The final, special edition of the Friday Highlights has been posted here. Take a trip down memory lane with us.
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    GoddessBylineGoddessByline Posts: 281 Member
    edited May 2023
    @GoddessByline Nice build! My sims have a garage like that too. Love the city living garage door.
    Thanks. ✌️ Yes, I know some say they don't think they look like garage doors, but were I live, most garage doors look like that. They're safety doors, and most people use them in and around the citys except perhaps mansions with other outer security.

    I don't use CC so if you see something in a screenshot of mine, it's from the game.
    EA Account (Gallery) ID: BylineBelife
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    Lucy_HenleyLucy_Henley Posts: 3,007 Member
    Nice to see that Andrew arrived safely @GalacticGal , let’s hope the Cantrells don’t go crazy looking after everyone! Although now that Jamison, Harmony and Melodie are toddlers, things hopefully won’t be too bad *fingers crossed*
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    SmellincoffeeSmellincoffee Posts: 1,001 Member

    Last time, Becca Clarke realized her husband who she’d run away from and later attempted to make peace with had grown into an unrepentant and dangerous man. She abandoned her house and fled to San Myshuno, seeking safety in its anonymous crowds, and inviting her brother Michael to join her, her kids, and her roomie-for-life Lonnie.

    The family. Rachel, her brother Mike, Lonnie, and the kids Victor and Valerie

    It was one of the best decisions she’d made, Becca realized in retrospect. The Alto Towers apartments offered beautiful views and a sense of safety, although once the kids got a little older and in school she’d want to find some place where they could experience the joy of the outdoors more easily. Now that he was no longer living alone, her brother Michael’s tendencies to procrastinate and forget things like physical training eased, and he was soon being lauded for his tight infield work and being scouted by the major leagues. Lonnie, too, was prospering, after she followed Becca’s suggestion to pursue her writing passion after being laid off at her big corporate gig. Becca, Michael, and Lonnie were building a happy, rich life together.


    And then….the knock at the door. The kids were at school, Lonnie and Mike at work. Becca’s friend Angela had just left, and she opened it thinking Angie had circled back, having forgotten something. Instead, she found Derrick – evidently having gotten released from prison after the last few years. Becca had thought about what she might do in this moment, discussed it with Lonnie and MIke. Some plans involved their being home. By herself, though, she immediately launched into action and tackled him with a bear hug and kisses. What he had planned by coming, she had no idea, and after such an enthusiastic embrace any doubts he had were gone. He was a calculating force to be reckoned with, to be sure, but when it came to this woman, decision and judgment went out of the window. He eagerly accepted her tearful explanation that she’d been threatened by one of his rivals, and had abandoned the house and fled to the city for the safety of their kids, and had avoided contacting him in case that led ‘their’ enemies to her and the family. She was ‘so, so, glad’ he’d followed Angela to find her, and sent a sneaky text while in the bathroom warning Lonnie and Michael to get the kids somewhere elsewhere. Lonnie took the kids while Michael headed for the apartment. Becca’s brother found his sister and her extremely problematic husband calmly sitting in the living room, enjoying an afternoon drink and talking. Mike had heard many stories of Derrick, but never before experienced his winsome charisma – even knowing what kind of man he was, Mike found him entertaining company, and could finally understand why Becca had taken so long to bolt. Derrick received a call from one of his crew that demanded his immediate attention, so he left before growing suspicious about the kids not arriving, and the Clarke twins immediately began discussing what to do.

    They both agreed that they had to do something, but just running away again wouldn’t do. He’d find them again, and this time the rival gang story wouldn’t work. He wasn’t currently wanted for anything, though the police were undoubtedly still investigating past crimes and kept him on their watchlist. When Lonnie arrived, the conversation continued and turned darker, as they contemplated using the very-combustible stove in storage to some advantage. Mike, meanwhile, had his own plan. He began hanging out with Derrick with a concealed recorder, and when Derrick offered him certain criminal goods he was only happy to accept, and sought out a contact with the police to transfer the evidence to. Michael had a personal stake in this: not only was he protecting his twin and his niece and nephew, but he and Lonnie had a little secret that would be increasingly obvious as the months passed.


