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Llandros' Legacy Stories

Llandros2012Llandros2012 Posts: 622 Member
Hello everyone - I have been posting my stories in the "What happened in your game" thread in the Sims 3 General Discussion thread. I will continue to post there but have decided to keep a second thread with my updates so that they are in a convenient location.

The Legacy Stories is a pretty simple idea. I am playing (or in most cases, replaying) families and documenting their legacies in each of the 18 created EA worlds. I recorded most (but not all) of these families for YouTube but these are completely separate stories that may or may not follow the same direction as the recorded versions. (On YouTube, I am Llandros09) For these stories, I will be playing each generation until the heir graduates from high school. At that time, I switch and proceed the same way through all 18 worlds. Once complete, I will return and play the second generation, and so on. This will be a lengthy project but also allow some variety by switching around.

As the stories are created, I will update this first post as the index. Each posting will have a link to guide you to the next/previous episode (regardless of if we switch families) or allow you to come back to this original post.

Sunset Valley - The Davis Legacy
Generation 1

Riverview - The Lothario Legacy
Generation 1

Twinbrook - The Montgomery Legacy
Generation 1

Barnacle Bay - The Burrows Legacy
Generation 1 - Starting Soon!
Post edited by Llandros2012 on


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    Llandros2012Llandros2012 Posts: 622 Member
    edited January 2016
    Sunset Valley - The Davis Legacy - Generation 1 (Part 1 of 2)

    Jessie Davis and Elayna Thomas bought a small inexpensive home in Sunset Valley and used their remaining funds to enroll in college. Jessie was after a Tech degree to help him become an astronaut and Elayna pursued Fine Arts to be a Hit Movie Composer. First up, the admissions test.

    Both decided on a quick makeover as they got busy studying and making names for themselves as true rebels. Elayna especially took to this task rather quickly!

    After graduation, the newly married couple (done in a private ceremony) used their money to purchase a family estate. Elayna loved the magnificent view and privacy of her backyard.

    Life was pretty simple for the young couple - Elayna developed a new love and appreciation for cooking...

    ...while Jessie kept them well stocked with sleeping potions to maximize their time to enjoy the new home and town.

    However, life was about to get a whole lot more complicated once the triplets were born. Antonio, Riley, and Ryan were definitely a handful and ruled the house, for a while at least!

    The boys aged up and were the best of friends. The house was always full of activity, from either the kids running and playing, Elayna blasting the room with her compositions, or the steady banging of Jessie as he worked the house into a self-cleaning marvel.

    Sometimes when it got to be too much, the boys would head out to the swings in the backyard - either of their own choice or the insistence of Mom or Dad!

    Elayna commanded a big crowd (and big tips) when she would put on a show at the local theatre.Screenshot-12_zps5myqzcis.jpg

    Jessie did his best to keep the alien threats at bay and under wraps - but it wasn't always an easy task!

    Next episode here:
    Sunset Valley - Generation 1 (Part 2)

    See each of the legacy stories from the beginning by following this link:
    The Legacy Stories Index
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    Llandros2012Llandros2012 Posts: 622 Member
    edited January 2016
    Sunset Valley - The Davis Legacy - Generation 1 (Part 2 of 2)
    Previous entry here:
    Sunset Valley - Generation 1 (Part 1)

    But when life got too routine, the family would shake it up and enjoy activities around town.

    Ryan loved to dance and wanted one day to be the Dance King of the spring festival. It was never too soon to start practicing.

    Antonio tried to just maintain his balance. He wasn't too sure of this moving around on wheels nonsense!

    The boys hated homework but somehow, doing it together made it much more bearable.

    Once the boys aged up to teens, it was time to play some new games. Jessie was known for starting impromptu water fights all around town...and everyone wanted to join in!

    The boys dressed to impress and made their moves at prom. Antonio ended up with a girlfriend, Ryan fought with just about everyone, and Riley walked away with the crown for Prom King.

    Feeling the first pains of an upcoming empty nest, Elayna convinced Jessie that they were still young enough for at least one more little one. Jessie told some scary stories to mask his own fear of raising a kid in his more mature years.

    Fall rolled around and little Nathan joined the household. Elayna still wanted a little girl, and with her determination, she would find a way to make it happen!

    Time flew and the boys were ready to graduate. Nathan was now a very busy little toddler and Elayna was expecting again. Could a little girl finally be a part of the Davis clan?

    Antonio was thrilled the most to be done with high school. He would soon head off to University and was longing for a lifetime of travel. One thing was sure...the Davis family was about to see major changes as a new generation had come of age.

    Next entry here: Riverview - The Lothario Legacy - Generation 1 (Part 1)

    See each of the legacy stories from the beginning by following this link:
    The Legacy Stories Index
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    Llandros2012Llandros2012 Posts: 622 Member
    Riverview - The Lothario Legacy - Generation 1
    Previous entry here: Sunset Valley - Generaton 1 (Part 2)

    Don Lothario has arrived at University and is having a hard time putting in the study time with all the available ladies on campus. Here he is, rushing to get to class.

    His favorite girl, Sela, can hardly keep up with the pace. Don's romantic advances and a full course load leave little time for sleep. Better get it in when you can!

    Working your way into politics starts early and Don makes it a point to meet as many people as he can. You never know when you might need the help of one of these guys as you launch your first big campaign.

    Sela unleashes her artistic side, although she truly finds her passion as a chef. Still, school provides a bit of time to work on both.

    Don takes his sweetheart to one of his favorite places. He has never brought a date here before - even this wandering dog knows she's pretty special.

    It didn't take long and Sela had him eating out of her hand. Could he give up his philandering ways and be true boyfriend potential?

    It may not work out, but at least the couple are planning to give it their very best shot. The two have decided to go steady.

    Last night of the term and the bowling alley is hopping! Don does his best to impress with his physicality.

    Back at home and with another term to go, Don can't resist letting Sela know that he is finally over his commitment issues.

    Sela is beyond shocked and happily agrees to marriage as soon as college is over.

    With college in the past, the couple quickly elope and head off to China. Don even managed to bring his well-known car along with him for the trip.

    Don begins exploring the local tombs, that is, when he's not completely wrapped up with his new wife!

    With nine days due to some prepared traveling, Don is able to knock out a full level 3 Visa. After buying a new home in Riverview and getting into their jobs, the couple will return to purchase a family vacation home here.

    Next entry here: Lothario Legacy - Generation 1 (Part 2)

    See each of the legacy stories from the beginning by following these links:
    Davis Legacy - Generation 1 (Sunset Valley)
    Lothario Legacy - Generation 1 (Riverview)
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    Llandros2012Llandros2012 Posts: 622 Member
    The Lothario Legacy - Generation 1 (Part 2)
    Previous entry here: Lothario Legacy - Generation 1 (Part 1)

    College has ended and Sela has been catching up on some more advanced recipes so that she can really make an impact at work.

    Don pushed very hard at his job down at City Hall. He was becoming quite respectable while trying to live down the reputation of his earlier days.

    Although the hours were long and late, Sela enjoyed the diner. She would have preferred to work at the Bistro, but employment opportunities were tight and she was thankful that she had the opportunity to do what she loved.

    But life back in Riverview was just a brief stop as Don had more commitments in China to attend to. As a bonus, the couple were able to purchase a vacation home of their own.

    Don took advantage of his own private meditation sanctuary during the early hours of the morning before the rest of the town got busy with activity.

