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Semi newbie to sims 2

MemoriiValentineMemoriiValentine Posts: 1,911 Member
I am going to reinstall sims 2 today and try to play rotation for the first time. Before,I would play my family and not worry about the other families aging.

How should I do rotations? A sim week at a time? I want time to get to know the sims if I am going to do rotations,I usually play on fastest speed without meaning to.

Is there any must have mods ?
How does cc eyes and skin work?
There is no story progression mods out there,right?

Thank you in advance!
Happy Simming!♥


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    DevalaousDevalaous Posts: 1,286 Member
    Theres a lot of mods that fix various EA bugs that cause corruption, but unlike sims 3, theres no universal mode to squash bugs.

    I have a lot of Cyjon's mods, and ive collected a bunch from other places too.

    Cant help you with rotational play, as I play with aging off and age people up manually when I feel they are ready for it. I usually play one or two families a day, in large chunks, and complete some goals for each.
    Rebuilding Sims 2 inside Sims 3 one lot and sim at a time.

    See my Sims 3 studio for latest progress.
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    Sorak4Sorak4 Posts: 3,940 Member
    edited November 2020
    You ABSOLUTELY NEED a lot of the anti-corruption mods, Pescado's unlinkondelete, creature fixes, the batbox, Nosimloaded, Cyjons Ghost Fixes are up there, because gossip is the one way street to seeing squiggly lines and toddlers with wants to woohoo the neighbourhood forever. Once corruption happens its like that for good and will slowly escalate... And Crumblebottom getting bit by a vampire will outright corrupt that game install entirely!

    You might want a clean neighbourhood template from Meetmetotheriver ( quick to setup and it'll make sure you won't ever have to play through a pre-corrupted neighbourhood like many of us may have done. And you get the ability to make a mega-hood with these if you want as a bonus!

    I don't play rotationally but I feel a season or in-game week will probably work best. No story progression however since it would most likely be a strain on TS2's engine.

    Custom skins and eyes work as a basic drag and drop into your download folder, from there you access them with everything else, the custom skins will have a star icon next to each default skin however which then opens a frame with all the custom skins. However don't delete anything custom that involves your Sims genes mid-neighbourhood because that's also an easy way to corrupt something.
    Post edited by Sorak4 on
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    SPARKY1922SPARKY1922 Posts: 5,965 Member

    I came to S2 via the ultimate collection after years of playing 3 and it nearly drove me nuts for a while as I simply wasn't used to the differences in game-play-)

    I began by trying to understand how corruption could be caused and did what @Sorak4 is suggesting by adding a few anti corruption mods and then when I started to play the game I wrote down everything that niggled me and went looking for a mod to fix whatever it was as doing it this way made me aware of why i was adding a particular mod.

    one great little mod to begin with that has tons of options is Twojeff's sim blender (looks like a potted shrub) and has functions like resolving motives, temperature of sims, ageing sims back to their present stage of life and so much more. I put this mod/plant in all my community lots as well so when sims get stinky at nightclubs I can hygiene up all the sims on the lot in one go-) Its a nice little first time mod to begin with..

    mod is around a third of the way down on the following link if you are interested called

    Then I moved onto CC after I was satisfied with my mods folder and sims/lots/neighborhoods can be made to look stunning if you are prepared to spend a little bit of time on it. I am not terribly creative but have enjoyed remaking sims plus trying to decorate lots and neighborhoods which gave me a lot of satisfaction when I finished something I was happy with.

    New look Brandi/Dustin


    This is a small beach area of a larger map created by @rflong7 I put together with plenty of CC :)


    like @Devalaous & @Sorak4 I don't play rotationally either. I have different households for different play styles and age up family and their friends from other households all together once I have decided they are ready to be aged up.

    This thread on MTS is a discussion about the pros and cons of playing rotationally which could be worth a look..
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    Sorak4Sorak4 Posts: 3,940 Member
    edited November 2020
    I shouldn't have brought up corruption and why it's super serious to prevent it, it has just first hand happened to me. Things like this and half your apartments disappearing is a good example on why you should try to make sure to backup neighbourhoods once you make some big progress

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    SPARKY1922SPARKY1922 Posts: 5,965 Member
    edited November 2020

    I think you definitely should have brought up corruption as honestly as a new player I wanted to know what I needed to do with the game prior to spending a lot of time on my sims/lots/neighborhoods and then experiencing corruption after that as it would really have done me in-)

    I never experienced apartments disappearing (yet) wondering what caused that?

    I also try and remember to back up frequently now too :)
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    MemoriiValentineMemoriiValentine Posts: 1,911 Member
    Sorak4 wrote: »
    I shouldn't have brought up corruption and why it's super serious to prevent it, it has just first hand happened to me. Things like this and half your apartments disappearing is a good example on why you should try to make sure to backup neighbourhoods once you make some big progress

    Yeah corruption is a good thing to bring up to a new player. Thank you! I will download the mods today. I downloaded a clean pleasant view to play in but that's it so far. I played the broke family but did not save. But I did save what little I played of the caliente as dina went coocoo after being robbed.