    Meanwhile, Derrick’s business partner Savannah, who had growing doubts about the viability of a longterm relationship with this very effective but mercurial crimelord, observed this growing buddyship with wariness disgusted as acceptance. She knew perfectly well that the happy-go-lucky ballplayer wasn’t nearly the naif he pretended to be, but she was disturbed by Derrick’s obsession with this woman and for what that might mean.

    Savannah considers the future...

    It all ended very quickly. Derrick was picked up by the police, an event completely ordinary by now, but when he was brought before trial he was astonished to receive three life sentences without possibility of parole. Michael was astonished that his evidence had been so used so effectively, but – as the little family celebrated their newfound freedom from The Hatchet’s dangerous presence — somewhere in Willow Creek, Savannah Price was satisfied. The master hacker had hoped to wed her skills with Derricks, but his lack of self control doomed any partnership – and doomed him, as she needed to get rid of him and of any connections between them. Law enforcement couldn’t know that her many cybercrimes were hers, and not Derrick’s, and his past forays into that world only made the made the exposure she’d arranged more convincing. Having bought the house in her name (with his money), he would disappear and she would walk away with their fortune and a clean legal record. It was time to retire. She smiled.


    All the big events happened organically, in-game. Angela came by to visit and brought Derrick in tow. I was thinking of ways the three could somehow do Derrick in – a fire in a room with locked doors, perhaps – when in my playthrough of his lot he was arrested. The mod usually allows him to hire a lawyer, but this time I couldn’t, and since he had multiple prior offenses the mod gave him a life sentence and he disappeared. He’s not even in the kid’s family trees anymore. Ouch.

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    SmellincoffeeSmellincoffee Posts: 1,001 Member
    edited May 2023



    The great fear of the last six years was finally over, and Becca was free. They had much to celebrate, like Lonnie & Michael’s unexpected romance and even more unexpected baby.


    Little Rachel joined the family, and soon Becca was thinking of where they might move to find more room and more freedom for the kids. The Del Sol house was considered but rejected: she and Derrick had bought that home, and it sat deep in a well of bad memories, not to mention the Del Sol smog. A near-fatal heart attack* prompted Becca to make some drastic changes: she gave up her career as a personal trainer to celebrities, and decided to make a move to Sulani, choosing an off-the-grid island where she could relax and paint and watch her beautiful children grow.


    And grow they did, amid the beauty of Sulani’s islands and beaches. Valerie had always loved the water, and Vic and Mike began avid fisherman. Mike wasn’t always there given his job demands – he’d finally broken into the majors and was regarded as a rising star to watch – but was never gone long. Lonnie also switched from writing for work to writing on her own, and began immersing herself in Sulani culture and issues.


    It wasn’t all joy: Becca met a local named Luiz and had twins, but they hadn’t reached toddler stage before he died from lightning strikes. The older kids, Victor and Valerie, also grew more antagonistic toward one another as they got older. They’d been friends as kids, but they developed a rivalry that was more bellicose than Becca and Mike’s. Part of this owed to Valerie’s hot-headedness: she was an aggressive toddler and never really outgrew it.

    This made her jealous relationship with Victor worse, because not only did she hate having to live up to his academic and athletic accomplishments, but she was frequently asked why she couldn’t be more like her even-tempered brother. Becca realized that Valerie kept doing the same exact things her brother had done, and encouraged Val to pursue her own interests: everyone has different talents, she told her, and while she might not be able to play the piano like Vic, he also couldn't program like her. After Valerie began going her own path, things were much easier.

    Vic and his cousin-raised-as-a-sister Rachel had a much better relationship, collaborating in music rather than competing. As things stand now, Val and Vic have graduated and moved out. Although his mother thinks Victor is a born restauranteur -- he's a good cook, a superb musician, and an inveterate schmoozer who loves hanging out in bars talking to people -- he's currently trying to follow his uncle's path in sports, at least for a little bit. Valerie is.....less people-oriented, shall we say, and is currently working as a programmer. She just released an independent game, a retro side-scroller involving a warrior queen in the jungles of San Salvorada, and is hoping to expand it.

    Mike and the twins, Ignacio and Luiz.

    * She literally died of hysterical laughter and I brought her back to life and decided to roll with it.
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 29,082 Member
    Today's session was quintessentially Swinging Sixties and if you're a fan of Sixties fashions then the next chapter is for you. First of all, Jeremy and Barbara got new everyday outfits.