    Sela used some vacation time to learn a few new recipes as well. Returning to Riverview with some Asian dishes might just be the thing to help establish her culinary reputation.

    While Don spent extensive hours rummaging through creaky, old tombs, Sela would entertain Don and the locals as they mastered martial arts.

    Don achieved the rank of Martial Arts Master and spent his time preparing to embark on his final Chinese tomb, the Dragon Cave.

    Even though they owned their own home, it was nice to visit the base camp occasionally and put out the guitar case for a few random tips from time to time.

    Returning to Riverview, Sela missed her days in college and her friends there. She still kept in contact with a few but everyone was finding their lives full and busy elsewhere.

    While Don campaigned, Sela took advantage of her off days to bring in some additional money for the family. Her heart was set on children soon and the couple would need cash to set up a nursery.

    But for now, the two made friends and contacts while enjoying the festival activities in town. Don managed to fully fund his newest campaign obligations in just a few short hours.

    There was still time to enjoy the other activities though and Don once again proved his athletic superiority over another poor, unsuspecting local in town!

    Meanwhile, Sela tried to remain cool by keeping inside and mastering skating. This was alot of fun but she still felt that this would best be shared with a child of her own. All she had to do was convince Don that the time was right....

    Next episode here: Lothario Legacy - Generation 1 (Part 3)

    See each of the legacy stories from the beginning by following these links:
    Davis Legacy - Generation 1 (Sunset Valley)
    Lothario Legacy - Generation 1 (Riverview)
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    Llandros2012Llandros2012 Posts: 622 Member
    The Lothario Legacy - Generation 1 (Part 3)
    Previous entry here: Lothario Legacy - Generation 1 (Part 2)

    France! Don's adventures have brought the couple to the French countryside. The honeymoon continues as these two are inseparable.

    Don promises Sela that they will soon have a place of their own here so that they can relive these moments several times more over the upcoming years.

    Through hard work and some lucky breaks, Don is able to achieve a level 3 Visa in France on his first trip there!

    Sela takes a particular liking to the nectary and makes an impression with her guitar skills.

    Don makes good on his promise and purchases a luxury vacation home. This will definitely put their China home to shame, but he couldn't resist the urge to splurge this time!

    Sela absolutely loves her new kitchen - almost as much as her husband!

    Returning to Riverview, the newly elected mayor has a full day ahead. It's alot easier battling mummies than those pesky politicians any day!

    Due to a unusual stomach virus, Sela decides to not accompany Don on his upcoming trip back to China. He's nervous about tackling the Dragon Cave but tonight is time to just relax and enjoy some romantic time with his wife.

    Within a few hours, he's in the thick of it battling the first of three hideous mummies.Screenshot-42_zpspufwet1q.jpg

    Finally, it's time to tackle the big guy himself - the one that has held the small town in fear for centuries.Screenshot-46_zpszayugwen.jpg

    Getting up close and personal with a mummy is not recommended. Fortunately, there are few as qualified as Don Lothario!

    Don tries to put on a brave face. It's uncomfortable fighting off mummies in your underwear, but if anyone can do it, bet on a Lothario!

    It doesn't take long and the battle is on. The mummy proves to be no match for the martial arts master!

    With the defeat of Dong Huo, the adventures in China have come to an end. Time to start gearing up for the bigger and more threatening challenges to come.

    Back in Riverview, date night reveals a few surprises. Looks like the real danger is right here at home - Sela announces that she is expecting!

    While the mommy-to-be tries to rest and stay comfortable, Mayor Lothario tries to research the best he can to figure out how to best handle a little one.

    But even the best preparations tend to fall extremely short. Here's hoping your new position as governor is not as stressful as becoming a dad!

    "Seriously, you really need to get the bag and start the car. This baby is coming out NOW!"

    What was that about plans? Yeah, the books never really went into detail of what to do when you end up with three little boys! Welcome Hayden, Leonardo, and Nicholas Lothario! This Governor's hardest challenge is right here at home!

    Next entry here: Lothario Legacy - Generation 1 (Part 4)

    See each of the legacy stories from the beginning by following these links:
    Davis Legacy - Generation 1 (Sunset Valley)
    Lothario Legacy - Generation 1 (Riverview)
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    Llandros2012Llandros2012 Posts: 622 Member
    The Lothario Legacy - Generation 1 (Part 4)
    Previous entry here: Lothario Legacy - Generation 1 (Part 3)

    Don decides that it is time to start looking like an adventurer - or at least his perception of one!

    Sela stays behind with the babies as Don heads back to France. He has some leftover work to do and is anxious to dig deeper under the Nectary soon.

    A quick check of the house shows that everything is in order. Don heads out, sad that his wife and children couldn't be here with him but determined to locate some more missing relic collection items.

    He takes a quick photo from their bedroom balcony and texts it back to Sela - "Missing you being here - hopefully next trip we'll all come together."

    After delving into the Nectary adventure, Don has some extra time to do some random excavating. It was a perfect night to head out to the tiny island.

    "Sela, I'm coming home a few days early! The trip was very successful and so much has been done. You'll never guess where I have to go next...!"

    Don felt bad for his wife. She had been keeping the house together and taking care of the newborns all alone. He hired a reputable sitter and took her to the Fall Festival on Spooky Day.

    Their date night continued and he didn't even comment on her 'ask to sketch nude' mistake. He knew she had been stressed with the three boys all alone!

    Hayden was the first to age up while Don was at work. Sela would be even more busy once she had three toddlers to teach and care for.

    Leonardo was up next and aged up without a stitch of hair. Maybe when he becomes a child we'll know if Don's genes kicked in for the boy.

    Don, recently named Vice President, made it home just in time to see Nicholas age up as well.

    The real work begins and Sela gets the bad end of it. Since she is family oriented though, this will go much quicker for her. Don is off to the library with Hayden to do some reading.

    Sela gets all the boys potty trained and takes Leonardo down to read at the library. She's glad to get out of the house for at least a little while.

    Don arrives with Nicholas but someone else decides to pay a visit to the crowded library as well. Poor Ma, she was having a great time just moments before.

    Winter begins and the boys are learning as fast as their exhausted parents can teach them. Don is soon to leave again but not before the workload is eased a bit for poor Sela.

    The final bit of knowledge that the parents can pass on is taking it's toll. Sela makes it about half way and Don's taxi to the airport arrives. Next stop - Al Simhara, Egypt.

    Shortly after landing, Don is drawn into the first tomb in Egypt. This proves to be a very easy task for this experienced adventurer.

    The brutal heat barely fazes Don as he rushes around the desert. So much more to do here than even he thought.

    He asks a new friend to snap a quick picture to send to his wife. Sela responds that she is coming on his next trip there.

    With nerves of steel, Don heads off to raid his first major pyramid. This is what he has been training so hard and long for and it's finally time.

    Don is shocked to run into an old friend from China - Sun Young Kim - who is having difficulty gaining entrance to the tomb. Don is here to lead the way.

    The tomb was a piece of cake until he awoke this grumpy guy.

    Tired and not in the mood, Don is never one to back away from a fight or a challenge. Looks like this throw down is on!

    "You didn't hear of what I did to that poor mummy in China? Well, you'll never make that mistake again - or any other one for that matter!"

    In an instant, the deadly mummy is turned to dust and Don can continue to plunder the tomb and it's hidden rooms.

    A successful adventure and not a single scratch. Egypt was working out better than he hoped.

    Time to turn in - their was much more on the schedule for tomorrow and time was growing short on this first trip to Al Simhara.

