Its time for the final screenshot thread! Show us what ya got here!
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What Happened In Your Game Today, The Non-Serial Story Version


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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,938 Member
    edited March 2023
    All five of my Teen students finished their First Term at Uni with flying colors. Each had an A+ GPA. They celebrated Christmas Eve by decorating the tree they placed at Darby's Den, went to Midnight Services and then Erik got up after only an hour's sleep to get on his Term Paper. The first draft which he rejected to start anew, was poor. He managed to change it from poor, to normal, to excellent and submitted that puppy. With his pre-Term work finally complete, he roused his siblings and girlfriend to head over to the Darby's Den again to celebrate Christmas. Erik also had the Starlight Accolades Show to attend. Due to getting home by 2AM and getting back up at 3AM, the Teen missed most of the awards. Megumi Ito was kind enough to nudge him awake when he won his fourth Best Song, for the movie soundtrack, Collision. They now have their Second Term, which begins on Monday. And I have nine days left to have them graduate, for Erik to propose marriage to Kayleigh and if he says yes, to have a wedding. Nine days. Nine. :open_mouth:
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    DivapixieDivapixie Posts: 63 Member
    Teddy finally completed the no-skills scenario. (yay goodbye dumpsters and trash fruit fizz) Plastic is moving to the city to become an Artist, Avery was made valedictorian so is off to study villainy at University. This leaves the Trashbags forgotten child Anne to continue the family quest to transform Newcrest.
    She was pretty surprised to find out she is going to be the center of attention from now on.
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    Princess of Da'varhPrincess of Da'varh Posts: 344 Member
    Yay my Simself's new job is going well, so far. The rain has stopped and she even found a little time to go to the beach. She did a little socialising there but she's shy so didn't do too much. Just relax and enjoyed the sunshine. I've been working on her charisma and she's learning the guitar as well.
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    UniqueKhaosUniqueKhaos Posts: 470 Member
    I played a family for hours today but can’t remember the dad’s name. I can’t even remember what letter it starts with. :/ It’s the family I’m supposed to use for the new pack so I should probably learn his name…and their last name. And yes, I created and named these sims and I’ve been playing them for at least two weeks. Well, the dad had a massive heart attack and died but his daughter, Sage, was able to plead for his life. Sadly neither he nor his wife, Tessa, wants to have anymore kids. That was definitely not in my plans but I’m going with it. I may have them adopt when Sage heads off to university. Sage was diagnosed with diabetes so I gave her one of the new glucose monitors from the last update. Sage is still a teen but she’s going to marry Duane Talla after university.
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    Princess of Da'varhPrincess of Da'varh Posts: 344 Member
    > @UniqueKhaos said:
    > I played a family for hours today but can’t remember the dad’s name. I can’t even remember what letter it starts with. :/ It’s the family I’m supposed to use for the new pack so I should probably learn his name…and their last name. And yes, I created and named these sims and I’ve been playing them for at least two weeks. Well, the dad had a massive heart attack and died but his daughter, Sage, was able to plead for his life. Sadly neither he nor his wife, Tessa, wants to have anymore kids. That was definitely not in my plans but I’m going with it. I may have them adopt when Sage heads off to university. Sage was diagnosed with diabetes so I gave her one of the new glucose monitors from the last update. Sage is still a teen but she’s going to marry Duane Talla after university.

    I keep a word document with all my families and their names in it. That way I can keep track of them. It might be worth you doing the same. ^^
    It also means you can keep track of their careers, family tree, hobbies, etc, it helps me out a lot as my memory is shockingly bad for a 26yro lol.
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    DangalfSimDangalfSim Posts: 17 Member
    edited March 2023
    I've been lurking around on the forums for ages trying to muster up the courage to make a post somewhere. I just hope that this is the right place now that I've decided to take the plunge!

    My Generation 8 heir has just given birth to his four children (well his partners have). And I'm hoping that I can get these children ready to have children of their own before the infant update - ambitious? Maybe.

    But in the meantime, I just wanted to share the Winnsnap Legacy with you all. Despite having played The Sims franchise for literally years I've never completed a legacy challenge, so I'm pretty darn proud of myself for getting this close now. There was just something about this family that finally clicked, and I've just loved every generation, and every single Sim.

