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Would You Rather

RoggieBearRoggieBear Posts: 243 Member
You have to answer the last would you rather question (or WYR) and add on your own. If you don't know would you rather is a game where you ask two things, wither both bad or both good. But there is a catch... You have to use the one you would rather do, in the next WYR question... Here is an example.

Josh - WYR eat sugar or salt?
Candy - Salt (LOL) - WYR eat salt, or live forever?
Bob - Live forever - WYR live forever or live at Disney World ( a really cool amusement park in the US)
Josh - Live forever - WYR live forever or.....

Got it? Let's get playing!!!
Would you rather... kill your best friend, but never be caught, or kiss your mortal enemy, with nobody watching?

Inspired +1 - Who isn't inspired after seeing the cutest thing ever come out of the banana they were eating?



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    samemiesamemie Posts: 1,623 Member
    edited July 2017
    I don't have an enemy that I'm aware of but regardless I'd rather kiss my mortal enemy (honestly seems like a small price to pay compared to the other option)

    WYR kiss your mortal enemy with nobody watching or hold a tarantula?
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    RoggieBearRoggieBear Posts: 243 Member
    edited July 2017
    ooh, nice one!!! I guess kiss my mortal enemy -- I HATE spiders, and that could potentially kill you if it bites you, as they are poisonous --- I think...

    Thanks so much @samemie for your opinion!!!
    Would you rather kiss your mortal enemy with nobody watching, or get stung by a whole nest of wasps?

    Inspired +1 - Who isn't inspired after seeing the cutest thing ever come out of the banana they were eating?

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    dreamsimmer394dreamsimmer394 Posts: 425 Member
    Kiss my mortal enemy. Hate bugs.

    WYR get stung by a whole nest of wasps or get bitten by three dogs?
    I love simming, reading, and YouTube.

    My current family:

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    teamothyteamothy Posts: 8 New Member
    > @dreamsimmer394 said:
    > Kiss my mortal enemy. Hate bugs.
    > WYR get stung by a whole nest of wasps or get bitten by three dogs?

    I think you were supposed to make it about the one you would rather do-
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    dreamsimmer394dreamsimmer394 Posts: 425 Member
    Oh whoopsie so sorry!

    WYR Would you rather kiss your mortal enemy with nobody watching or get bitten by three dogs?
    I love simming, reading, and YouTube.

    My current family:

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    teamothyteamothy Posts: 8 New Member
    Haha, it's okay!

    I would rather get bitten by three dogs.

    Would you rather get bitten by three dogs or be hospitalized for a day or two for eating something you're allergic to?
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    dreamsimmer394dreamsimmer394 Posts: 425 Member
    Hospitalized so I can eat all the jello I want for free!!

    WYR be hospitalized for a day or two for eating something you're allergic to or skydive of Mt. Everest?
    I love simming, reading, and YouTube.

    My current family:

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    ZakzebrahZakzebrah Posts: 41 Member
    Be hospiliatalized!!' Then I'll get free stuff from my mom!!!

    WYR never see again or never hear again?
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    RoggieBearRoggieBear Posts: 243 Member
    Zakzebrah wrote: »
    Be hospiliatalized!!' Then I'll get free stuff from my mom!!!

    WYR never see again or never hear again?

    Really quick -- Just to clarify, I saw this a couple times... you have to use the one you picked (in this option, be hospiliatalized, if that's even a word... lol or hospitalized...) and put it in the Would you rather statement (WYR be hospitalized, or...)

    Inspired +1 - Who isn't inspired after seeing the cutest thing ever come out of the banana they were eating?

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    xorachoxxorachox Posts: 9 New Member
    > @Zakzebrah said:
    > Be hospiliatalized!!' Then I'll get free stuff from my mom!!!
    > WYR never see again or never hear again?

    Never see again, I always have nightmares of becoming deaf.