    Next entry here: Lothario Legacy - Generation 1 (Part 5)

    See each of the legacy stories from the beginning by following these links:
    Davis Legacy - Generation 1 (Sunset Valley)
    Lothario Legacy - Generation 1 (Riverview)
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    Llandros2012Llandros2012 Posts: 622 Member
    The Lothario Legacy - Generation 1 (Part 5)
    Previous entry here: Lothario Legacy - Generation 1 (Part 4)

    A quick morning breakfast is about all Don has time for as he contemplates his activities for the day. It's going to be a busy one for him.Screenshot-99_zpsgard5w6b.jpg

    While most of the town sleeps, Don moves easily around and heads out to the next stop on his adventures.Screenshot-104_zpslcmf5pid.jpg

    This tomb has made him do a bit of swimming but it's still full of dangerous traps to bypass.Screenshot-105_zpsukbk1shm.jpg

    After wrapping up, it's down time. This trip is winding down and Don takes advantage of learning the proper ways to fish for crocodiles and mummy fish.Screenshot-107_zpsj3o8o92i.jpg

    Sela is happy to see Don as he returns. It's Don, however, that has never been happier to be home than right now.Screenshot-110_zpsag5ltcos.jpg

    Don sends his newly pregnant wife off to the spa. He feels like he's getting the hang of this dad thing. It's not too bad but he's ready for the triplets to age on up.Screenshot-114_zpsvww1vrjd.jpg

    As a budding photographer, Don showcases his latest work. Sela can't wait to actually visit Egypt herself!Screenshot-113_zps5i6fx2sm.jpg

    With the kids taken care of, the couple take advantage of the first snowfall of winter. This is such a change from the burning sands of Al Simhara.Screenshot-115_zpsa2hcyu73.jpg

    Never miss a chance to make sure that your relationship is strong. These two find plenty of time to rekindle the romance! Don manages to leave Sela totally speechless!Screenshot-117_zpsgpii7lc0.jpg

    The boys have managed to fall into the routine that their parents have set. The block table is their favorite activity.Screenshot-111_zps8ow0tfvc.jpg

    Don makes it to Leader of the Free World and declares it 'Hat Day' in Riverview. Well, at least the maid showed some appreciation!Screenshot-118_zpsdpwrid8g.jpg

    His short break passes and it is time to head back to Egypt. The mummies are really becoming much more visible and everyone turns to Don to take care of this menace.Screenshot-122_zpskcuyprfb.jpg

    Nothing like being cornered by two mummies when you are past the point of exhaustion. This could end badly...Screenshot-120_zpsfhvr6xtb.jpg

    For the first time, Don actually loses his fight with a mummy. His nerves are shattered as he falls victim to this nightmare.Screenshot-124_zpsrag2qm03.jpg

    But the second mummy isn't able to take Don down so quickly and in a matter of seconds, he is turned to dust. Don collapses afterward from sheer exhaustion.Screenshot-127_zps7igkbpwf.jpg

    After a long, hard journey, a level 3 Visa is achieved. But more importantly, Don's lifetime wish is now complete.Screenshot-128_zpsxd6qijvr.jpg

    The fruits of his labors are plentiful as Don can now purchase a vacation home for the family. He can't wait to bring Sela and the boys here.Screenshot-129_zpsow2tr2f6.jpg

    Trying to get his groove back after the defeat from the mummy, Don rests at his new home and recharges for the next stop on the list.Screenshot-134_zpsuiu7ajvk.jpg

    Feeling a bit arrogant, Don purposely disturbs the Red Priest and steals his treasure. The mummy is not amused.Screenshot-135_zpsgrvks5v1.jpg

    Although he put up a good fight, the Red Priest didn't have what it took to put Don down this time.Screenshot-136_zpskog9felu.jpg

    But not one to show bias, he also takes on the Blue Priest. These two prove no problem and Don is feeling like his old self again.Screenshot-137_zpsgphrzhtf.jpg

    Back to stealing the best treasures that he has found so far in all of Egypt.Screenshot-138_zpszbwktkht.jpg

    All adventures are complete except one and time is too short to tackle it today. Instead, a lazy afternoon in the back yard pool is the best choice. Tonight, he heads home to Riverview to see his wife and boys.Screenshot-141_zpsgmwmzumk.jpg

    No sooner than arriving home and kissing the boys goodnight and it's go time again. Sela says that this feels almost as painful as the first time but it's time to head to the hospital.Screenshot-144_zps89fyelfr.jpg

    Although the first instinct is to panic, Don pulls it together quickly and gets Sela to the hospital.Screenshot-145_zpslmyl3i3p.jpg

    But they are both shocked beyond words as Sela delivers twin boys.Screenshot-146_zpsueimfkho.jpg

    Don is the proud father of five little boys. Welcome to the world Michael and William Lothario!Screenshot-147_zpshhrcvspa.jpg

    Next entry here: Lothario Legacy - Generation 1 (Part 6)

    See each of the legacy stories from the beginning by following these links:
    Davis Legacy - Generation 1 (Sunset Valley)
    Lothario Legacy - Generation 1 (Riverview)
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    Llandros2012Llandros2012 Posts: 622 Member
    The Lothario Legacy - Generation 1 (Part 6)
    Previous Entry Here: Lothario Legacy - Generation 1 (Part 5)

    Sela did her best to make the Mummy Teddy Bear come to life for Leonardo, but he was more interested in his own doll. Screenshot-148_zpsc3huwjit.jpg

    Birthday time for the triplets - as usual, Hayden is up first.Screenshot-149_zpssqhlcj2q.jpg

    Leonardo is a quick learner and does his best to blow out the candles on his own.Screenshot-150_zps5ud4tqd3.jpg

    Seems that the maid is the most excited of all, but then again, you have to pace yourself. This is just birthday 2 of three!Screenshot-151_zpsdycktq3c.jpg

    Finally it's Nicholas' turn to celebrate.Screenshot-152_zpskp10ncxl.jpg

    Before the upcoming trip to France, the entire family ventures out into the cold to get a family photo.Screenshot-153_zpsv8be13kl.jpg

    Hayden and Nicholas are the first to dive into the pool once the family makes it to France.Screenshot-154_zpslqdx8cyb.jpg

    Leonardo tends to preside over royal court, alot. Even though nobody is there to watch, he seems content to do this for hours.Screenshot-156_zps14guq5ip.jpg

    Sela finds the kitchen is still intact. Her fears of Don destroying her favorite area of the house while adventuring alone are completely put at ease.Screenshot-157_zpsp3x25hdi.jpg

    So much going on, the kids hardly notice that Dad has been gone the entire day. Maybe he'll be here tomorrow hopefully.Screenshot-158_zps2hlccmjj.jpg

    But that's not going to happen for a little while. Don is successful in his task but awakens the wrath of two grumpy mummies.Screenshot-159_zpsi3xnt3ap.jpg

    He's feeling confident but not full of energy. This tomb has taken it's toll on him and he is ready to crash.Screenshot-160_zpsfx6kw9jw.jpg

    With one mummy down and his energy in deep red, Don has no choice but to take on the next one waiting for him.Screenshot-161_zpsficy0ip5.jpg

    It's not exactly his best showing, but at least the mummy leaves him unconscious and not cursed.Screenshot-162_zpsvea5yk6e.jpg

    The last of the known mummies in France have almost been vanquished and Don is ready to retire his French travel journal. Just one last foe to battle.Screenshot-163_zpsladl2ccq.jpg