    You can take a look at the family tree over on Plum Tree App here: It's still a bit of a work-in-progress. I've got all of the Sims in there, along with their traits and some other little bits of information. But I need to just sort out all of their headshots, and I'd like to add a little bit of story to at least the main legacy heirs. But I was just too excited to share!

    If you can forgive me, I'd also love to share some of my favourite screenshots (hidden behind spoiler tags of course!):
    Here's my founder, Arla Winnsnap, and her husband Tomax Collette. Tomax was an amazing dad!

    My sister was actually the one who created Arla, so I can't take credit for that. You'll notice that she has some scars. The storyline behind Arla was that she was a mermaid, but our story begins with her waking up on the bank of the river in Glimmerbrook (I rolled for my starting world, and that's what I got) with no memory of her past, but a deep sense that something is amiss. She tried yoga and meditation, but even becoming a master of those didn't help. It wasn't until she took a holiday to Sulani and experienced the ocean that she realised what had been missing from her life.
    After Arla reconnected with her mermaidhood(?), mermaidism(?), she moved the family to Sulani. Having the kids grow up in Sulani meant that I could take some pretty gorgeous screenshots. Like this one of Arla's firstborn, Sebastian, marrying Rashidah Watson. I'll give you three guesses as to who his dad is (hint it's not Tomax).
    Arla's grandson Manollo (on the left) was one of my most favourite Sims. Here he is with his older adopted sister Lilliana, and older adopted brother Kekoa. Manollo was adopted by Hans Winnsnap and Duane Talla, but (because I'm a sucker for genetics) he shares his genetics with Hans and his donor/surrogate mother, Lilliana Kealoha (Duane's sort-of-adoptive mum).

    Here's Manollo with Venessa Jeong. I gave Venessa a more dressed-down appearance for when she's just hanging out with her family. She doesn't need that blue hair and gold dress when she's sitting down to pancakes with the kids, right? But don't worry, she still has her iconic look when she's strutting her stuff around town in Del Sol Valley.

    Manollo lived a very long life thanks to the fitness skill, a Potion of Youth, and the fact that he spent some time as a ghost due to an unfortunate cowplant incident (don't ask). One of the things he accomplished in his long life was to solve the StrangerVille mystery with his aunt Melody. Venessa came to town shortly afterwards as part of a film crew filming for a new movie about Manollo's and Melody's adventures. That's how Manollo and Venessa met, and the rest, as they say, was herstory.

    And here's Manollo and Venessa chilling on the porch as elders - so cute! <3
    Manollo's daughter was called Ginger. She was born around the time that the Werewolves Game Pack was announced and I really wanted her to fall in love with a werewolf. Jeb was giving me serious werewolf vibes and so I came up with this whole backstory for him and the Harris family, mainly involving Francine. Unfortunately, once I discovered the built-in lore, it kind of meant that my story didn't work any more, but hey-ho! I did eventually come to regret adding a werewolf into the family as it took me a further four generations to purge those genes.

    Ginger was the first (and only, so far) Sim of this family to go to university. It was a bit tight, but she just about managed to create a Servo Bot (Ava Gang-Sun) before she passed away.
    Ginger and Jeb had five children, and most if not all of them were while Ginger was studying at university #girlpower. Ginger's second-born was Beau. Here he is with his partner, Iggy Pancakes. Despite them getting a divorce (after adopting two children - my bad), they were such a cute couple while they lasted. (Iggy's story gets a bit dark, but I won't share it in this relatively light-hearted post.)

    Ginger's third-born was Reid. Here he is with his wife, Lily. By this point the family had so much money, so Reid moved to Henford-on-Bagley to help Lily keep her family farm going. The money from his art critic job came in really useful, even if Reid himself wasn't quite cut out for the farmer lifestyle.

    I just love this photo of them on their wedding day stood in front of this tree!
    Reid's grandsons were twins, Ash and Bear. I set the pair of them to make friends while at school, and when they came home I got a pop-up asking me if Bear wanted to bring Olive Tinker home. Of course, I said yes. When they loaded onto the lot, she immediately starting being mean to Bear. Despite being an evil kleptomaniac, Ash absolutely adored his brother (and kitties) so he was having none of it. Him and Olive became fast enemies, and I'd often take him round to her house to smash her dollhouse, steal her things, prank her toilets, call her names...

