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EXTREME Legacy Challenge


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    damalas75damalas75 Posts: 38 Member
    oh if he moves in and brings money ( the normal 20,000) what do I do with that income? remove it or keep it?
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    damalas75damalas75 Posts: 38 Member
    selling flowers one by one got annoying so I place on on the ground, sell the stack and put that one back so I always have 1. Made about 600$.
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    NAPK1NSNAPK1NS Posts: 116 Member
    I can’t even keep money on the sims, I keep getting 11 k bills despite turning off all electronics over night and all that and I only earn 500 simoleons a day so my family isn’t doing so well at the moment and probably will nevertheless become rich :#
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    MissCharlieMissCharlie Posts: 405 Member
    when a spouse moves in you cant keep their 20,000 got to get rid of it and you really should only get one big bill the rest should be less
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    damalas75damalas75 Posts: 38 Member
    Melton I find the bills are affected by items the more on the lot the higher the bills ( including pictures) also the larger the house the more as well so it cheaper to go 2 stories then build out. That should help reduce bills.
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    damalas75damalas75 Posts: 38 Member
    K another one lol Woodworking furniture, can we sell that (bath tubs worth 1,500) the rest range from 5-400$ .Do we need doubles to sell, can we use them in our homes? can check the woodworking costs on guides.
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    MissCharlieMissCharlie Posts: 405 Member
    thanks i think i will restrict it to only being able to make one a week of the bathtub. yes still need doubles
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    damalas75damalas75 Posts: 38 Member
    Finally she got handiness 4, char 3 logic 3, now she going to have to hang out at the museum for that paint 3 skill, she saved about 2,300 so far gathering. So just a bit more and she can build a basic home! 18 sim days of her YA left to enjoy.
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    damalas75damalas75 Posts: 38 Member
    uh.. haven't even put a house down yet and got a bill for 4,859... I said eh.. she can live without utilities for a while, Just Got her home down 6x6 with only a bed, fridge and a counter so far.
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    damalas75damalas75 Posts: 38 Member
    Oh a side not if they do get shut off.. you can still shower, use the toilet, water etc.. just you can only make salads...and no power for electronics.
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    damalas75damalas75 Posts: 38 Member
    I just had a messed up idea... what about retail?
    Retail store (end game)
    You may buy a store (on the smallest lot) Must have walls,doors,1 bathroom ( both gender or 2 one male one female) Cash Register and a counter to put it on required by store lot.

    You can not Restock! You can only sell your doubles. You are only allowed Clearance - 5% Markup, Sale - 15% Markup, Normal - 25% Markup only.

    Construction costs 2000
    Blueprints 1000

    Reg skills
    Level 7 Charisma
    Level 8 handiness
    Level 5 programing
    Level 5 Writing
    Level 6 logic

    Your now a store owner now, you have to know "everything about your business, paper work, it computers, it clients and the shop itself. It is considered a family business and passed down should you wish to continue generations after home complete.
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    MissCharlieMissCharlie Posts: 405 Member
    I don't know why your bills are so high mine wasn't ever that high, to begin with, the first one is like a couple thousand because you have 10,000 that you take away but then mine was only like a couple hundred??? love your retail store idea will put it up straight away
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    damalas75damalas75 Posts: 38 Member
    ya now it is 500$ atm first bill was 4K.
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    damalas75damalas75 Posts: 38 Member
    The before and after librarian lol (https):// After (https):// . ( remove brackets)
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    damalas75damalas75 Posts: 38 Member
    And My sim Aspen Wilder ( https)://
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    damalas75damalas75 Posts: 38 Member
    ya handiness us really giving me an advantage, I say they are going to have to be limited to Make only and cant sell ( or once a week only items same as painting) cause they sell for as much as a masterwork painting. but they can use in home decor just cant sell like 6 a day , These -Grand falls Mascot-1, 500, Guitar- 1,200, Bathtub- 1,510.
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    MissCharlieMissCharlie Posts: 405 Member
    love your sims there amazing love the librarian's transformation definitely changing the woodworking table
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    MissCharlieMissCharlie Posts: 405 Member
    with the plants to sell them easier just put 1 of every plant in your family inventory so you can sell the plants without having to worry about keeping one of every plant :)
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    damalas75damalas75 Posts: 38 Member
    Well.. got the nursery done and a bathroom and bed room.. so figured she was adult it time for a kid with mr. lucky librarian... And we ended up with twin boys... Blaze and Leon Wilder, this will make it hard being a single mother of two, but she going to try and provide them with extra care so they have a much richer future then she started out with. (changing asp to parenting) This Generation will hopefully have a job if they get all A's and some skills and education for their future jobs as she already making collage plans for them... but who going to be the Heir out first born twins... we will have to find out. (https)://
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    damalas75damalas75 Posts: 38 Member
    Well this is a Nightmare! Random rolled the toddler and lucked out with Angelic and Charmer... but they love to make messes and it one right after the other! From feeding to diapers and now messes and needs. Aspen not been able to get a single thing done and the house looks like a spatter disaster. Aspen had had enough she need to get out of the house once in a while just to give herself a break, so she made a new friend, and went one a date with the Librarian which went perfectly, and it also gave her some time to run around the park collecting a few more things to sell, which she put away for the kids collage funds. ( deducted 2000$ for child care, and 500$ so far out of 3000 total for both to get a job) Rent may be a little tight this week but she thinks she can make it. (700$ bills)
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    MissCharlieMissCharlie Posts: 405 Member
    ohh sounds very exciting and challenging I woulder which boy will be heir
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    damalas75damalas75 Posts: 38 Member
    Well the librarian came for a visit and helped with the kids on his own, giving aspen some well needed sleep. After a few dates, it was time they had been in love since they first meet and best friends through it all. So Aspen got down on a knee (cause he wouldn't) n their 3 rd date which they had a romantic evening camping ( one of the local parks I added tents to) ( helping out- (https):// ) ( proposal - (https):// ) he gladly accepted not they had to set a day ( soon as aspen will be an elder in 14 days, going to be a real short honeymoon) So they had an advance honeymoon right there at the park. ( lol- (https):// ) Soon after the boys celebrated their Birthday! Not to say the messed stopped so aspen started to get forceful demanding they clean up after themselves, hopefully that solves the issue. Sill only 500 invested into their education.. and now a wedding to plan... how is Aspen ever going to balance all these bills... Thank god for school though, it finally gives her the time she needs to stretch her legs, thank god for teachers.
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    damalas75damalas75 Posts: 38 Member
    Will we be allowed to use the Private Journal and Family Billboards? Children's school projects and Child interactive toys? It been such a hard run for aspen she already has parenting 9 @.@ they are the devils spawn I tell you... they need distractions!
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    MissCharlieMissCharlie Posts: 405 Member
    The librarian looks so cute with the twins, he looks so excited about the proposal yay. I don't see anything wrong with using the private journal, family billboard, children and teens school projects or interactive toys. devils spawn LOL!!!!
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