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Llandros' Ultimate Sim Challenge Rules (Sims 3)


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    AlHollandiyahAlHollandiyah Posts: 1,121 Member
    I have finished the awesomeness of season 15 yesterday and I am preparing to kickstart season 16 today! I am going to live in a houseboat (something different from the huge villas/castles for a change) and try to discover the secret islands! I have been looking forward to this season the most of all because of Island Paradise, and Im very curious how it will be!
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    AlHollandiyahAlHollandiyah Posts: 1,121 Member
    edited February 2019
    And here is where I am going to diverge a little bit from the rules. (Again?). I'm 'just' going to focus on the skills and the 3 careers, as well as being a mermaid and having mermaid offspring. I am NOT going to pursue the islands, and I will also not own and operate a resort. The reason? I want to save that for the next big challenge that I am planning to do, and I want to leave something to discover and try out for that. It's a bit of a combination between a 0 money challenge and the Adam & Eve Challenge (mixed by me) and will focus heavily on Isla Paradiso. So I'm just going to breeze through the next seasons with just the core requirements (jobs & skills). As for the last season, I'll share my plans for that when I have them figured out.
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    AlHollandiyahAlHollandiyah Posts: 1,121 Member
    Ok. So much for my BIG plans. First I need to try how to make IP work in the first place.... #lag #unplayable
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,807 Member

    I've got the first week of the firefighter career finished. The career worked fine on day one but it had the glitch today but I'm almost to level 8 in the career anyway. She just married husband number three today but I'm holding off on a kid for just a bit.
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    AlleenmensAlleenmens Posts: 18,990 Member
    edited February 2019
    I have also started this challenge over the weekend. In my first save my guy's daycare also stopped working after he assigned a roomie. I don't know if that is the problem.
    In my second save I didn't assign a roomie and so far so good. He got married to a girl he met in university and they got twins. A human and a werewolf.
    In my first save they got imaginary friends and I laughed when the IF fainted when she turned into a werewolf.
    Alas in my second save they don't have IF's. It was so funny. ;)
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    AlHollandiyahAlHollandiyah Posts: 1,121 Member
    edited February 2019
    @Alleenmens That sounds really funny! Do you have mods already? As you might have found out already Ts3 is full of bugs and they sure help keep things playable.

    I have made Isla Paradiso decently playable by downloading the fixed version from MTS. Then I completely removed all houseboats, relocating all their owners, and preventing story progression from filling then back up.
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    AlleenmensAlleenmens Posts: 18,990 Member
    Yeah, I got them. ;) I just have a glitch with my babies now and try to sort it out. I think it's bad CC. :s But I'm planning to blog my progress. I will put the link up here. :smiley:
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    AlleenmensAlleenmens Posts: 18,990 Member
    I'm on stage 3 with my daycare and 4 toddlers :o
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,807 Member

    @Alleenmens I hope you have as much fun with the challenge as I do. I'm in Twinbrook currently and am halfway through the firefighting career. I'm happy to see another Simmer doing the challenge.
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    AlleenmensAlleenmens Posts: 18,990 Member
    Yeah, I do have fun.. :smiley: Thanks
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    AlHollandiyahAlHollandiyah Posts: 1,121 Member
    I SAID I wasn't going to do the resort. But then I got completionist on the Islands, and I started looking up what resorts really take. Then I decided to just give it a go and buy Sparkling Sands. Because it is 4.5 stars already I could probably strike out the 5 star resort requirement in no time! And yep, some upgrades here and there and within 12 game hours it had 5 stars and now my sim owns No Trouble Atoll. She also sold the resort again after collecting her first money from it, and sold it for nearly 40k more then she bought it for. So I think that was an easy success. and being in season 15 means I have plenty of millions to buy whatever I please, so why not! That way I will have done the requirement, unlocked the Island AND leave something for future sims to achieve! Win Win Win situation!
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    AlHollandiyahAlHollandiyah Posts: 1,121 Member
    After leaving the life guard drama (see blog) behind season 16 has come to an end and I will start season 17 soon!
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    Llandros2012Llandros2012 Posts: 622 Member
    Have made a few edits to the original rules after play testing and seeing some issues that have popped up. Hope you all are still enjoying it - I'm still making videos of it and working my way through it SLOWLY!!
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    AlHollandiyahAlHollandiyah Posts: 1,121 Member
    I would suggest just changing the rules and making an editional "update" section where you layout what you changed, because right now it can be kind of confusing for new players. As for "I would NOT travel during this season as it will reset your horse jumping statistics. Travel at your own risk." as soon as you move to the new town/season it will reset anyway. I suggest getting the other riding skill challenges without the use of show jumping so that only 1 out of 3 challenge stars reset on traveling. I am also keeping a list of bugged skill challenges, if anyone has any additions to this list please let me know!
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    AlHollandiyahAlHollandiyah Posts: 1,121 Member
    I sort of sped through season 17 because A: Midnight Hollow is barely playable / too dark to my preference and B: it just had 2 rather boring rabbit hole careers and another one that I didn't like very much. If I learned one thing from this challenge it is that I love the self employed careers, hate the 'go to random place and get whined at' careers (like architect, stylist and the likes) and find the rabbit hole careers in the middle, depending on what they are based on. So I could enter a random lame excuse for skipping through most of this season but that just wouldn't be fair nor true. I am planning to start season 18 tonight and have already installed the town and the board walk.
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    AlHollandiyahAlHollandiyah Posts: 1,121 Member
    Okay I loaded up Roaring Heights for season 18, and am I in for a surprise. I haven't really had a world before that I really liked this much (okay, Isla Paradiso doesn't count because I'm going to dedicate a whole challenge to it), but this one nails it for me! I haven't actually played it yet, but if it feels just as awesome playing as it looks loading up I think I'm going to combine season 18 and 19 without moving to a new town/save. The first thing I am going to do is (for the first time ever) buy all the real estate and upgrade them all to the 3rd level. That will also add to my incentive to stay hanging around instead of my usual safe-hopping! Because that takes a lot of time & money, and it will only pay off in the long run. I am looking forward to this VERY much!
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,807 Member