    ... but then they went through a classic enemies-to-lovers situation and fast became my favourite couple in The Sims. They did this mostly on their own with only the gentlest of nudges from me (I swear). I got Ash to tell Olive a joke once when they were teenagers and her face immediately lit up like she'd just won the lottery, and (despite their relationship bar being as red as it could be) from that point on they began acting like they were best friends.

    And here's Olive at her wedding to Ash. Just look at that face - so much joy! <3

    But what happened next, will shock you...
    A brief intermission from Ash and Olive's story to show you Bear all grown up. He grew up into a family-oriented Sim, but his traits (namely socially awkward) seemed to make it just impossible for him to get a partner. But then I thought, why does he even need a partner to start a family?! So I sent him on his way and set Neighbourhood Stories to allow him to adopt. He did not disappoint. He ended up with 14 children before he passed away!
    Anyway, back to Ash and Olive. So a handful of disclaimers here; 1) you may have noticed that that's not Olive in this photo; 2) I have a mod that adds pregnancy-related moodlets; and 3) I have a mod that allows pregnant Sims to age and even die - I think you can see where this is going...

    Oh! And I also have a mod that affects pregnancy chances and fertility rates. So I was getting Ash and Olive to try and try for a baby, but just nothing was happening. The pair were getting older and older, and frankly cuter and cuter, but still no baby. And I was starting to get worried. But thankfully, finally, Olive fell pregnant. Phew!

    Then one day, Olive came home from work pretty angry. Her back was hurting from the pregnancy and she'd just had a generally bad day at work. No worries I thought, we'll get her sorted. She took a seat on the sofa that the cats had scratched to high heaven. And that was it. The last straw. Olive became enraged! Before I had a second to think I heard that god awful sting, and the camera flew over to focus on Olive. What is going on? Olive can't die - she's pregnant! (I'd forgotten about my mods.) Good ol' Grimmy appeared. Ash's ardent pleas fell on deaf ears, and that was that.

    I'd never had a pregnant Sim die before so I didn't know what to expect. Would ghost-Olive just stay pregnant forever? Would the baby just get deleted? Had I failed the legacy challenge at Generation 7? I didn't know what to do. Ash was noncommittal. Olive was a wonderful exception, but it didn't make sense for him to rush out and find a new partner. Would he rush out and WooHoo a bunch of Sims? But he loved Olive. He was noncommittal, not a sleaze. Eventually, Ash got a phone call from Olive - "I've given birth to a beautiful baby boy" - and so began my frantic attempts to add this baby to the household. Which I managed! *self-five*

    Now, not only I'm I a sucker for genetics, but I'm also a sucker for storylines. So what was going to be my story here. Did the doctors just manage to save the baby after Olive passed away? And he just had to spend a few Sim days in the hospital before being sent home? Hmm, a bit too dark and gritty, I thought. But what fit very nicely with the vibe of The Sims was if the baby was a ghost baby. Somehow he had been born in the spiritual plane and passed through into this plane of existence. How? Through the power of love? Who knows? It doesn't matter. It's The Sims.

    Obviously you can't have ghost babies in The Sims 4, so I had to use my imagination until little Waylon-Brodie (just Brodie to his friends) aged up into a young adult. And then, through the power of MCCC I killed him by anger. So then the challenge of trying to resurrect him.

    Much fishing, gardening, and cooking later, I finally managed to get Brodie to prepare Ambrosia. I do wish I'd made him change out of his work clothes before I got him to eat it, but I'd just been sat there through a 48-hour-long fishing session and I was a bit too eager!