    The setting for today's adventure was their fashion boutique where they had a surprise visit from British Sixties supermodel Jean Shrimpton! The boutique is getting famous now.


    And after such an esteemed visit, they headed off to the Orange Peel Club for drinks and a dance.


    What not Twiggy? The sixties for me were great only because of the Beatles. :)
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 29,082 Member
    Instead of garage doors (which would have to be cc) I placed windows.
    @GalacticGal , you can also use this or the other similar , if you have City Living :)
    I also use those murals. Mostly the one without the top as it tends to go through the roofs.

    Yes, and that's what they're for, typically. ;)
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 29,082 Member
    @BlueSeaWaves I loved your update! It's hard to deal with a kid like Reese. He got the aggressive trait, didn't he? I got that only once with the Jamison prior to this one. (Had to restart/roll-back a tad.) I had a partial story brewing in my head regarding the aggressive Jamison, as he kicked his Dad in the shin for next to no reason! Captured the shot, too, but then the next time he was born, that trait didn't come up. Phew! But, getting kicked in the shins is quite painful. Yikes.
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,258 Member
    edited May 2023
    An odder couple is hard to imagine. Who knows, maybe Agnes only acts like a raging prude in public? There might be a whole other side to Ags in private.😉 I would hope so because the purse swinging prude is a real killjoy.

    I had forgotten about Callia. I remember when you posted those stalker pictures of her, she so was creepy. It good to see that she moved on from that bizarre behavior. She and Roy look like they have a wonderful relationship and the little ones are adorable.❤️

    Thank you. You are really sweet to say that.❤️ There are so many wonderful, lovely stories and storytellers on here that it's a joy to keep up with as many as I can.

    I love the way you set up this challenge. She's in a tough spot but I just know she's going to thrive soon. I love that outfit and her hair btw❤️ Aqua is one of my favorite colors. Oh who am I kidding, I just love pastels.

    I love the layout of Roe's house. Congrats to her not only on getting the house but having a nice nest egg to enjoy along with it. I've had a few converted garages on my lots. I usually make them into laundry areas or my new favorite use, artist studios.

    That spot beside the canal in Tartosa is such a lovely place for sims to be romantic.🥰 I had a couple propose there too not that long ago. I hope Elliott and Holly have a wonderful life together. They're off to a great start already.❤️

    You may not write your jokes but you have such a talent for picking the right poses and facial expressions to go with them.😁 I'm not Elle but I do have some relatives who are Gator. I can relate to her plight.🤣

    I love vampire stories too. Most of my saves have been occult based, except the two I currently share in Creative Corner. The current vampire storyline is about to wrap up. I still haven't had Anna take the cure for her vampirism and there is still a very slim chance she might not. I feel like she wants to be mortal again but she needed her vampiric powers to aid their escape so she's still a vampire for now.

    I love those builds, the boutique is especially lovely. I never thought to include so many dance floors but that is an amazing idea. I may have to borrow that one and convert the rooftop of The Orchid into one giant dance floor.🙂 I love Summer's dress!

    Congrats on the birth Andrew. Uuurp!🤢 If I found the remote in the diaper pail I'd be buying a new remote. Unless they can survive several rounds of sterilizing, which seems unlikely.🙂 Aww, that picture of Melodie learning to stand is so sweet. Between kids and awards the Cantrell residence is getting crowded.

    Aww, my heart. That picture of Reese and Cookie makes me melt.🥰 And just like that Reese goes from total cutie pie to complete terror. What happened there I wonder?🤔 Sims version of the 'Terrible Twos'? Steve the chicken...rooster...whichever. I love it!🙂
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    GirafHuntrGirafHuntr Posts: 759 Member
    @DaniRose2143 Ha! Yes, I think the same thing about Agnes in her private life. I leave those details up to the minds of the reader. :D
    My username has been my internet handle for over 20 years since I was 16 and refers to when I had a crush on a very tall boy. I intend absolutely no violence toward beautiful giraffes. <3
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    mightyspritemightysprite Posts: 6,131 Member
    That was delightful @Smellincoffee :) That's a beautiful family Becca has created for herself.
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 29,082 Member
    Nice to see that Andrew arrived safely @GalacticGal , let’s hope the Cantrells don’t go crazy looking after everyone! Although now that Jamison, Harmony and Melodie are toddlers, things hopefully won’t be too bad *fingers crossed*

