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The Sims 4 Graphics R Ugly!



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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    Funny how when a thread from 2014 gets revived things get a bit heated. Maybe there are still some unsettled feelings between players that will never go away?
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    ladybreidladybreid Posts: 3,455 Member
    edited September 2017
    Funny how when a thread from 2014 gets revived things get a bit heated. Maybe there are still some unsettled feelings between players that will never go away?

    I don't find it funny at all in fact I find it to be a pretty sad situation. Getting mad at a player for holding an opinion different from your (your in the general sense) own shows lack of maturity.

    (the rest of this is directed at those of you that it applies too.You know who you are lol *tisk tisk* naughty naughty.. )

    When I was a wee girl I was sure that life wasn't actually happening unless I was in the room. I thought that people and animals were puppets or dolls and that they only came to life when I was there. I would tear through the house trying to get into a room faster and faster to try and catch people not being alive. Of course no matter how fast I ran into a room there they were alive and doing life stuff!

    As an adult I would often think back on that and giggle remembering how it would feel, I'd be perfectly still and try to will super powers into my legs so I would be faster than fast. I would suddenly take off running, I can still feel the rush of air against my cheeks and I would run into a room breathless and so certain they would all be bunched on the floor like dolls and the bit of anger at myself for being not quite fast enough. In my mind I would plot out how I might get faster next time.. For the longest time my adult self would giggle about this and think that certainly I was strange and demented as a child. Now after my husband getting his first degree in psychology I find out that it is actually a normal thing. Children experience it in various ways but it boils down to the selfish mind of a child believing the world revolves around them. It isn't a cruel thing to say it is just a stage of growth all children go through at varying degrees.

    Some remember going through it, some were too young and yet some are still stuck in that stage and are unable to conceive that the world in fact doesn't revolve around us and that people aren't in fact alive just to please or entertain us. We are in fact all separate people with out own minds and our own likes and dislikes.

    Everyone needs to put on their grownup bloomers and realize their own limitations. If you aren't grown enough to handle that people will not like everything you like then don't subject yourself to their opinions. Have a different opinion but be grown up enough not to personally attack others over their opinion.

    Personally I don't find it entertaining to watch people jab at each other because they aren't a fan of the same art style so I'm not fussed with popping back in to read this thread.
    Saying "not to be rude", then blatently being rude does not excuse rude behavior.
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @ladybreid Interesting points.

    When I was younger on the original Sims BBS there was never any disputes as the game was new anyway. The thing was back then internet for most people was just dial up so I would only be online at certain times of day. These days everyone is online everywhere so you are never free from seeing something that you disagree with even if what you don't like is only something that is said online.

    I long for the days before the whole online thing exploded and your opinion was usually your own and nothing came about to make you feel challenged in anyway.

    Like you said about being younger, things only ever happened when I was in the room...
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    EA_LeelooEA_Leeloo Posts: 2,019 EA Staff (retired)
    Hey folks!

    I had to close this thread because many of the comments here are not very nice.

    In addition to this, I'd like to remind you at this point that necroing threads is frowned upon on this forum, so please make use of the search option to find active discussions related to your topic - and if there are none, feel free to create a new one.

    Thanks you!
This discussion has been closed.
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