    And here his is. The Generation 8 heir. Fully alive. Fully ready to carry on the legacy. In my game, his partners, Joaquín and Aaron, have just given birth to the last of their four children. Generation 9 children - I can't believe it!
    Thank you for taking the time to read through this essay of mine. Making this post was a real personal challenge as well, so doubly thank you for taking the time to read it. I'm sure that this drama is nothing compared to what you wonderful people have done in your games, but I've really enjoyed my time with this family. And I'm just so proud that I've gotten this far! Thank you <3
    The Winnsnap Legacy family tree (currently on Generation 8):
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,938 Member
    I played a family for hours today but can’t remember the dad’s name. I can’t even remember what letter it starts with. :/ It’s the family I’m supposed to use for the new pack so I should probably learn his name…and their last name. And yes, I created and named these sims and I’ve been playing them for at least two weeks. Well, the dad had a massive heart attack and died but his daughter, Sage, was able to plead for his life. Sadly neither he nor his wife, Tessa, wants to have anymore kids. That was definitely not in my plans but I’m going with it. I may have them adopt when Sage heads off to university. Sage was diagnosed with diabetes so I gave her one of the new glucose monitors from the last update. Sage is still a teen but she’s going to marry Duane Talla after university.

    And people wonder why I keep playing the same family … ;)
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,938 Member
    @DangulfSim Welcome Aboard! I loved every bit of your story. Whew, what a ride you've had. I hope you share more as your story comes along. :)
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    Admiral8QAdmiral8Q Posts: 3,334 Member
    edited March 2023
    First time I EVER did the celebrity acting career thing. Heh heh! Even though I've had "Get Famous" forever.
    I modified Nancy Ward a bit. Made her Adult, and replaced "mean" trait with "Art Lover".

    Anyways, was actually quite fun!

    I will put the screenshots in 'spoiler' to not spam the thread. View if interested. ;)

    Nancy Ward has a daughter and three grandchildren while I was playing. Two girls, one boy. (Grown up)
    I really spent more time rebuilding the manor. Playing all the characters, then decided to do the "acting career" thing finally!

    Ward: "IN SOOTH! Or is it tooth? What shall thines theys thems? Huh? I'll figure this script out..."

    Ward: "Okay producer guy, I'm ready."
    Producer guy: "Hang on, I got a text on my phone..."

    Ward: "THY THEY! Though shalt not mess with me.. US ME, plural but singular! THY THEMS VILLAIN THEY IS!"

    Ward: "MINE SWORD! OUR sword it, er, they shall slay theees, thems! Singular thee-them!"

    Ward: "Submit! Defeated foe! Or foes but singular! Though theys thems shaldt not take mine, er, we love from US! Or is it loves but singular?"

    Ward: "MY LOVE! Defeateth the evil villains, singular, they us did! Kisseth US yous them they to ME us now!"
    Lotta: "You're crazy! That's not in the script! Fine, I will get this scene over with..."


    Bailey-Moon: "Heyy! Nancy! I just watched the filming you did earlier... NOT BAD! NOT BAD!"
    Ward: "Thanks! Us super-stars can never go wrong, right! Want to come in for a root-beer or something? The overly expensive stuff of course."
    Bailey-Moon: "No. No. No thank you. I'll just be going now. Bye bye..."

    Reticulating Splines...

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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,938 Member
    @Admiral8Q That was hysterical! Thanks for my morning chuckle!
    Love the whole pronoun parody. Perfect.
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    HopeyStarrHopeyStarr Posts: 1,276 Member
    The Squad decided to hangout after school at Totter Park. Kailey chugged a can of hot coffee beforehand, so she wasn't feeling the least bit cold while playing in the snow.


    Later, the group took their fun to a secluded area under a bridge.
    It was getting late and of course some of the teens had to make their way home before getting in trouble with their parents.
    Soon enough it was just Kailey and Raiden left hanging out.

    It wasn't that these two didn't have parents/guardians waiting for them at home, but they shared the similar experience of growing up in rough environments, and/or feeling generally misunderstood by the adults in their lives.

    Kailey was the one that didn't want to go home the most after having a huge argument with her father earlier that day. She didn't have to say much on the subject, Raiden could just tell. The pair opted to spend the night under the stars, away from the noise, and enjoy the moment of peace.
    The next morning Kailey woke to find Raiden was gone, but there was a snowman nearby that looked suspiciously like him.

    Thankfully she was feeling a lot better and was ready to face the new day.