    Thank you for the mention. I think once they catch their rhythm, things will settle down a bit. Did you know Toddlers also have Milestones?
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    ElleLaAmourElleLaAmour Posts: 360 Member
    edited May 2023
    @DaniRose2143 What a lovely thing to say. Thank you. I'm probably older than most of you and I have a lot of time on my hands. This is just a favorite time waster for me. My Mother-in-law passed away several years ago and we didn't hate each other nearly as much as these obnoxious Sims. lol
    I think I'm going to start your vampire story in the morning. Can't wait!

    Okay guys, this is the last of the overnight dump. After these, I'll be making new content and posting much less frequently.


    The PRnormal agency has been summoned to Graceland by the ghost of Elvis Presley.

    The Mon Amours arrive at Graceland.


    Elvis is upset because he didn't receive a state funeral when he died.


    Post edited by ElleLaAmour on
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 29,082 Member
    @DaniRose2143 I think Erik was just taking it away from her, instead of allowing her to further gnaw on it. Yuk, is right. So very gross.
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,258 Member
    edited May 2023
    @ElleLaAmour Thank you.❤️ Post as often as you feel like. If you're happy with the content you're sharing then it's never too much. You don't hit us with small novels so it's nearly impossible to post too often. We can go through a post about the Mon Amour's in seconds, and I find myself chuckling my backside off wishing for another post right away.

    Here I am giving this advice and I'm one of the worlds worst second guessers.🤣 It's the same advice I get when I doubt myself so I'll repeat it.😉
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 29,082 Member
    @ElleLaAmour Thank you.❤️ Post as often as you feel like. If you're happy with the content you're sharing then it's never too much. You don't hit us with small novels so it's nearly impossible to post too often. We can go through a post about the Mon Amour's in seconds, and I find myself chuckling my backside off wishing for another post right away.

    Here I am giving this advice and I'm one of the worlds worst second guessers.🤣 It's the same advice I get when I doubt myself so I'll repeat it.😉

    I have a tendency to think self-doubt is part and parcel of being a writer. S0 glad I'm not alone in this department. ;)
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    SmellincoffeeSmellincoffee Posts: 1,001 Member
    That was delightful @Smellincoffee :) That's a beautiful family Becca has created for herself.

    Thank you! That family & story were all completely unexpected for me.
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    GirafHuntrGirafHuntr Posts: 759 Member
    @DaniRose2143 @GalacticGal @ElleLaAmour I would even say that self-doubt in the right low-dosage is an essential element of being a good writer. Imagine an arrogant writer who never doubted themself at all. They wouldn't be open to revision, critical feedback or care about the impact of their work on others. (I'm sure such writers do exist and some may even be good writers, but it doesn't seem like a recipe for success.)
    My username has been my internet handle for over 20 years since I was 16 and refers to when I had a crush on a very tall boy. I intend absolutely no violence toward beautiful giraffes. <3
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,258 Member
    edited May 2023
    GirafHuntr wrote: »
    @DaniRose2143 @GalacticGal @ElleLaAmour I would even say that self-doubt in the right low-dosage is an essential element of being a good writer. Imagine an arrogant writer who never doubted themself at all. They wouldn't be open to revision, critical feedback or care about the impact of their work on others. (I'm sure such writers do exist and some may even be good writers, but it doesn't seem like a recipe for success.)

    A certain amount of self-doubt is absolutely essential to growth as a writer, or as an artist of any kind. Growth is essential to being the best artist you can be. If we only reproduce what we've done before we stagnate. As artists we offer up our free time in our chosen artistic endeavor. Our readers/viewers do the same only in reverse. It's a symbiotic relationship. They push us, we challenge them, we both grow.
    Post edited by DaniRose2143 on
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    vancanuckfan86vancanuckfan86 Posts: 1,156 Member
    Getting closer to the end of the rotation now - only three families left to introduce after this post on the Hodge family.