    Turning in his last assignment, Don decides that he is finally retired from adventures in France. He longs for some time with his family just down the street.Screenshot-164_zpsreqomnp7.jpg

    Don barely makes it home and finally passes out from sheer exhaustion. It's good to finally be home but the bed would have been better!Screenshot-165_zpsuhmqr4ko.jpg

    It seems that the boys and Sela have been pretty rough on the villa. Don returns home to a long to-do list of needed repairs.Screenshot-166_zpsqp2lroyd.jpg

    The boys took some time while Dad rested to work on a merit badge in cooking for scouts. Screenshot-167_zpshdgnyne2.jpg

    Don finally emerges from his semi coma and finds a way to keep up with the energy of his excited little boys.Screenshot-189_zpsjjpjkjbv.jpg

    The next morning, it's all family time at home while everybody takes advantage of the break from winter back in Riverview.Screenshot-168_zpsnkcixf0g.jpg

    That night, Don entertains with the tales of some of his most dangerous encounters with mummies. He leaves out the couple of times that they got the better of him...Screenshot-170_zpsbrutudse.jpg

    Don and Sela take the boys camping and enjoy laughing and playing tag away from home. The boys are loving France and dreading the start of school that is coming up.Screenshot-173_zps9qy9yzf7.jpg

    Don and Leonardo are the first up and try to get a jump start on the best fishing of the day.Screenshot-174_zpsvgfflcni.jpg

    Hayden is not quite sure what to think of his first catch. It's almost as big as him!Screenshot-176_zpslx2itpbr.jpg

    Don informs Sela that he still has one more assignment in Egypt coming up. She's not thrilled as she knows the risks but insists that she and the boys travel with him.Screenshot-177_zpseplzbejm.jpg

    A new park has just opened in Champs Les Sims. The whole town seems to have come out for the grand opening.Screenshot-178_zpstf8ihpqp.jpg

    Leonardo loves the playground and looking out towards the Eiffel Tower.Screenshot-180_zpsoruvs76v.jpg

    Nicholas spends most of his day on the spring riders and even meets a new friend!Screenshot-179_zpsknzr6vlo.jpg

    He even meets a much bigger friend on the see-saw!Screenshot-185_zps9ozasusr.jpg

    You can't drag Hayden out of the treehouse. He even douses water on a few unsuspecting park guests.Screenshot-186_zpsioplzotb.jpg

    Don makes friends the old fashioned way - popping the cork on a vintage bottle of nectar from his travels!Screenshot-184_zpsqebdeg56.jpg

    With the kids tucked in bed finally, Don and Sela have some alone time - but find keeping their own eyes open to be a challenge too great for either of them.Screenshot-188_zpsthtgsjys.jpg

    The last day of the trip and Don has scheduled a day of windsurfing. He takes to it pretty well and the rest of the family tries to keep up!Screenshot-190_zps3ngg2u03.jpg

    Hayden seems to handle the windsurfing the best of the three boys and even makes it past the little island at the other side of the town.Screenshot-192_zpsytzdasy8.jpg

    Retired or not, there's no taking the adventure out of the adventurer. Don excavates a few sites while the family tries to recover from a very full day! Tomorrow is the return trip to Riverview where two little newborns are waiting for Mom and Dad to return!Screenshot-193_zpsjhq04nc4.jpg

    Next Entry Here: Lothario Legacy - Generation 1 (Part 7)

    See each of the legacy stories from the beginning by following these links:
    Davis Legacy - Generation 1 (Sunset Valley)
    Lothario Legacy - Generation 1 (Riverview)
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    Llandros2012Llandros2012 Posts: 622 Member
    The Lothario Legacy - Generation 1 (Part 7)
    Previous entry here: Lothario Legacy - Generation 1 (Part 6)

    As the family returned to Riverview, winter decided to blast the area with one last snowfall. The kids took advantage and started a snowball fight in the front yard.Screenshot-2_zpsvyzckocu.jpg

    The next morning, the newborns were ready to age up to toddlers. It seems that birthday celebrations are always around the corner in this household!Screenshot-3_zpsxpnk1rtw.jpg

    This was it! Don was taking one final trip to Egypt. Sela still wasn't ready to travel, but he knew he needed to get this last assignment wrapped up before his upcoming birthday.Screenshot-6_zpskno2zzfj.jpg

    Don had one final tomb to explore in Egypt before he could finally consider his adventures over. Now was the time to explore the Great Sphinx. Screenshot-7_zpshhizn7sk.jpg

    As with every tomb, there were plenty of opportunities to face danger if you made the choice to...Screenshot-8_zps0lkooot5.jpg

    After a long search, he finally made it to the Soulpeace Statue. It was here that he ended his days as an official explorer. Screenshot-9_zpsvypkvtvb.jpg

    Before heading back home, it was time for one last retreat at his isolated vacation home. He didn't know when he would return but he hoped his kids would one day love it as much as he did.Screenshot-10_zpsplskjw2d.jpg

    It was easy to forget what waited for him when he returned home. He loved his family but the peace and calm that he experienced here was something he always treasured.Screenshot-11_zpswm6fg5fk.jpg

    Back home, Sela continued to use maternity leave to her advantage. She wanted to go back to work but not until she was sure her kids were ready for her to.Screenshot-13_zpssmfi33br.jpg

    More birthdays - this time it was Don's turn. He didn't mind turning older as he had already accomplished so much.Screenshot-15_zps8dsgmucb.jpg

    Sela, on the other hand, started a midlife crisis. Perhaps getting back to work would be just the trick to snap her out of it.Screenshot-16_zpspbkfme43.jpg

    The twins bonded and kept pretty busy with little interference. It was much easier to deal with two rather than three.Screenshot-18_zpsfikbh1gc.jpg

    Don built a basement that could house all of his most prized possessions from his traveling days.Screenshot-17_zpsrmi71lcb.jpg

    Breaking space rocks surrounded by all of his achievements made Don very satisfied and proud of what he accomplished.Screenshot-26_zpsobj7ohzv.jpg

    The former maid took a new position and was replaced. Don didn't seem to mind the change. Screenshot-20_zpsu02wagms.jpg

    Sela didn't really care for her and left to return to work. She didn't like the idea of another woman in her house when she wasn't there...Screenshot-21_zps9lzjqhe7.jpg

    With Don on babysitting duties, Sela attended the boys Badging ceremony. Afterward, she took them out for a late night treat. Screenshot-25_zpsrolelvxg.jpg

    Leonardo started exhibiting some of his insane quirks. He had a very lengthy and animated conversation with this chair. The rest of the family did their best to overlook these tendencies. Screenshot-22_zpskbtwlalh.jpg

    Soon enough, it was back on the campaign trail for Don. He was looking for re-election and although he felt bad about it, he hit up the Broke family for some serious donations.Screenshot-27_zpshxnznc5a.jpg

    Nicholas decided that the weather was warm enough to swim - but frostbite set in and he realized that maybe Mom was right when she had said no to swimming.Screenshot-29_zpsln5qfboi.jpg

    Upset but very concerned, Sela made sure that Nicholas was never going to be in this position again. Word had even made it to the social worker and a call had been received. Hayden felt bad for his brother - he knew that tone in Mom's voice all too well!Screenshot-30_zps66limaqh.jpg

    Back to normal and able to feel all his fingers and toes, Nicholas heads to bed. He hopes that Mom calms down and he can still go to the festival tomorrow. He definitely learned his lesson.Screenshot-31_zpsrvvkzmtc.jpg