    Little did she know of the frantic situation a home. For the first time, her worried grandfather was getting the police involved since Kailey did not come home last night.

    Her father was calling the school and every relevant contact he knew about her whereabouts.

    After more frantic calls and a bit of bribing the police were finally able to locate and recover Kailey.

    Grandfather Patten was overjoyed to have her home safe.

    Father Dan had a few choice words for Kailey, seeing it as "tacky" for her to be playing so much into the teenage rebel image.

    Kailey wasn't hearing any of it this time and stormed off before her father finished speaking.

    Dan vented further frustrations to his father. It felt like he and Kailey were never going to see eye to eye.
    *:.。."It's great being ((Queen Bee))!".。.:*
    ✧ :-"As long as I continue to believe then one day my ((dreams)) really will come true."✧ :-
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    LoanetLoanet Posts: 4,079 Member
    I decided to spice up my game, but I'm aware

    So I downloaded an... *ahem* nightclub... from the gallery and started renovating it, removing hundreds of unnecessery lights and pretty much halving the price.
    Prepping a list of mods to add after Infants are placed into the game. Because real life isn't 'nice'.
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    mightyspritemightysprite Posts: 6,068 Member
    @DangalfSim Thanks for sharing your legacy story! It was a very fun read.
    @ashcrash19 Wow, what a great room (in the "digital art" shot)-- super quirky and fun, great for an illustrator.
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    Princess of Da'varhPrincess of Da'varh Posts: 344 Member
    @HopeyStarr your pictures are lovely. Looks like they had fun in the snow ❄️
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    AngeliqueAdelaideAngeliqueAdelaide Posts: 1,033 Member
    edited March 2023
    A waiter came by and promply threw the food of Rose's date - that he hadn't had a chance to even taste, as it had been served only a moment earlier - into trash. Excuse me, sir, what's your problem? Behavior as such may very easily earn you a future as a vampire's dinner.
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    JustinB113JustinB113 Posts: 1,050 Member
    edited March 2023
    DangalfSim wrote: »
    I've been lurking around on the forums for ages trying to muster up the courage to make a post somewhere. I just hope that this is the right place now that I've decided to take the plunge!

    Making this post was a real personal challenge as well, so doubly thank you for taking the time to read it. I'm sure that this drama is nothing compared to what you wonderful people have done in your games, but I've really enjoyed my time with this family. And I'm just so proud that I've gotten this far! Thank you <3

    You sell yourself short, this is really good, some of the pictures are great, I love the wedding sim, Vanessa as elder on the porch and the one with the servo🙂. You shouldn’t worry to post in this thread it’s for anything and everyone really.
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,938 Member
    I had a very busy day in my game yesterday, after I was able to sort out what to do about this save, that is. This week began the last Term of three. Starting on Tuesdays, the birthdays began and ended very early Saturday. On Thursday, which was Kayleigh's birthday, Erik finally popped the question. She said yes, but poor guy stayed on his knee until he got an answer. She was totally blown away by the rock he presented her with. I have to say is enormous. But then again, he is a Global Superstar and with it comes a nice paycheck, why not? All five of them graduated with honors. A+ GPA across the board. After the ceremony, they moved to HoB together, where Erik's newly built cottage awaited them. I may go ahead and split them up, since the patch is coming so close and mods are likely to bust. I use SimRealist SNB and SNB-Bills, which allows for each person in a single household to have a personal account. Monies Joey and Brianna earned over the summer is theirs, of course, and Erik has his earnings. He allowed for some of his smaller income to become a slush fund while at Uni and I decided to divide that amount by three. I have added the amount to his three siblings' accounts. Once I lose the mods, they lose their money. But, if I put them into their own places, then I can have them withdraw the funds and it becomes Household funds.

    If I can hurry and get the newly engaged married, then I will send the others to their own lots. Sometimes weddings come off a tad easier if one can control most of the wedding party. With four days left, I best get to playing my game!
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    JustinB113JustinB113 Posts: 1,050 Member
    I am building a house for my prelude to growing together. Not the house I will use in growing together but it is good practise to make as best I can. I think this is the fifth lot I have done and get better each time. Still can’t do the outside though 😬.