    I am unsure if rotational play is for me. But, we will see. First I will need mods and cc!
    Happy Simming!♥
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    garapoesgarapoes Posts: 422 Member
    I like to play 1 season per household :)
    English is not my first language so sorry if I make any mistakes!
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    CinebarCinebar Posts: 33,618 Member
    edited November 2020
    OP, I don't use any bug squashing mods. I guess I'm just lucky but have rarely if ever needed them. The only mod I decided I did need to fix anything was Two Jeffs mod to set relationships to their proper status. Like if you create an extended family such as uncles and aunts in the household when the niece or nephew ages up there seems to be bug or something that occurs sometimes, not all the time, where they are no longer kin to them. Two Jeffs SimBlender (a tree plant object) can fix this and set them back to kin. The only other mod I use all the time is a mod by Simwardrobe to stop witches from appearing on owned business lots. Anything I use other than those are to enhance my gameplay not stop corruption or fix anything.

    I don't have a set time to play on rotation but have always played my entire neighborhoods I build. I usually play one season with one, and when you rotate to the other you are back to the summer or fall season with the other. That's usually a week. Mon-Sunday. But I never set rules for myself or I would go crazy and become bored, I may jump and play someone else if I want to know what happened to them when I saw them on a community lot. :D
    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.
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    LogicallyironicLogicallyironic Posts: 137 Member
    I usually do by ages, which gets confusing especially since there isn't a way to modify life state length w/o mods. I generally break down each age as:

    baby - toddler: 0 - 4
    child: 5 - 12
    teen: 13 - 17
    young adult: 18 - 22
    adult: 23 - 54
    elder: 55+

    So I basically have a rough age estimate for each sim that I keep track of.
    So that means I would play my YA sims through college, keeping my toddler a toddler for the entire duration. Then, right before graduation, I'd switch to my toddler and age her up. Right after she ages up, I graduate my sims. It gets confusing, but I usually juggle like 3 households I care about and force story progression with cheats for everyone else.
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    CinebarCinebar Posts: 33,618 Member
    Sorak4 wrote: »
    I shouldn't have brought up corruption and why it's super serious to prevent it, it has just first hand happened to me. Things like this and half your apartments disappearing is a good example on why you should try to make sure to backup neighbourhoods once you make some big progress

    Not trying to resurrect this thread, but this has never happened to me in my games in twenty years. Homes didn't show up on TS4 map for me one time because they didn't have a mailbox but that was easy to fix.
    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.
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    Sorak4Sorak4 Posts: 3,940 Member
    Cinebar wrote: »
    Sorak4 wrote: »
    I shouldn't have brought up corruption and why it's super serious to prevent it, it has just first hand happened to me. Things like this and half your apartments disappearing is a good example on why you should try to make sure to backup neighbourhoods once you make some big progress

    Not trying to resurrect this thread, but this has never happened to me in my games in twenty years. Homes didn't show up on TS4 map for me one time because they didn't have a mailbox but that was easy to fix.

    Corruption can be odd, I've always heard horror-stories about it and things like the Sims acting like dogs, aging like dogs and... Being broken, but my case must've been the game not knowing whats going on with the neighbourhood view and disappearing Sims, I remember looking in SimPE and catching my disappeared Sims in the Default Household, so they weren't even deleated or missing their files, they just... Moved out?

    Still not even sure how the other household lost its name though.
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    CinebarCinebar Posts: 33,618 Member
    edited March 2021
    I wonder what happened in your game that made this happen like what you were doing and or what you had done before this happened. I think a lot of corruption in TS2 is caused by an innocent player not understanding consequences of some of the things they do. But there was a bug in Pets that caused graves to go missing and couldn't get them back. A work around was to make the Sim take the headstone to the actual graveyard or wherever and place it instead of 'sending' it to the lot or spot. I know I was really upset by that bug before they fixed it. Another corruption that can cause things to go missing is using a Uni house in the mainhood, the house is corrupted if you take one of the houses in the University hoods into a main hood to rent/own. It is cheaper but still has corruption. Sorry, for going off topic on this thread but the corrupted hood is an interesting one, and I can't remember if this was a known bug that happened for some odd reason when AL was released and or if it was caused by something a player did.

    One thing I do remember is never convert a community lot (even if you have a buyable mailbox) into an apartment base and or move to another hood, or use the cheat to edit an apartment lot while Sims are living there, that all goes badly.

    Here is a link (sorry OP but the lot hood corruption should be addressed in case anyone else does it) to show players what they do in the game is the reason for their corruptions. This what Not to do and how to possibly fix hood corruption.

    I hope you too will read it, OP.
    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.
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