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Life's Greatest Adventure, The Morgan Legacy

AnnoyingTigerAnnoyingTiger Posts: 509 Member

Life’s Greatest Adventure, The Morgan Legacy is a Sims 4 playthrough combining various challenges and elements into one single playthrough – rags to riches, the legacy challenge, alphebacy, etc. However, there aren’t any rules for this playthrough. I just want to have fun and create a legacy to enjoy.

If you’re a fan of Red Dead Redemption 2, then you may realize that my founder, John Morgan, is a blend between Arthur Morgan & John Marston, my two favorite characters from the game. I decided to start this legacy to honor the memory of Arthur. If you decide to stick around and see where this legacy goes, I appreciate it. I won’t lie, though, I often disappear from projects without warning and don’t return for months. If that bothers you, maybe not follow this playthrough. I do plan to do my best to continue this playthrough and create a long-lasting, fun legacy.

✲ Succession Rites
  • Heirs will be the youngest of the children, no matter their gender.
  • The next generation begins when the heir becomes a young adult.
  • Each heir of the next generation will begin with the letter after their parent (ex. John’s kids could be Kim, Kyne, Karol, etc.) This will continue through the alphabet.

✲ Traits, Aspiration & Career
  • Traits will be completely randomized by clicking the dice three times.
  • Aspiration will be randomized, as well, skipping ones that have been chosen already.
  • Career will be chosen based on traits and aspiration.
  • Each generation will strive to complete their career and/or aspiration.


Age: Young Adult
Gender: Male
Born: Winter
Birthplace: Oasis Springs
Traits: Family-Oriented, Kleptomaniac, Maker, Domestic
Aspiration: Successful Lineage
Career: Criminal
Current Residence: Old New Henford, Henford-on-Bagley
Favorite Color: Brown
Music Preference: Americana
Hobbies: Writing, woodworking
Joseph Morgan (father†)
Betty Morgan, nee Mason (mother†)

Born during an unusually cold winter in Oasis Springs to Betty and Joseph Morgan, John had a relatively normal childhood until about the age of seven when his mother died during childbirth – his younger brother, whose name had not yet been chosen, died a short time after her. At first, Joseph became overly affectionate to his son, trying to make sure he knew he was loved and didn’t feel lonely, but it wasn’t long before he could no longer cope. Joseph turned to the bottle to forget his problems and soon came to forget that his son even existed. Just a few days shy of John’s sixteenth birthday, Joseph passed away in his recliner, a bottle clutched in his hand.

Now an orphan living on the street, John was forced to turn to thievery in order to survive. He continued this life of crime for years, gaining quite the reputation on the street and it wasn’t until he was arrested and forced to serve a year in jail that he decided he needed a fresh start. And so, with only the clothes on his back and a cheap tent, he moved to Henford-on-Bagley to begin what he hoped would be a new life for him.

The problem is that you can’t take the crime out of a criminal and it wasn’t long before the local crime syndicate reached out to him, tempting him with promises of simoleons. Though reluctant, he knew he needed the money if he wanted to survive in the ever-changing world, so he agreed and joined them. He swore to himself that, once he had made enough money to build a house and secure his future, he would finally leave his life of crime for good.


I will do my best to update this thread, but I make no promises as I'm pretty forgetful. Please follow this legacy on my blog if you're interested in this legacy :) Thank you for checking out this post, I hope you enjoy this legacy. I really want to stick with this one and take it far even though I've attempted this in the past (if you know me, you know I have many unfinished series and I often disappear for months.) I want this playthrough to be different, so I hope you will join me on this journey and help encourage me to continue with the Morgan family <3 Much love.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please feel free to let me know either in this thread or on my blog!

ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ Life's Greatest Adventure, The Morgan Legacy ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ


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    AnnoyingTigerAnnoyingTiger Posts: 509 Member
    edited November 2021
    V1: A New Journey Begins ✲ V2: Building A Shack ✲ V3: Wild Bunny ✲ V4: Petty Thief ✲ V5: Well, He Tried ✲ V6: Does the Mayor Know? ✲ V7: The Fox Returns ✲ V8: Ringleader & Windows ✲ V9: Look At All Those Chickens ✲ V10: Tasks from the Mayor ✲ V11: A Dream ✲ V12: Does This Package Belong to You? ✲ V13: John Hates Gardening! ✲ V14: John the Gamer ✲ V15: The Birds & the Bunny ✲ V16: One-Upped ✲ V17: The Felonius Monk Sings ✲ V18: Date Gone Wrong? ✲ V19: Nothing Personal ✲ V20: The Mischief Master ✲ V21: Some Good Advice ✲ V22: She Won't Miss It ✲ V23: When the Wood Rests ✲ V24: Echoes of the Past ✲ V25: It's A... Snail? ✲ V26: Cross-Stitch? ✲ V27: Not A Date ; ) ✲ V28: Little Raven ✲ V29: He's A Handy Man ✲ V30: John's Winterfest, pt.1 ✲ V31: John's Winterfest, pt.2 ✲ V32: Medicated ✲ V33: What's the Scuttlebutt? ✲ V34: Twirls & Jumps ✲ V35: Jumping Contest ✲ V36: Bubbleblowing Romance ✲ V37: Choco Pie ✲ V38: Jessica the Bovine ✲ V39: Fishtor ✲ V40: Readily A Parent ✲ V4: Heart-to-Heart ✲ V42: Warm Butterflies ✲ V43: Caught! ✲ V44: John Gets A Partner ✲ V45: The Camera Fish ✲ V46: Abandoned! ✲ V47: The Eve of New, pt.1 ✲ V48: The Eve of New, pt.2 ✲ V49: Klarence the Charmer ✲ V50: Rotten Criminal ✲ V51: John the Chonk ✲ V52: Rage Cleaning ✲ V53: Fox, I Choose You! ✲ V54: The Food Fix ✲ V55: DigiThief ✲ V56: Reflection ✲ V57: Near Accident ✲ V58: Pancake Apology ✲ V59: Who Is Pregnant?? ✲ V60: Bah bah, blah! ✲ V61: Caregiver ✲ V62: A Big Question ✲ V63: Carly's New Hobby ✲ V64: Carly's Night Out ✲ V65: Urban Squatter ✲ V66: The Date is Set ✲ V67: To Be A Maker ✲ V68: Kaylynn Morgan ✲ V69: Family ✲ V70: Happy Birthday, Klarence! ✲ V71: Loving Home ✲ V72: Cooper < 3 ✲ V73: Stop or I'll Tell
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    ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ Life's Greatest Adventure, The Morgan Legacy ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
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    AnnoyingTigerAnnoyingTiger Posts: 509 Member
    edited September 2021
    G1, V7: The Fox Returns


    In Finchwick district, John discovered a nice fishing spot that he wanted to try his hand at, so he did just that, even using the frog bait that he had acquired a couple of days earlier.

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    ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ Life's Greatest Adventure, The Morgan Legacy ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
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    AnnoyingTigerAnnoyingTiger Posts: 509 Member
    G1, V8: Ringleader & Windows


    John felt surprised when Tina showed up at his shack, offering him a gift that she had apparently made herself. He had spoken to her all of twenty minutes and they didn’t seem to have much in common, yet here she was, offering him a gift because she thought he’s a cool guy.

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    AnnoyingTigerAnnoyingTiger Posts: 509 Member
    G1, V9: Look At All Those Chickens


    John was nervous making his first meal with his new old stove. Not only was he a bad cook, the appliance had quite a few miles on it. It was a disaster just waiting to happen, but his fears were not proven – the process went smoothly with not burnt food or a fire breaking out.

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    AnnoyingTigerAnnoyingTiger Posts: 509 Member
    G1, V10: Tasks from the Mayor


    John finally met the mayor of Henford-on-Bagley, Lavina Chopra, who had previously messaged him about how people were talking about him at the pub. He was nervous, wondering if his cover had been blown, but if she knew about his past, she didn’t let it slip. She simply welcomed him formerly to the community, asking him how his land was, how he was getting on – the typical questions you ask someone new.