    @AlHollandiyah Wow, it's hard to believe you are so close to being done! I'm still in Season 3 right now, waiting on the opportunity to build a Simbot still.

    @Llandros2012 I still enjoy it very much. I haven't had any issues lately and everything seems to be going fine for now.
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    AlHollandiyahAlHollandiyah Posts: 1,121 Member
    @Brandontaylor Yeah, hard to believe indeed. On the other hand, I have been working on it for over half a year. The further down the line, the easier it gets, because you have all of the life time rewards, and all of the skills, and stuff gets way easier. Sometimes even boring.... I just spend a total of $ 3,771,217 on buying and upgrading all public property in town, and all of them are now up to 3 stars where applicable. I hope that 3.7 mil is going to pay back. Still haven't decided what I will do with season 19 though.
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,807 Member

    Wow, that's a lot of spending money! It should pay off but it will take a bit, I imagine. I'm looking forward to having all the college degrees done, university gets annoying at times.
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    AlHollandiyahAlHollandiyah Posts: 1,121 Member
    edited February 2019
    Wow, that's a lot of spending money! It should pay off but it will take a bit, I imagine. I'm looking forward to having all the college degrees done, university gets annoying at times.

    You can always buy one with LTR : ) But yeah I agree, they can get very annoying!
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,807 Member

    @AlHollandiyah I almost thought about doing that for one of the degrees, I'll have to decide what season to do it in though. I may save it for the last one as I use university to get the five blogs done. For the most part, I stick to the rules but I figure it is a LTR and we have to get them all anyway, so it does make sense to use it at least once.
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    AlHollandiyahAlHollandiyah Posts: 1,121 Member
    That's an idea. Though in the last season you probably can get the degree in 1 week due to all the extras you already built up. Also be sure to check my last post about the investigator career, because I don't know what they were thinking when they were coding it but it is hilarious what she thinks shes doing....
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    AlHollandiyahAlHollandiyah Posts: 1,121 Member
    Season 19 is upon me .... Season 18 wasn't very hard with the journalism career being just another rabbit hole one. And as 1 of the requirements of season 19 is to own and upgrade all venues and I just did that in Roaring Heights I decided to stay. Because why not. It's a nice town. So no new save at this time.

    However, I will be skipping a number of things from Llandros list. I have not had any offspring in season 18 nor will I do that in season 19, and I don't have any descendants to move into homes. So that is out of the window. As for a 5 star resort, I had one (shortly) in Isla Paradiso and for me personally they belong in thát town. Last of all I am not planning to own a home anywhere else then in Roaring Heights, because I know myself, when I am done with this challenge I won't keep the save anyway. I'm the type of OCD map cleaner that will go "finished = bin".

    So basically season 19 will consists of the last careers, the last skills, getting level 3 visa for the countries, completing all collections including the relic one, and then wrapping it all up. I think that will be plenty to keep me busy for a bit, and then it is time to move on to a new challenge without everything being so easy (all rewards, all skills, too much money to spend, etc.) I will keep an eye on this topic because I love to see what others are doing with this amazing challenge!
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    AlHollandiyahAlHollandiyah Posts: 1,121 Member
    edited February 2019
    I just had my first adventure and I'm loving it. I will probably get bored before long if they are all alike to much, but hey, having some puzzles to solve for a change (rather then disappearing in the millionth rabbit hole) is a thing! While in Oasis Landings I made her a new plumbot that I will use as a maid/butler/sidekick/aid in any way she can help, which I called Androida. I gave Androida the Prepared Traveler reward trait also, so their first trip together is for 9 days immediately! I will also use Nraas to get Androida to the same visa level as Amber has at any time, because they work as a team, even though Androida is just hanging around at the base camp functioning as some kind of super multifunctional chest right now. I can't put my collectables chests in the basecamp as I can't build, so I'm storing all my finds in her inventory instead. But hey, isn't that also part of the job being a supportive sidekick? LOL! Screenshot of them @ basecamp here!
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,807 Member

    With the edits to the rules, I added the art appraiser to Twinbrook since I am past Riverview. Still have to do sculpting as well before I go to Barnacle Bay.
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