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    Princess of Da'varhPrincess of Da'varh Posts: 344 Member
    I haven't been playing as much. 😱 I'm super excited for the infants update and I think it's too much for my autistic brain so I can't settle and do anything at the moment... I have been working in my word docs, creating Sims ready for when I do next play. Last time I was in game it wasn't for long but, I did have my Sim go to the park and then she went swimming where she met a MerSim.


    The first blooms of romance, perhaps?

    Oh. Or not. 🤣🤣🤣
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    Princess of Da'varhPrincess of Da'varh Posts: 344 Member
    I had a very busy day in my game yesterday, after I was able to sort out what to do about this save, that is. This week began the last Term of three. Starting on Tuesdays, the birthdays began and ended very early Saturday. On Thursday, which was Kayleigh's birthday, Erik finally popped the question. She said yes, but poor guy stayed on his knee until he got an answer. She was totally blown away by the rock he presented her with. I have to say is enormous. But then again, he is a Global Superstar and with it comes a nice paycheck, why not? All five of them graduated with honors. A+ GPA across the board. After the ceremony, they moved to HoB together, where Erik's newly built cottage awaited them. I may go ahead and split them up, since the patch is coming so close and mods are likely to bust. I use SimRealist SNB and SNB-Bills, which allows for each person in a single household to have a personal account. Monies Joey and Brianna earned over the summer is theirs, of course, and Erik has his earnings. He allowed for some of his smaller income to become a slush fund while at Uni and I decided to divide that amount by three. I have added the amount to his three siblings' accounts. Once I lose the mods, they lose their money. But, if I put them into their own places, then I can have them withdraw the funds and it becomes Household funds.

    If I can hurry and get the newly engaged married, then I will send the others to their own lots. Sometimes weddings come off a tad easier if one can control most of the wedding party. With four days left, I best get to playing my game!

    Weddings can be a lot of fun. I preplan and set up most of my Sims weddings, sometimes I let them go by themselves and see how it goes but usually it's chaotic lol 😂
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    telemwilltelemwill Posts: 1,761 Member
    I haven't been on this thread lately due to family stuff, but I've been avoiding Sims with families in my rotation. I played with vampires and completed Lilith's aspiration, so now I have all the lots in Forgotten (or is it Forbidden?) Hollow completed and filled with vampire couples, mostly sired by Lilith. Yes, I'm planning to have some vampire babies!

    Vlad is still on his lonesome. The empty lot was made into a church wedding venue. (I downloaded a Gothic one from the gallery and modified it.) The other three lots will be my vampire families. I'm going to have to look up some ideas on making vampire children unique and fun!

    Sorry that I don't have any pictures this time! Next up in my rotation is Brindleton Bay. Mostly playing with Jessica from the HSY's trailer here.
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    UniqueKhaosUniqueKhaos Posts: 470 Member

    Last night I finished making a celebrity townie named Aashvi Chowdury. She's an actress/global superstar/humanitarian. I doubt I'll actually play her though. I stressed myself out giving her 5 all white or predominately white outfits in every category. I'll never do that to again...unless the color is black.

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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,938 Member
    edited March 2023
    @Identity I love her expression!

    I worked on the wedding venue for my couple yesterday, played only a little as I ran out of time and had to start dinner.
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    SimlingtonSimlington Posts: 26 Member
    edited March 2023
    Show pics when you are full member, please :) Im not so much into DS9 , Enterprise or Picard , but my fav was Voy, where Jeri Ryan also was as Seven of Nine , or her original name . Anika Hansen :)
    Here you go, @Ellupelluellu
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    EllupelluelluEllupelluellu Posts: 7,207 Member
    Simlington wrote: »
    Show pics when you are full member, please :) Im not so much into DS9 , Enterprise or Picard , but my fav was Voy, where Jeri Ryan also was as Seven of Nine , or her original name . Anika Hansen :)
    Here you go, @Ellupelluellu

    That's great! :)
    My love, my love, my fearless love, I will not say goodbye..
    Sea may rise, sky may fall, My love will never die..
    My heart, my heart, My drowning heart, Oh all the tears I've cried
    Oh I may weep forevermore, My love will never die..
    My Story:Villa Catarina

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