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    AnnoyingTigerAnnoyingTiger Posts: 509 Member
    MSSSC: To Be A Father (Side Story)


    John was sleeping peacefully for the first time in a while. The bed was warm and his back didn’t ache from the sharp springs. He was so comfortable that he didn’t want to move, but something kept nagging at him. What was it?

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    G1, V11: A Dream


    When John woke up, his shack was freezing and he didn’t have to look outside to know that the temperature had dropped dramatically overnight. A light dusting of snow covered the land and he was sure it was only the start. Though his shack wasn’t as cold as it was outside, he knew he would have to be careful lest he get sick.

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    G1, V12: Does This Package Belong to You?


    After the mayor reminded him of the package still waiting for its owner, and with the woman in question watching him with amusement, he decided to start looking. And where better to start than with the two that are right in front of him?

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    AnnoyingTigerAnnoyingTiger Posts: 509 Member
    G1, V13: John Hates Gardening!


    Despite living off the grid, John still has to pay property taxes for his land. Thankfully, they aren’t too expensive so he can afford to pay them. After reluctantly paying it, he headed over to the woodworking table to try and make the money back with a sculpture.

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    G1, V14: John the Gamer


    John felt a friendly warmth inside him when he met up with the mayor and she seemed to return this sentiment. She was thankful that he had agreed to join her at the festival but she could also tell that he was out of his element. The big city was not the place for him and he was the farthest thing from a geek. Not to mention that he didn’t have time to take a shower and felt icky. She suggested that he clean up at the bar across the street, which he did, and then she told him that he should try the gaming rig.

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    AnnoyingTigerAnnoyingTiger Posts: 509 Member
    G1, V15: The Birds & the Bunny


    John always feels an almost child-like wonder when he came upon a hole in the ground or something that’s just waiting to be extracted. It’s fun because you don’t know what you’re going to find. Though, most of the time, it’s just something simple like upgrade parts. Doesn’t sell for much, but it’s more simoleons than he had before finding it.

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    AnnoyingTigerAnnoyingTiger Posts: 509 Member
    G1, V16: One Upped


    John’s bed is the cheapest he could find which means it is a terrible bed – uncomfortable with sharp springs that digs into his body as he sleeps. Because of this, he more often than not ends up with a sore back and wakes up in a foul mood.

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    G1, V17: The Felonius Monk Sings


    John decided to bite the bullet and build a chicken coop, but it will be a bit longer before he can actually purchase chickens to place there. He didn’t know if he should build a fence or not but, as he looked around at the wild foxes that dotted the land, he thought it would be better to do so. He couldn’t afford to spend simoleons on animals just to have them eaten, after all.

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    AnnoyingTigerAnnoyingTiger Posts: 509 Member
    G1, V18: Date Gone Wrong?


    Despite it being only 2 in the morning, Cooper decided it was time to wake up by screeching at the very top of his lungs. John is a heavy sleeper, though, and the sound didn’t even come close to penetrating his dream state. Thankfully, there weren’t any neighbors for miles so Cooper didn’t bother anyone at all. Except maybe Mala.

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    AnnoyingTigerAnnoyingTiger Posts: 509 Member
    G1, V19: Nothing Personal


    When John woke up, he discovered that he not only had mail, but he was given a trial pair of earbuds completely for free. He was still feeling a bit down over the failed date and his fun was nearly empty, so he decided to turn on his favorite music genre, Americana, and rock out.

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    - Gen 1 Character List
    - Family Tree
    ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ Life's Greatest Adventure, The Morgan Legacy ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
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    AnnoyingTigerAnnoyingTiger Posts: 509 Member
    G1, V20: The Mischief Master


    A blizzard had rolled in, leaving the ground frozen and slick as John tried to waddle his way back to his shack. He slipped several times, but managed to stay upright.