    WYR Never see again or get tasered every time a charity advert airs on tv?
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    samemiesamemie Posts: 1,623 Member
    I'd rather get tasered, I don't watch TV too much so don't see charity ads much and never seeing again sounds awful

    Would you rather get tasered every time a charity advert airs on TV or never watch TV again?
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    JoshuaSims0JoshuaSims0 Posts: 207 Member
    never watch tv again. i would just live off of youtube.

    would you rather live forever with both your legs amputated.
    or have your family die.
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    WavymelWavymel Posts: 10 New Member
    live forever with both of my legs amputated, i love my family too much lol

    would you rather live forever with both your legs amputated or live forever in a coma?
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    rosethesimmerrosethesimmer Posts: 109 Member
    I would rather live forever with both legs amputated

    Would you rather live forever with both your legs amputated or never be able to date/marry someone
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    samemiesamemie Posts: 1,623 Member
    Oh thats tough they're both sad options... I think I'd rather never be able to date or marry someone. I haven't so far anyway but the thought of it never happening is kinda sad. Though I don't care about marriage anyway so I suppose that bits fine :tongue:

    Would you rather never be able to date or marry someone, or have to marry the very first person you date?
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    KendranaKendrana Posts: 4,111 Member
    I'd rather never be able to date or marry someone in that case. The chances of the first person I date being the person I'd want to spend the rest of my life with are probably not the greatest.

    Would you rather visit the future or visit the past if you had a time machine?
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    Sweetpooh1993Sweetpooh1993 Posts: 112 Member
    Definitely the past. I think it would be so cool to visit my ancestors. Of course there is the possibility I could mess it up by doing more harm than good.

    Would you rather go Anartica or a Communist Country?
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    BiggieCheeseBiggieCheese Posts: 435 Member
    A Communist Country, If it's just visiting, of course. I wouldn't like not having access to certain websites, since that's what a lot of modern Communist countries do.

    Anyway, Would you rather be a social butterfly but stupid, or be the most intelligent person on earth but be lonely?
    ~Keep on chit-chatting, saying this and that
    Talkin talkin talkin
    I do what I do, so you do you
    Dirty dirty
    You can’t stop me lovin’ myself
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    HeckinGodzillaHeckinGodzilla Posts: 49 Member
    I'd rather be the most intelligent person on Earth. Not much of a social butterfly anyways. Besides, I could use my intellect to help better the world.

    Would you rather be a social butterfly but plum, or have great charisma but everyone thinks you smell like nasty shoes?
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    siriusblvcksiriusblvck Posts: 155 Member
    I'd rather be a social butterfly but plum.

    Would you rather marry a rich but rude man or a poor but kind-hearted man?
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    BiggieCheeseBiggieCheese Posts: 435 Member
    Poor but kind-hearted, I don't need to depend on anyone to give me money, well apart from an employer.

    Would you rather be the first person to explore a planet and discover aliens or be responsible for finding the cure to a deadly disease?
    ~Keep on chit-chatting, saying this and that
    Talkin talkin talkin
    I do what I do, so you do you
    Dirty dirty
    You can’t stop me lovin’ myself
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    ShemaShema Posts: 56 Member
    I would rather find a cure to a deadly disease ^^

    Would you rather eat a raw egg or a dead fly XD
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    RoggieBearRoggieBear Posts: 243 Member
    @Shema that's a hard one... I guess eat a dead fly, because I don't think flies can give you a disease, where raw eggs can give you I absolutely DESPISE eggs. Also, remember how I did say at the beginning to put the one you'd rather do in the question. It's fine though :smile:

    Would you rather eat a dead fly or eat only liver for a week?

    Inspired +1 - Who isn't inspired after seeing the cutest thing ever come out of the banana they were eating?

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    Katie123Katie123 Posts: 925 Member
    oh god that's hard erm liver for a week i guess

    would you rather play sims 3 for the rest of your life or sims 4!

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    RoggieBearRoggieBear Posts: 243 Member
    @Katie123 I'd have to say Sims 4 --- Never played The Sims 3!!! :cry:

    Inspired +1 - Who isn't inspired after seeing the cutest thing ever come out of the banana they were eating?

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