one mess hall, one bathroom and a botany lab, so avoiding each other is difficult. Going out is dangerous (in my story at least), so they only do that to gather spores and fruit, wearing hazmat suits.
  • Willow’s motivation to choose Amos as test subject was NOT to save him (he is able to fend off MOTHER quite well on his own in my story). She picked Amos as test subject because he is a maximum rank First Order officer and as such would be the least missed if he accidently died. A lot of people would sleep better at night if Amos was dead. Everyone in the bunker knows Willow’s reasoning (she confided right after the test, saying the choice that resulted in the least pain for the galaxy, caused the most pain to her personally).
  • Amos had gotten better as a person ever since he teamed up with the Resistance sims and was actually close to defecting. His last words before getting assaulted with the vaccine were “In my world we’d just grab a random townie and force-feed them the vaccine to see what happens. But I understand that this isn’t how you guys operate, and I accept that.” Ten seconds later he got splashed by the love of his life.
  • Amos and the other First Order sim in the team are rivals. Willow is good friends with the three other Resistance sims in the team.
  • Amos’ traits are Genius, Self-Absorbed, Ambitious and Dastardly. By right he belongs into a cowplant’s stomach, but the Willow-sim is very insistent on wanting him. Willow’s traits are Geek, Loner, Horse Lover and Quick Learner.

The goal is for my sims to get back together. Suggestions what either of them could/would/should do?

(Thank you for reading my wall of text! Here are some pics for your trouble:)


He's lying like this because I use a mod that replaces the butt-in-the-air pose of unconscious sims with the alchemy failure pose.

The last screenshot is posed:
"She could at least have asked!"
"Then you'd said no and she'd had to do it anyway."

Currently playing: Castaway Challenge
Post edited by EnkiSchmidt on


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    DragonAge_300905DragonAge_300905 Posts: 1,946 Member

    They break up but living in the same house they still couldn't stay away from each other. After many nights of sharing the same bed, they get back together. Amos never really forgives her and in every argument it comes back up. They have children and after many years of it not being forgotten, they decide to divorce when the last child goes to collage.

    After the divorce, Amos dates younger sims trying to experience being young again. But being old, he has a hard time keeping up with all the parties and the non stop of burning the candle at both ends. He falls asleep exhausted every night and tells himself he is happy, when really all he wants is staying in for a night of quiet relaxing calm. Eventually his heart gives out from the lack of sleep and he dies. At the funeral his children swear to never be like him.

    The end.

    Note: Sorry for dark story, but if Amos wanted to be unforgiving for that, he got what was coming to unforgiving sims.
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    cynciecyncie Posts: 4,747 Member
    There’s nothing like a shared threat to bridge the gap. Amos and Willow might be assigned to be partners in a dangerous mission that puts both of their lives in danger. In order to get out alive, they have to depend on each other. At first, they’re at odds with each other. Willow is reluctant to be vulnerable, so she tries to do it all herself. Amos is just trying to save his own skin. But, when the chips are down and the threat becomes real, Amos surprisingly sets aside his self absorption to be there for Willow, and she, in turn, learns that she can’t really do it alone. They become a real team and combine efforts to finish the mission and get both of them out alive. In the end, they bond in the heightened emotions of the shared risk.
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    HavenRoseHavenRose Posts: 325 Member
    The other FO sim betrays everyone at the final hour (either just before defeating Mother plant, or right after when the mission is over and they're about to go their separate ways). Amos is left to choose between his commitment to the Order and side with his rival officer, or stand by Willow even after she has experimented on him. The other officer would know that Willow is a weak spot for Amos, and he'd have to destroy her to show his commitment to the Order and maintain his rank. Amos first chooses against his rival, but that positions him with the Resistance again. If he's injured during the altercation, then Willow can nurse him back to health and they can rebuild their relationship.
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    EnkiSchmidtEnkiSchmidt Posts: 5,375 Member
    Good ideas, keep them coming!