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    G1, V21: Some Good Advice


    When the sun rose, Carly appeared at his door, catching him just as he was stepping outside. She had heard about the rejection from one of her friends who had been at the bar during the event and she had been worried about John.

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    AnnoyingTigerAnnoyingTiger Posts: 509 Member
    G1, V22: She Won’t Miss It


    John was happy to be invited over to spend time with Tina, who was quickly becoming a good friend of his. When he got to her house, however, he was awed by how big and beautiful it was. Was she rich? He couldn’t believe it – he had been friends with someone rich this entire time!

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    AnnoyingTigerAnnoyingTiger Posts: 509 Member
    G1, V23: When the Wood Rests


    John was feeling restless, energetic, and he had two days off from work. But what could he do? He remembered the mayor mentioning the Bramblewood and decided he would go and check it out. There was a couple problems in his way, however. First, it was raining pretty hard and second, it was two in the morning and nearly pitch black outside. Even so, he decided to just go for it.

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    Kellogg_J_KelloggKellogg_J_Kellogg Posts: 1,556 Member
    I'm really enjoying this...I'm up to G1 V12. Please keep going.
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    AnnoyingTigerAnnoyingTiger Posts: 509 Member
    edited September 2021
    I'm really enjoying this...I'm up to G1 V12. Please keep going.

    Thanks for reading! I'm happy to hear that you're enjoying it = D
    ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ Life's Greatest Adventure, The Morgan Legacy ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
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    AnnoyingTigerAnnoyingTiger Posts: 509 Member
    G1, V24: Echoes of the Past


    John continued to explore the beautiful landscape of the Bramblewood until he spotted some ruins off in the distance. What were they?

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    G1, V25: It’s A… Snail?


    John couldn’t see it well from the ground, but it seemed to be some kind of circle of swirl carved into the land. The hills were steep and tall and he struggled to climb them, so he decided just to follow the path and see where it took him.

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    G1, V26: Cross-Stitch?


    It wasn’t long before John finally found Rahul, the grocery delivery boy. He was in the courtyard speaking with a couple of other sims. He waited patiently for him to finish with them before he approached.

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    G1, V27: Not A Date ; )


    John was surprised when Carly asked him out to the festival. She hadn’t mentioned the word ‘date’ but it certainly felt like one and he was determined to make it a good night. She had done so much for him, it was the least he could do. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t getting close to her.

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    G1, V28: Little Raven


    When John returned home, he felt tired and planned to head straight to his bed but something made him take pause. The chickens were being noisy when they are usually asleep at this hour. He instantly thought about the wild foxes so he rushed to the back of the house to check on them. There were no foxes around and Mala poked her head out to stare at him. Then it hit him – the egg must be ready to hatch! John rushed through the gate, carefully picking up the egg with both hands to help stave off the cold.

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    AnnoyingTigerAnnoyingTiger Posts: 509 Member
    G1, V29: He’s A Handy Man


    John wanted to offer another gift to the birds, but he no longer had any fish to spare. He did, however, have an apple. Birds like apples, don’t they? He believed so and he offered it to the birds.

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    G1, V30: John’s Winterfest, pt.1


    John returned from work in high spirits with a promotion under his belt. Soon, he would be at the top of his career, making enough money to not only survive, but thrive.

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    G1, V31: John’s Winterfest, pt.2


    Raven is bonding with his papa and he is enjoying his home, despite the cold. John had been worried about whether or not the two adult chickens would accept the baby chick into their space, but it seems he had been worried for nothing.

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    AnnoyingTigerAnnoyingTiger Posts: 509 Member
    G1, V32: Medicated


    It’s no secret that John loves handiness. He loves to build and create with his own hands, molding materials to create new items. He loves it, but that doesn’t mean he’s always good at it and he often finds himself bearing wounds from his attempts.

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    G1, V33: What’s the Scuttlebutt?


    John found himself spending more time at the bar. It was the only real place to spend time at in Finchwick, after all, plus the bartender made excellent drinks.