    Next entry here: Lothario Legacy - Generation 1 (Part 8)

    See each of the legacy stories from the beginning by following these links:
    Davis Legacy - Generation 1 (Sunset Valley)
    Lothario Legacy - Generation 1 (Riverview)
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    Llandros2012Llandros2012 Posts: 622 Member
    The Lothario Legacy - Generation 1 (Part 8)
    Previous entry here: Lothario Legacy - Generation 1 (Part 7)

    The spring festival rolled into town and the family enjoyed a picnic in between the various activities. For a change, the weather turned out to be very nice for the entire day in Riverview.Screenshot-32_zpsbvjfrg5k.jpg

    Even the youngest got to attend the festival this time, although they seemed to be oblivious to everything going on around them.Screenshot-34_zpscbhrvlnq.jpg

    They weren't the only ones in their own little world. Sela would even manage to take home the crown of Dancing Queen of the Festival.Screenshot-33_zpspsbszprn.jpg

    After a full day, nobody felt like cooking or cleaning, so a quick bite at the diner would do before heading home for the night.Screenshot-35_zpsmj05o7bk.jpg

    After wrapping up the week at City Hall, Don took to the driving range. He managed to miss a few of the passing motorists at the bottom of the hill.Screenshot-37_zpst1nw8n8w.jpg

    Hayden was the first to age up followed by his brothers. The family was now braced for three teenagers in the house.Screenshot-38_zpskqbbajaa.jpg

    Leonardo and his insane quirks was up next.Screenshot-39_zpstabk6yn6.jpg

    Finally, Nicholas joined his brothers and was ready to enter high school.Screenshot-40_zps8kzxj1jy.jpg

    But the birthday train continued to roll in that weekend as the toddlers aged on up. First up was William.Screenshot-41_zpsbzxtmpjc.jpg

    By the time Michael was ready to transition, the entire kitchen was overtaken by celebrations.Screenshot-44_zpszltcvfbf.jpg

    Hayden inherited Don's love for sports, especially golf.Screenshot-45_zpsnnzjznlv.jpg

    Unfortunately, he didn't inherit Don's abilities. Maybe with a little bit of practice he could start terrorizing the drivers at the bottom of the hill like his dad.Screenshot-46_zpscyog7nrd.jpg

    The Lothario home in China needed some attention and was in desperate need of repairs. It was clear that the house was not big enough for the family so it was spruced up and put on the market.Screenshot-47_zpsagfckico.jpg

    A larger home became available and the family went about the task of making it a bit more livable even though it was in the most remote region of the area.Screenshot-48_zpso5jey0xr.jpg

    Don introduced the boys to martial arts. Lots of bruises and sore muscles, but everyone had a great time. Screenshot-49_zpsj1cfzbwr.jpg

    Back home, Don started the daunting task of driver training for his three boys. His nerves were shot by the end of the weekend.Screenshot-50_zpsu4mx9mku.jpg

    The teen attitude reared its head first through Leonardo. Seems that he was always off about something, and wouldn't rest until the whole family was aware of it.Screenshot-51_zps71fu0y4t.jpg

    Poor Michael seemed to always find himself on the receiving end when Leonardo would explode.Screenshot-52_zpsx5ge29zt.jpg

    Still, you reap what you sow....and poor Leonardo got a pretty big dose of fright when a zombie took out his aggression on him just after one of Leonardo's outbursts. Screenshot-54_zpsrjzhppwg.jpg

    Life was getting a bit easier with all the kids finally in school and wrapped up in their own activities.Screenshot-59_zpszkk9miov.jpg

    Don's schedule had eased up and he found time to work on some much needed upgrades for the house. The Lotharios were pretty rough on the plumbing in their home.Screenshot-61_zpsdbw7uh8s.jpg

    Sela even managed to put on some mini-concerts during her off days. The diner was pleased as she was pulling in more business for her employer.Screenshot-62_zpskzcb3s9u.jpg

    But the best times were those quiet moments that you had all to yourself. There weren't many, but Don was quick to relish the ones he could!Screenshot-63_zps80a0p5u5.jpg

    Next entry here: Lothario Legacy - Generation 1 (Part 9)

    See each of the legacy stories from the beginning by following these links:
    Davis Legacy - Generation 1 (Sunset Valley)
    Lothario Legacy - Generation 1 (Riverview)
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    Llandros2012Llandros2012 Posts: 622 Member
    The Lothario Legacy - Generation 1 (Part 9)
    Previous entry here: Lothario Legacy - Generation 1 (Part 8)

    Prom arrived and the boys were extremely excited to attend - although it turned out to be quite the event for each of them. Hayden was crowned Prom King and found a girlfriend, however, all three of the Lothario boys got into multiple fights during the entire evening. At least the photos were nice...Screenshot-66_zpsf6besamc.jpg

    But the evening continued to be full of surprises as an unwelcome guest arrived in the early morning hours. Screenshot-74_zpsnsq52ddx.jpg

    It was clear where the instinct to fight came from. Don used all his tactics he learned fighting mummies help him take this would-be thief down in front of his wife and kids!Screenshot-75_zpsvkssaavg.jpg

    Festival time arrived and the family enjoyed a beautiful, sunny day. Screenshot-76_zpspp79fkzv.jpg

    Hayden made a pretty poor choice as he was trying to impress his new girlfriend with the best tan in town. This would require some explaining on his part...Screenshot-79_zps16vuo0bj.jpg

    Don stepped in and showed him how it's done - the king of summer has arrived!Screenshot-80_zpsbxh4ak4a.jpg

    Sela achieved level 10 in her culinary job and completed her lifetime wish. She celebrated on the river while Don and the boys tended to work and school.Screenshot-85_zps60syjqna.jpg

    Later, as Sela went back to work, Don and the boys found ways to enjoy the last few days of summer. Time was passing quickly in Riverview. Screenshot-88_zps78yhngg8.jpg

    Don ran into Luke, his first and oldest friend from his arrival in Riverview. He had some terrible news about the passing of his wife. Screenshot-89_zpsq8gijtfk.jpg

    Don comforted his friend but let the shocking truth sink in - he was only a few years younger than Luke and this situation would be upon him sooner than he wanted to think.Screenshot-90_zpsvoemdtie.jpg

    William and Michael aged up and the house was now full with five rowdy teenage boys!Screenshot-92_zpste4c7inm.jpg

    Don's newfound fear of mortality led him to start making some new life choices. He wanted to be around for his boys for a long time.Screenshot-97_zps1qyzqq8r.jpg

    With work winding down at City Hall, Don and Sela found more ways to stay involved with each other. Sending golf balls into rush hour traffic was always a favorite for Don!Screenshot-98_zpsvtwnwncs.jpg

    A few trips to the school for award presentations gave the couple a chance to act like kids for a little while. The boys usually found somewhere else to go so that they could avoid having to explain their parents actions to their friends.Screenshot-101_zpshm9bvpgz.jpg

    The fall festival came and so did another unwelcome guest in Riverview. Death seemed to be making some rather regular calls in town at the moment. Screenshot-104_zpsccaifojz.jpg

    Sela headed off to bed and Don gathered the boys outside. It was time to talk to them about the changes that lie ahead for the family. Soon, some would be going to college, taking jobs, getting married and starting families of their own. Don and Sela would be retiring soon and planned to enjoy their twilight years. Their lives were all destined to change but no one knew exactly what the future would hold.Screenshot-105_zpsadbcs1oi.jpg