    @DragonAge_300905 Although my goal is to reconcile them and have them lead a harmonic marriage, you got me thinking, what if the incident will resurface at the most inconvenient moment in the future? "So is this going to end like back in Strangerville, when you force-fed me the untested herbicide?!" And then of two big-eyed kids, one will side with dad, the other with mom. They'll sit down and discuss what happened with the children, and only now will get it really over.
    Currently playing: Castaway Challenge
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    ChampandGirlieChampandGirlie Posts: 2,482 Member
    Alright, here's what I would do with this. I thought about how to get over this situation, after all, it's an apocalypse and they are in a bunker. Options are limited so sometimes when one is hungry and there is food, one eats without questioning. However, looking at the photos, I think Willow is awesome. Who is the guy in the white coat? If I'm playing this, forget Amos. We all make mistakes but Willow, your Freudian id is telling you that you want that guy in the white coat if possible. Leave Amos blinking and make out with that other dude in white unless there's some fact I'm not privy to that interferes. The future of the planet depends on you.

    Haha, in seriousness, if you want Willow and Amos to get back together, draw it out a bit. There should be some arguments but they are still attracted to each other because she's attractive and he's a guy in a bunker with her. He will forgive her. Mix some arguments and flirting. They can get angry but still be into each other. Really though, she has her pick of any guy in that bunker. Where are they going to go?

    There could also be some sort of group intervention about him because they all share that small space together. So, she and the others could work together to help him to improve and to cure him. Can he earn rewards traits that will help him to have a better personality? Maybe send him volunteering for good causes if you have Parenthood. Have him donate to charity. I don't like the type of plot where he changes because of her but in the scenario that you are describing, I could see the group of these survivors deciding that he needs to improve and be cured or be sacrificed because they can't keep a sick sim in the bunker. He's deadweight to the group if he's not helping and they don't want to risk getting sick from the contagion. If Willow really cares about him, she needs to be direct with him about whatever his problem is.
    Champ and Girlie are dogs.
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    EnkiSchmidtEnkiSchmidt Posts: 5,375 Member
    but Willow, your Freudian id is telling you that you want that guy in the white coat if possible. Leave Amos blinking and make out with that other dude in white unless there's some fact I'm not privy to that interferes.
    That's another Resistance sim and he's already coupled with the sim in the brown jacket. Look up BlondeBomber2u in the gallery if you want him and/or Willow! They go by different names there (there's a reason why I quotation marked "Amos" and "Willow"), but you'll spot them :)
    Currently playing: Castaway Challenge
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    DragonAge_300905DragonAge_300905 Posts: 1,946 Member

    @EnkiSchmidt That's a good ending, much nicer than mine. Hehe. In my defense I had just come from reading the steam forum on palworld. I really like that game and I get tried of the hate it gets.
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    Lenny_OggLenny_Ogg Posts: 3,696 Member

    If it was my story I'd try to explain to the readers why they want to be together and then I would show them in situations that lead them back together.

    Why had they been together/in love before the incident happened?
    That could be the starting point to ponder about their possible future.

    In our Strangerville story there was a very strange couple too.
    A conspiracy theorist and one from the military.
    So they had very different mindsets and it took them a while before they found their lowest common denominator ^^'
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    ChampandGirlieChampandGirlie Posts: 2,482 Member
    but Willow, your Freudian id is telling you that you want that guy in the white coat if possible. Leave Amos blinking and make out with that other dude in white unless there's some fact I'm not privy to that interferes.
    That's another Resistance sim and he's already coupled with the sim in the brown jacket. Look up BlondeBomber2u in the gallery if you want him and/or Willow! They go by different names there (there's a reason why I quotation marked "Amos" and "Willow"), but you'll spot them :)

    You know, I've literally never downloaded anyone else's sims because I make my own. Sure, why not though? I already have a lot of other sims so I probably would not put them together but I could drop them in my game and see what happens. It could be fun to see what random direction they go in.

    I played Strangerville with a strong female lead who was very nerdy, logical and handy. I ended up like her a lot because she was tough and capable. She fell for one of the very buff military guys and they got married. Now, they are just a small-town couple working at the base. They fell in love in that same crisis situation working together. I continue to have some military sims in Strangerville and a few other characters specific to that world.

    Back to your story, which is a Strangerville Apocalypse with Batuu, I would be thinking about the group dynamics of the bunker. I stick with the idea that Amos might get mad at Willow at first. I think in the logic of the group in a survival situation that I could see some of the others in the bunker saying, "Hey, we need to get rid of this guy, he's weakened because he is possessed and taking up resources." Survival logic. Add in the Resistance vs. FO and it seems obvious that some would turn on him. Willow would think it's her fault and feel guilty so being an ethical person and having feelings for him, she would want to save him. He would love her again and forgive her.