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    Kellogg_J_KelloggKellogg_J_Kellogg Posts: 1,556 Member
    I've subscribed and am following the story still. I'm enjoying it.
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    AnnoyingTigerAnnoyingTiger Posts: 509 Member
    I've subscribed and am following the story still. I'm enjoying it.

    I'm happy to hear it, thank you so much <3
    ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ Life's Greatest Adventure, The Morgan Legacy ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
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    AnnoyingTigerAnnoyingTiger Posts: 509 Member
    G1, V34: Twirls & Jumps


    John began quickly, asking the first person he came across if they were expecting a package from the mayor, but he quickly refused and attempted to brush past him. This felt very rude to him, so he did what he did best – implored his mischief skill.

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    G1, V35: Jumping Contest


    John does not like wearing suits, but it’s required for his work and he does look 🐸🐸🐸🐸 good in them.

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    AnnoyingTigerAnnoyingTiger Posts: 509 Member
    G1, V36: Bubbleblowing Romance


    John was getting sick again, his entire body itching and covered with small rashes. Maybe it was just leftover from his previous illness or a side effect of the medication. Either way, the itching was driving him mad.

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    G1, V37: Choco Pie


    John felt confident that he had learned enough to successfully bake a chocolate pie, so he rolled up his sleeves and got to work. At first, it was easy, but it got increasingly harder as he had to knead the dough. Flour got everywhere and he found himself coughing when he pressed down too hard, sending a cloud of flour into his face.

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    ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ Life's Greatest Adventure, The Morgan Legacy ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
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    AnnoyingTigerAnnoyingTiger Posts: 509 Member
    V38: Jessica the Bovine


    With extra money in his pocket, John decided that his land needed more life so he chose to buy an animal pen and add a cow to it. Her name is Jessica.

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    V39: Fishtor


    Rahmi came to John in order to ask for his help. She knew how to fish, but she wanted to get better at it and he was the best fisherman she knew. John, a lover of fishing, was happy to lend her a hand and he did his best to show her how he does it.

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    MSSSC: Family Ain’t Just Blood


    John felt his hands tremble as he set up the table outside, pushing the chairs in and lighting the citronella candle to keep the bugs at bay. He had never hosted a dinner party before and, though it was all people he held deep in his heart, he was worried. What if he did something that upset them and ruined the relationship between them? He shook his head to rid himself of these worries.

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    V40: Readily A Parent


    As soon as John returned home, he set to work expanding the house. Even though his son was only an infant, he wanted to create the perfect space for him. There was still the issue of when he would get to spend time with him. Would he live with his mother and just come visit? That wasn’t ideal and the idea upset him, but he continued to work on the room.

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    V41: Heart-to-Heart


    John decided he would tackle the request by Rahul since it was an easy job to complete. He headed into Finchwick and to the bar, where most of the sims spent their free time. He approached the bar owner first, who greeted him cheerfully before pouring a drink for the customer beside him. He had a heart-to-heart with her and she offered him a nice piece of advice and he found himself with a new respect for the foxes on his property.

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    AnnoyingTigerAnnoyingTiger Posts: 509 Member
    V42: Warm Butterflies


    John thought it over for a while, his phone sitting on the table in front of him. The display was showing Carly’s contact information, the bright green ‘call’ button taking up the bottom part of the screen. For several days, he had been mulling over the decision and he was still no closer to making his choice and it was starting to frustrate him. Finally, he threw caution to the wind and decided to text her, asking her out on a date. He regretted this decision as soon as the message was delivered, but that’s why he chose to text it – once it’s sent, it can’t be deleted or edited. He can’t change his mind now.

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    V43: Caught!


    Tina stopped by, offering another gift that she had fabricated. He thanked her and she stuck around to spend some time with him. She asked him if he liked to create things, and he told her about his passion for woodworking and even offered to show her to which she agreed.

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    V44: John Gets A Partner


    John was really beginning to bond with Jessica and she felt the same toward him, rubbing her head against his cheek. He made sure she had food, her house was clean, and that she was also clean before he headed back into town. He needed a drink and he hoped that Sara had forgotten about his attempted theft.

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