    The next morning, Don and Sela spoke about the meeting with the boys. He knew that Sela didn't like the idea of seeing her boys leaving the nest, but the day was almost here to face that reality. Don had a hard time hiding his own emotions but did his best job to try and keep everything together.Screenshot-108_zpsceu97ygw.jpg

    Leonardo aged up first and had a very strong resemblance to his father.Screenshot-110_zps5xofflxi.jpg

    Next, it was Hayden's turn. His free, artistic side was definitely something he inherited from his mother.Screenshot-112_zpsgfpzap7h.jpg

    Finally, Nicholas aged up and stayed true to his sensible, level-headed self. Screenshot-114_zpspmnu0b1e.jpg

    Graduation day arrived and the family, decked out in their very best attire, headed down to City Hall to see the boys get their diplomas.Screenshot-119_zpsvn8xsqdr.jpg

    The family museum was filling up with each person's collectible memorabilia piling up. The house would soon have less people but the memories would always remain for those who stayed behind.Screenshot-117_zpsm8xsrv8k.jpg

    Hayden's girlfriend attended the graduation. It was finally here and he was ready to get his young adult life started.Screenshot-121_zpslq8pqrub.jpg

    Making their feelings known to everyone, the two shared the moment the best way they could imagine.Screenshot-123_zpsj88ysvt9.jpg

    Don took most of the family out to dinner to celebrate this monumental occasion.Screenshot-124_zpshtinzyqv.jpg

    Hayden and Carissa enjoyed the evening alone together. Tomorrow, they would be packing and traveling to University, but for tonight, they would enjoy their time together here in Riverview.Screenshot-125_zpsedm7cemp.jpg

    And here ends the first generation of the Lothario's in Riverview. Soon, a new generation will take over and the family will continue to grow and evolve. But before diving into the start of the Lothario's new lives, it's time to head to the neighboring town of Twinbrook, where a very different family is establishing their own legacy. I will return to Don and his family at a later time. For now, there are many new family legacies that are just beginning!

    Next episode here: Montgomery Legacy - Generation 1 (Part 1)

    See each of the legacy stories from the beginning by following these links:
    Davis Legacy - Generation 1 (Sunset Valley)
    Lothario Legacy - Generation 1 (Riverview)
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    Llandros2012Llandros2012 Posts: 622 Member
    The Montgomery Legacy - Generation 1 (Part 1)
    Previous entry here: Lothario Legacy - Generation 1 (Part 9)

    The Montgomery's have arrived in Twinbrook. This formerly well-to-do family has fallen on very hard times. Finn and Sarah Williams used to be a wealthy couple in their home town of Bridgeport. Living off of the family inheritance, they had a daughter, Gillian, who married Brighton Montgomery. She gave birth to their first child, Chance.Screenshot_zpsrqbguy2p.jpg

    Brighton encouraged Finn to invest his wealth in his startup company, but unfortunately, the business went bust and nearly all of the wealth was gone from the family. With no jobs and no marketable skills, the family used what money they had to escape the big city and find a place to start over.Screenshot-2_zps1xwefkp6.jpg

    Finn has had the most difficult time trying to transition and takes it out on his daughter, Gillian, often. This leaves poor Chance very uncomfortable as he sees the adults in his life fall apart and fight.Screenshot-3_zpsikxvjscq.jpg

    Brighton investigates a strange item on their property and receives quite the shock when a man with blue hair steps out of a burst of light to greet him.Screenshot-4_zps446n5et6.jpg

    He tells Brighton that his future is bright but that he needs inspiration to lead the family to greatness. Without Brighton, the future of the tech industry is bleak and he encourages him to take a quick trip to see the possibilities.Screenshot-5_zpsjoekwlha.jpg

    Fascinated but clearly uncomfortable, Brighton tries to take in everything that he can. He knows that this trip is short. He tells the time traveler of his financial woes. "Look to the wastelands as you can gather items to sell so that you can help your family through this struggle."Screenshot-7_zpsk31rwfr5.jpg

    Brighton takes his message to heart and jets to the wasteland. He spends his day excavating and salvaging what he can. There must be a reason that he was sent to rummage through dig sites...Screenshot-8_zpssb9sao6q.jpg

    Night falls and Brighton is still scrounging what he can. With a few more items to sell, he will have enough money. His time isolated in the wasteland has given him clarity and he now has a plan!Screenshot-9_zpsrzuhuabl.jpg

    Brighton returns to Twinbrook with enough money to send the adults off to University. Everyone has some hidden skill and maybe this will be the place to bring it out. Leaving Chance with his cousin, the Williams and the Montgomery's head to college.Screenshot-10_zpsrpdaqbmn.jpg

    Finn and Sarah find the atmosphere to be quite the place to rekindle their passion for each other.Screenshot-11_zpsnhlbwj6h.jpg

    During their time there, Finn and Gillian even begin to find common ground with each other. For the first time in years, there is peace within the family.Screenshot-16_zpsoxto9dbo.jpg

    Knowing that life is going to be all about catching up and trying to return to what they were used to, these older students put all of their efforts into studying.Screenshot-17_zpssmp1twve.jpg

    Of course, not all instincts stay buried! Sarah doesn't even care that she could be everyone's grandmother here - she's too busy being the person she always wanted to be.Screenshot-14_zpsj1tbfard.jpg

    But actions have consequences and Sarah finds herself on the wrong side of the law. Fortunately, the officer was severely sleep deprived or something and she avoided a criminal record.Screenshot-12_zpssfgdpu1e.jpg

    It turns out that the cop was also part of the group science experiment that Finn was leading. At least everyone got some much needed sleep.Screenshot-13_zps4c2oj2uz.jpg

    College life started to influence Brighton and he saw all the other guys noticing his wife. It led him to start trying to make some changes in his own life for the better.Screenshot-15_zpsqkyttk6c.jpg

    Finn and Sarah continued to find ways to relax and unwind in the dorm. She wasn't the best at massages, but he wouldn't dare complain.Screenshot-18_zps6ip36vza.jpg

    With the first term of college completed, the family returns and visits with Chance. It is definitely a much happier gathering than before they left!Screenshot-19_zpsouvapewt.jpg

    Next entry here: The Montgomery Legacy - Generation 1 (Part 2)

    See each of the legacy stories from the beginning by following these links:
    Davis Legacy - Generation 1 (Sunset Valley)
    Lothario Legacy - Generation 1 (Riverview)
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    Llandros2012Llandros2012 Posts: 622 Member
    The Montgomery Legacy - Generation 1 (Part 2)
    Previous entry here: The Montgomery Legacy - Generation 1 (Part 1)

    The second term of university begins and life gets back to its steady routine.Screenshot-20_zpssgddmi03.jpg

    Brighton starts his inventing journey while the dorm is relatively calm and empty.Screenshot-27_zpsireo3sod.jpg

    Just as everyone begins to arrive home, he catches fire. Brighton does his best to stay cool and show no pain or panic. Screenshot-23_zpsgnfakvjf.jpg

    Once he makes it to the privacy of the bathroom, the story changes dramatically!Screenshot-25_zpssurugbtq.jpg

    After a long sememster, graduation is finally here. In an effort to beat the crowd, the family hangs out a bit early at the Annex, each doing whatever they can to pass the time.Screenshot-30_zpshyl7ad2b.jpg