    I don't judge anyone else's interpretation. It's all cool. This is a group in a bunker so I would bring the other characters into the story. After all, they would think that Willow is against him because she just splashed him in the face.
    Champ and Girlie are dogs.
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    EnkiSchmidtEnkiSchmidt Posts: 5,375 Member
    Lenny_Ogg wrote: »
    If it was my story I'd try to explain to the readers why they want to be together
    That's the part I tremendously enjoy...
    Lenny_Ogg wrote: »
    and then I would show them in situations that lead them back together.
    ...and that's the part I'm struggling with, haha! I really felt I had written myself into a corner yesterday, but thanks to everyone who has chimed in, a roadmap is emerging.

    I had neglected to take the limited resources/survival aspect into account. Sure, the droids can go shopping, but the town doesn't have limitless supplies, least of all for strangers that might bring their own conflicts to Strangerville. So building on that and on Amos' background, yes, I can see the others telling him "Get a grip on yourself and stop pouting already or the door's right over there!". Him being self-absorbed with a very high opinion of his abilities, Amos might just leave.
    Trouble is, his best skills are Rocket Science, Writing and Research/Debate, he's a commander and strategist, not that good at spur of the moment decisions or sim to sim combat. So at one point (depending on which townies the game spawns) he will get himself captured by MOTHER's cult and either be made into another henchman or kept fresh as a snack.
    When he gets rescued, Willow will silently offer Amos a dose of the actual cure (this time offered as a gift, not spilled into the face). They are relieved to be together again, but neither will apologize to the other. They'll just pretend they never had a gripe (leaving the option for the wound to open up in the future as outlined in an earlier post).

    So this is the setup, with the exact details depending on what happens ingame.

    "Working together with you guys was a greater challenge than fighting you. For the first time since I was three years old, there were no demands or expectations, just acceptance. Such a soft lifestyle! Laughable, really. I mean, corn syrup on a stick and chocolate Vaders? C'mon! But it also was enticing, in a way. I felt... sheltered. I considered throwing everything away and switch sides. But then you bared your fangs, did what needed to be done, with no regard to my feelings in this matter, and the illusion of a happy rebel utopia in the woods got pierced. It wasn't you, who betrayed me, and who I was mad at, that I see now. It was the way the universe works."
    "Then come with us already and let's change that! I'll even gift you the largest flower you've ever seen!"
    "Yes. It's time to pot her up for good."
    Currently playing: Castaway Challenge
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    EnkiSchmidtEnkiSchmidt Posts: 5,375 Member
    I just opened my game to play and noticed that I have the bug where the social pie menu doesn't appear.

    Yes, Amos and Willow, I get it, you don't talk to each other.

    But could you please let the others talk?

    I apologize to all players who have that bug. Looks like my couple went to some extreme means to prevent me from making them chat and in the process infected all your games :D
    Currently playing: Castaway Challenge
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    EnkiSchmidtEnkiSchmidt Posts: 5,375 Member
    edited February 29
    Patched my game and played a little. I made my sims start an argument over how to share a milk bread (8 servings for 6 sims). What happened was that my sims piled up on the other infected (the woman standing to the far right in the lab screenshot), so I ruled that she AND Amos got tossed out. She was the only skilled cook, by the way.

    Everyone still inside now has two slices of milk bread... and two sims have a problem.

    Edit: Finished the session with several sad screenshots of the two exiles, but so far they had no run ins with possessed. Being separated might do the loverbirds major good - no more tiptoeing around each other.
    Post edited by EnkiSchmidt on
    Currently playing: Castaway Challenge
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    EnkiSchmidtEnkiSchmidt Posts: 5,375 Member
    Last update, since I already have my blog for gushing over the days and lives of my sims, lol.

    Much to my dismay, no infected attacked or even so much as approached the exiles. They spent a day in the wilderness, then found work and shelter at a still functioning landspeeder factory. Amos asked his companion to teach him cooking, but soon switched to baking (classic brain Vs. intuition). There's some backstory stuff involved here, but first and foremost Willow is extremely kitchenwork averse, so I figured her partner taking up that role would a nice step to commitment to the relationship.

    After a few days the sim in the brown jacket called Amos, asking if he wanted to visit the bunker. So the exiles could return and will probably try to do so later. For now I'll switch to my Crystal Creations sim and let the Strangerville household be.
    Currently playing: Castaway Challenge
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