    Both Vaughn and Mikaela Hodge are intelligent and want to go far in their careers. Vaughn works as an engineer and enjoys everything there is about technology. He is particularly interested in robotics and is constantly tinkering with items around the house. Mikaela is a Chemist who loves to read, do yoga and wants to have successful kids.

    The Hodge's are cursed with broken items around the house. It's a good think Vaughn is handy or they'd be spending a fortune on fixing items around the house.

    Mikaela completing some work.

    They are expecting. It's been Mikaela's dream to be a mom while also continuing to grow her career. Hopefully she doesn't burnout.

    Not long left before they welcome the little one. Vaughn took Mikaela out to a small Italian restaurant in the area. Mikaela and Vaughn both had a wonderful time.

    Even though Mikaela had an amazing dinner she found herself craving some spice late at night. She headed down to the spice fest to grab a quick bit to eat before it closed.

    Oh my - it's twin boys. Our first twin set of the rotation. Welcome Cornel and Kenneth to the Hodge family.

    Cornel is pretty calm for the most part while Kenneth can be quite intense. Twins with opposite personalities.

    That wrapped up the week with the Hodge family. The boys are really outnumbering the girls when it comes to births. Willow Creek has currently seen 7 boys born and only 2 girls. We move onto the Caldwell family next.
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    ElleLaAmourElleLaAmour Posts: 360 Member
    edited May 2023
    @DaniRose2143 Aww, I'm blushing. lol Thank you. <3

    This pic reflects my biggest writing concern. lol

    Post edited by ElleLaAmour on
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,258 Member
    @ElleLaAmour You're right. Sometimes I blur the line between SimLit and being a real writer. I'm riding a high from finishing my latest chapter and I got carried away.☺️
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    BlueSeaWavesBlueSeaWaves Posts: 4,613 Member
    Congratulations to Elliot and Holly.
    Things are turning around for Becca. Oof spoke too soon, Derrick is back😟 Thank goodness she’s free from him now. Aw Rachels adorable. Rip Luis.
    Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it😃 Reese has the wild trait, not aggressive. I’m not sure what’s making him become aggressive😓 Seems Erik was saved from another kick the second time around.
    The hug was incredibly adorable🥰 I’m not sure what happened to him, certainly a terrible two. Haha glad you enjoyed the chickens😃
    Congrats on the birth of thee twins! They’re adorable! Hoping Mikaela doesn’t burnout. Those are hard to deal with😵‍💫
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    Kellogg_J_KelloggKellogg_J_Kellogg Posts: 1,561 Member
    edited May 2023
    I love those builds, the boutique is especially lovely. I never thought to include so many dance floors but that is an amazing idea. I may have to borrow that one and convert the rooftop of The Orchid into one giant dance floor.🙂 I love Summer's dress!

    The boutique and nightclub are both custom builds that are a collaboration between me and the D.N.A. team. I researched a bunch of real locations from the Sixties and the D.N.A. team put it together. They're amazing lots because there's lots of detail in them, nooks and crannies and I love the colours and the contrasts. The orange and purple lit flooring creates a great ambient glow to the lot. And that's Barbara in the pictures, not Summer, but I agree it's a great dress courtesy of Serenity cc and it comes with matching tights.

    I should put Twiggy into the game at some point but I've always had a crush on Jean Shrimpton. I've created The Monkees but I probably won't put The Beatles in Sim 66 because they performed their last concert in America in September 1966 and they're about to retreat into the studio for the rest of their career. I might cheat and use a screen grab from Beatles: Rock Band as a reference.
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    ElleLaAmourElleLaAmour Posts: 360 Member
    @ElleLaAmour You're right. Sometimes I blur the line between SimLit and being a real writer. I'm riding a high from finishing my latest chapter and I got carried away.☺️

    Haha, no no no, you're definitely a real writer. I'm just more concerned will my 3rd grade spelling and grammar mistakes. lol
    That's my first hurdle to being a writer. :) I would give anything to do what you can do!
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,258 Member
    edited May 2023
    @Kellogg_J_Kellogg Oops. Sorry Barbara, please forgive me.☺️ I have got to make time and start reading your story. It looks very interesting.

    @ElleLaAmour That is amazingly sweet of you to say!❤️ I wish I could call myself a professional writer. Never say never though. I feel a lot closer to being a writer than I did this time last year and I make new discoveries about my creative side every day.🙂

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