    One special visitor arrives just in time for the ceremony. Chance gets to watch his parents and grandparents all get their degrees at the same time.Screenshot-32_zpswrkrqnr9.jpg

    The boys have a snowball fight with Chance while the girls have a mini-celebration. It is time to pack and get ready for the return trip home. Screenshot-33_zpshsdkgiyo.jpg

    First night back in town and Brighton takes everyone to the local diner. Job offers are flooding in and everyone takes time over dinner to decide what they each will do. Screenshot-35_zpsgkj2luk0.jpg

    The first order of business is to close on their new home. It's expensive and the family will have to be a bit resourceful but everyone loves the new house.Screenshot-37_zpsxritagrw.jpg

    Gillian takes a job in business, Sarah goes to work at the Bistro, Finn is now a resident at the hospital, and Brighton has registered as a self-employed inventor. Screenshot-36_zps5kgu21ve.jpg

    Brighton establishes his relationship with the vendors in town. The orders are slow but are sure to increase as it nears the holiday season. Screenshot-43_zpsxb2twipe.jpg

    With everyone out of the house, he is free to drill for some valuable metals and gems. The neighbors aren't thrilled but at least Brighton does it during normal hours. Screenshot-44_zps2hupwbp3.jpg

    The festival arrives and everyone is glad to be able to take a break and enjoy some family time. Brighton and Gillian have the right idea.Screenshot-47_zps3bhglzha.jpg

    Monopolizing the eating contest is always best - everyone is guaranteed to share in the prize!Screenshot-51_zpseu4nmb4h.jpg

    Finn chats up a co-worker as he is trying to get on the inside track for a new promotion. Screenshot-48_zpsyfjmhtzo.jpg

    Brighton and Gillian toss the batons while Chance gets his bearings on the skating rink.Screenshot-50_zpslpu1firw.jpg

    The day is almost over and the two can't let the opportunity pass to gaze up at the stars - and each other!Screenshot-56_zpspjsu2bfz.jpg

    Seems like the festival has put everyone in a romantic mood.Screenshot-57_zpsh067cbbh.jpg

    Dodging the icky romantic scenes of his family, Chance gets his face painted and tears off towards the trampoline.Screenshot-58_zpshxtt35b7.jpg

    Brighton stops in at the salon after putting his work on consignment. He's not too sure of this stylist, to be honest.Screenshot-61_zps3cb2vv4h.jpg

    And his instincts prove right as Juan Darer puts Brighton in a very uncomfortable outfit! Brighton can't quite pull this look off. He settles for a styling shave and heads back home.Screenshot-62_zps4f9unxus.jpg

    Brighton is the only one available to attend the badging ceremony for Chance. He is so proud of his medals that he has earned.Screenshot-64_zpsqi2lvlqs.jpg

    But Brighton is even prouder of his little boy, growing up way too fast for him.Screenshot-65_zpsg6hoxjoc.jpg

    The two take advantage of their alone time and really bond. Before the season is over, these two are the best of friends.Screenshot-66_zpsjrspcbxb.jpg

    Gillian surprises everyone with the news that she is expecting. Life has certainly turned around for a family that, just a few short weeks ago, were destitute with an uncertain future.Screenshot-67_zpski1opzr7.jpg

    The last day of summer is here and the men can't resist tossing the frisbee around, trying to look much younger than they really are!Screenshot-69_zpsvcamp4t9.jpg

    Everyone takes advantage of the beautiful weather and catches a few Z's on the lake.Screenshot-68_zpsryu5u02c.jpg

    It's been a huge season of change for the family - and money is no longer the biggest concern facing them. Brighton still knows that there is more that he is supposed to do. But today is all about family and enjoying the moment.Screenshot-73_zpsnqk0fiur.jpg

    As the sun sets, Gillian tears into a newly purchased pregnancy book. She hopes that it is much easier than the last time she gave birth.Screenshot-75_zpsntqgfoow.jpg

    With Sarah off to work, the boys hang out with some of the other locals that are enjoying the day here at the lake.Screenshot-76_zpsgfql4oah.jpg

    Gillian, sensing the last few moments of summer and freedom before a new baby arrives, enjoys the water as the Montgomery's say goodbye to summer and eagerly await what fall will bring.Screenshot-77_zpschrq0nha.jpg

    Next episode here: The Montgomery Legacy - Generation 1 (Part 3)

    See the previous legacy stories from the beginning by following these links:
    Davis Legacy - Generation 1 (Sunset Valley)
    Lothario Legacy - Generation 1 (Riverview)
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    Llandros2012Llandros2012 Posts: 622 Member
    The Montgomery Legacy - Generation 1 (Part 3)
    Previous entry here: Montgomery Legacy - Generation 1 (Part 2)

    Fall sets in and Chance takes advantage of his last day as a child. Heading out back behind the house, he casts his fishing reel and dreams of catching that monster fish - until the rain and thunderstorms roll in.Screenshot-78_zpszdbtdak0.jpg

    Getting in just in time before the downpour, life decides that it is time for Chance to age up.Screenshot-79_zpsmwg4wyqf.jpg

    Questionable clothing choices aside, he seems to have aged up just fine.Screenshot-80_zps2sgxcvh7.jpg

    But while one child is coming into his own as a teenager, another one is coming into life itself - welcome Connor Montgomery! (What is it with my game and boys! I let fate decide all of the kids in these legacy stories)Screenshot-83_zpswkwtcrdm.jpg

    As if giving birth wasn't enough for one day, Gillian no more puts Connor in his crib and is then whisked away by pesky aliens.Screenshot-85_zpsbr0czcup.jpg

    Chance boards the bus, dreaming of the day he can learn to drive, and heads off for his first day of high school.Screenshot-87_zpsqxdvddhp.jpg

    Brighton takes over baby duties while a very nerve-shattered Gillian sleeps off her most recent alien encounter. Screenshot-86_zps16ydh8lj.jpg

    Finn makes it to the top of the medical career and then decides to create an indoor garden in the living room. Everyone figures that he is entitled to some indulgence for all the hard work he put in to his job.Screenshot-88_zpse2ewtchy.jpg

    Not everyone is appreciative of his efforts - the washing machine is pretty stubborn and Finn does his best to subdue the out of control beast!Screenshot-89_zpsexws0avj.jpg

    School is much harder than Chance had hoped but he's is giving it his best effort.Screenshot-90_zpsj7lhvwup.jpg

    The day arrives and Brighton lets Chance behind the wheel of his prized luxury car - both men do their best to steel their nerves as Chance breezes through his driving instruction.Screenshot-92_zpsz3wtomot.jpg

    Some old habits resurface as Finn starts to antagonize those around him. Gillian finds this all too familiar interaction happening more and more as he has extra free time at home.Screenshot-91_zpsjmxmcwbd.jpg

    Fall Festival arrives and the pumpkin patch is bursting with produce. Soon, the whole family will be carving jack-o-lanterns to get into the season.Screenshot-94_zpslvvcpbrc.jpg

    The Montgomery's try to monopolize the pie eating contest but they are all shown up by Holly Greenwood. Better luck next time guys!Screenshot-93_zpstuzrflq4.jpg

    Brighton is successful, however, in the apple bobbing contest. Maybe it was Gillian's cheering and encouragement that allows him to be the best bobber in town!Screenshot-96_zpsucmfdrxg.jpg

    Chance takes on the haunted house and aside from a creepy chill, comes out completely unscathed. He wonders why his grandmother peed herself when she went through? Screenshot-97_zpsrwaj2la7.jpg

    Connor becomes a toddler and the family can breathe a sigh of relief. It seems that he is a much more manageable toddler than baby, for the most part. Screenshot-99_zpsmxrmkg66.jpg

    Chance takes to his big brother role quite easily. He's getting pretty attached to this little guy. The feeling is mutual as they are now best friends.Screenshot-100_zpshqmbpgbj.jpg

    The old timers prove that you're never too old and do their best to keep active - in any way they can!Screenshot-102_zpsqaba2wig.jpg

    Of course, some activities are more strenuous than others and require a bit more rest for total recovery.Screenshot-101_zpsy8ltyj3v.jpg

    Gillian achieves her lifetime wish and starts pulling some power meetings around town. She's made quite the name for herself around the town of Twinbrook.Screenshot-104_zpsl5vbnpfu.jpg

    A girl in class is starting to show interest in Chance - she even fakes interest in chess just to hang out with him for a little while.Screenshot-105_zpsqizkhymi.jpg

    Brighton is starting to regret taking the order for those 200 hygienators. He knows it is a valuable contract but the time requirement is really starting to wear on him quite a bit. Screenshot-110_zpsn5vy9ci5.jpg

    Chance takes advantage of some sleeping potions to help his little brother learn a few skills. It's the perfect time as the rest of the house is quietly sleeping during the wee hours of the morning.Screenshot-111_zpslth3essm.jpg

    As fall winds down, Gillian takes some time out of the weekend to take Connor to the library and read a few books. She is happy to have this special time with him to bond and see him develop new skills.Screenshot-112_zpsgfbk3ppk.jpg

    All is quiet as fall quietly drifts away and winter sneaks in to the town of Twinbrook. With Chance facing his final season of school, the first generation of Montgomery's is busy putting life in order to see him take over the reigns of the household when he graduates!Screenshot-109_zpsnrpkiesu.jpg

    Next episode here: The Montgomery Legacy - Generation 1 (Part 4)

    See the previous legacy stories from the beginning by following these links:
    Davis Legacy - Generation 1 (Sunset Valley)
    Lothario Legacy - Generation 1 (Riverview)
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    Llandros2012Llandros2012 Posts: 622 Member
    The Montgomery Legacy - Generation 1 (Part 4)
    Previous entry here: The Montgomery Legacy - Generation 1 (Part 3)

    Winter has arrived in Twinbrook...and with it, someone else has come for an unexpected visit.Screenshot-117_zpsysihtlor.jpg

    Some people just come looking for trouble. Well, this guy is about to find it.Screenshot-118_zpsssxhwiah.jpg

    In moves that would make the legendary Don Lothario proud, Chance takes out the burglar single handed.Screenshot-120_zpsguitqmcy.jpg

    Finn and Sarah enjoy an afternoon date at the diner with some snowman building fun afterwards.Screenshot-121_zpsl6vpxrgg.jpg

    Later that evening, time runs out for poor Finn. Winter has proven to be a harsh season for the Montgomery family.Screenshot-125_zpsebhu2fed.jpg

    The whole family is there and plunged into shock and sorrow as they watch the beloved Dr. Finn Williams move on from the world.Screenshot-127_zpsqghfzg4o.jpg

    Sarah is completely devastated and beyond consolation as she says a tearful farewell to her flawed but loving husband.Screenshot-130_zpsczpoquhv.jpg

    Time heals all wounds but this will take more time than anyone can imagine to make better.Screenshot-132_zpsgj77hpxk.jpg

    Although their relationship had been rocky at times, Gillian knew that the emptiness she felt could never be filled. Everyone's heart was completely broken.Screenshot-134_zpsiey3jdbj.jpg

    Putting on brave faces, the family goes ahead with the winter activities at the festival. Chance proves to be a very graceful and skilled skater.Screenshot-135_zpslazbcomp.jpg

    But one festival goer certainly has a lot of nerve to show his face.Screenshot-136_zpstuuykelf.jpg

    Chance, ever the mature teenager, even finds it in his heart to forgive the young man who continues to make some poor choices. Screenshot-137_zps4tnwsuwz.jpg

    Sarah reaches out to some of the other elder women in town and finds some camaraderie in the ladies of Twinbrook.Screenshot-138_zps5tv3ulc6.jpg

    Gillian takes to the air and completely astounds the men who are standing around watching. She outdoes every other snowboarder and keeps it secret that this is her first time.Screenshot-139_zpsioeqbdbh.jpg

    Not to be outdone by his wife, Brighton braces himself and proves to be quite the agile snowboarder himself.Screenshot-140_zps3fsnmskd.jpg

    Meanwhile, the littlest Montgomery, Connor, is aging up and ready to start school.Screenshot-144_zpsud1huphl.jpg

    Heavy snows cancel school for the day but nothing is going to cancel the senior prom. Chance is ready for whatever the night might bring.Screenshot-146_zpslsjvonw5.jpg

    He's leaving in style and is hoping to see his crush, Emerald. More importantly, he hopes she sees him pull up in this limo!Screenshot-147_zpspsmsef2l.jpg

    Sarah leaves work early complaining of dizziness and an upset stomach.Screenshot-148_zpso2tkbplx.jpg

    Unfortunately, the illness was much more serious than even she imagined. Sadly, none of the family were there to see her leave this world to rejoin her husband, Finn.Screenshot-150_zpsnqi3epzh.jpg

    Winter has proven quite cruel with the crushing deaths of Gillian's parents.Screenshot-151_zps1vrrtkzj.jpg

    The grief is almost too much to bear as Gillian breaks down for the loss of her mother and father. Their seemingly perfect life has certainly been turned upside down.Screenshot-152_zpsj9arsjff.jpg

    All that is left behind are the memories, good and bad, of Finn and Sarah Williams. Both will be missed dearly by the surviving family members.Screenshot-153_zpsh5pftcga.jpg

    Chance continues to bond with his little brother. While Brighton consoles his grieving wife, his teenage son steps up to keep a watchful eye on his little brother.Screenshot-155_zpsbu7kde1j.jpg

    The season ends with a bang as Chance transitions into his young adult years.Screenshot-159_zpscrbqqboz.jpg

    Chance is ready to lead the Montgomery family through the next generation. He has had many experiences in his short life that have helped to shape him into the man he has become.Screenshot-160_zpsqpnjlv65.jpg

    He knows he will make a great dad someday. His little brother has given him plenty of practice and admiration.Screenshot-161_zpsp7xsogye.jpg

    Gillian finally starts to feel more like herself again and she whisks Brighton off his feet to show him how she is feeling. It all comes as quite a shock to him!Screenshot-163_zpsghd2cee6.jpg

    Graduation arrives and the family cannot help but be saddened by the absence of their loved ones.Screenshot-165_zpsdokbjwrk.jpg

    The first generation, still going strong, is ready to move over and give the next generation the chance to shine. To no ones surprise, this young man is more than capable of rising to the challenge.Screenshot-166_zpszacfxh3j.jpg

    And here ends the first generation of the Montgomery's in Twinbrook. More will come later with Chance and the family, but first, we turn our attention to the next town where a new group of young sims are about to begin their lives in the town of Barnacle Bay.

    Next entry here: Coming Soon!

    See the previous legacy stories from the beginning by following these links:
    Davis Legacy - Generation 1 (Sunset Valley)
    Lothario Legacy - Generation 1 (Riverview)
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    ChelleJoChelleJo Posts: 7,087 Member
    I hope you'll continue this story soon. :)
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