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BlargianBlargian Posts: 197 Member
Bloodlines: Gustav & Ishka's Legacy | Family Tree: Echo + Plum | ID: Jalooloo
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    BlargianBlargian Posts: 197 Member
    edited April 2017
    Generation 1

    Gustav Hilde (Art Gallery Curator) + Ishka Hilde (Artist) =
    -Didier Hilde (Police Chief)
    -Felix Hilde (Concert Pianist)
    -Janja Hilde (Microbiologist)


    Generation 2

    Didier Hilde (Police Chief) + Constance Hilde (Stand-Up Comedian) =
    -Nikola Hilde (Angel Investor)
    -Beatrice Hilde (Art Critic)


    Felix Hilde (Concert Pianist) + Zolita Hilde (Concert Violinist) =
    -Arabella Hilde (Publicist)
    -Petra Hilde (Professional Gamer) [twin]
    -Lila Hilde (Makeup Vlogger) [twin]


    Laidley Churchill (Trauma Surgeon) + Janja Churchill (Microbiologist) =
    -Radka Churchill (Charity Director)
    -Viggo Churchill (Vegetarian Food Critic)


    Generation 1

    Gustav: Art Lover, Creative, Muser, Romantic
    Ishka: Art Lover, Bookworm, Creative, Muser

    Generation 2

    Didier: Active, Gregarious, Insider, Romantic
    Constance: Art Lover, Gregarious, Outgoing, Self-Assured

    Felix: Creative, Good, Muser, Music Lover
    Zolita: Creative, Family-Oriented, Muser, Music Lover

    Laidley: Alluring, Creative, Dance Machine, Romantic
    Janja: Cheerful, Genius, Good, Quick Learner
    Post edited by Blargian on
    Bloodlines: Gustav & Ishka's Legacy | Family Tree: Echo + Plum | ID: Jalooloo
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    BlargianBlargian Posts: 197 Member
    edited January 2018
    Chapter 1: The Founders

    Gustav Hilde was born in Germany to a German father and Swedish mother. Ishka Holmberg was born in Nepal to a Swedish father and Serbian mother. They were born two weeks apart. Both moved to Sweden when they turned seven to attend Grundskola.

    Up until his move to Sweden, Gustav lived in the small German town of Cochem. He was raised speaking Swedish at home, but German at preschool. His parents encouraged him to learn English as well, and he often watched movies in all three languages. Gustav’s favourite types of movies to watch were documentaries about painters, sculptors, and architects. Camille Pissarro and Rembrandt intrigued him the most. Oh, and that Brunelleschi guy.

    Before Ishka moved to Sweden, her parents lived quite modestly in Kathmandu. They did not earn much, but were accepted by the locals because of the constant effort that they put in to helping the community. Ishka learnt minimal Nepali during this time, because most of the locals spoke to her in English. This forced her to adapt, and she developed her language skills in Swedish, Serbian, and English at an accelerated rate. Her parents encouraged her to be creative in her early childhood – something which stayed with her for the rest of her life.

    They did not meet until Gymnasieskola in Gothenburg, at the age of sixteen. They sat next to each other on public transport one day, with Gustav declaring it, “Fate that we have no classes together. I would not be able to concentrate one bit!” They bonded over being polyglots and their love of art. Gustav and Ishka started doing commissions together, and both got accepted into the same local art college. They got married the week after they graduated, and neither of them wore shoes at the wedding. The two were inseparable.


    The first two years of their married lives were spent in France. They did commissions and contributed to small galleries. Gustav became known for his realistic charcoal portraits and occasional colour work. Ishka was renowned for her diverse and eccentric style, mainly in acrylic paint and watercolour. They both called each other their muse. Their move to Newcrest, New Zealand, was a spontaneous one. It was a town full of food, art, and culture. This is the place where Gustav and Ishka settled down and became acclaimed artists. Gustav started curating a local gallery – Ishka’s paintings and murals being main attractions.

    Gustav and Ishka decided that they were stable enough to start a family at the age of thirty-two. They wanted at least two children, and ended up having three. Didier, Felix, and Janja; all born in Newcrest one year apart. Didier and Felix were names they fell in love with whilst living in France, and Janja was a popular name on the Serbian side of the family. In order to keep the children cultured and close to the family, they visited their grandparents in Europe for two months a year. Ishka’s parents would have them in Sweden for one month, then Gustav’s parents would take them. They stayed in Sweden for the most part, but made sure they had at least one week in Germany. When they were six, they started schooling and their travel was limited to two weeks during holiday.

    The family spoke Swedish at home and English at school. Their school also had compulsory language subjects, so they picked French over Japanese and Maori. They did not have much time to practice speaking German. All three children had… odd accents. Janja became best friends with a pretty girl in her second-grade class named Constance Churchill. Her grandparents were some of the most powerful people in Newcrest, and they used their money to sponsor lots of projects. Constance came over quite often, bringing along her older brother Laidley who happened to be in Didier’s grade. The Hilde’s became quite popular at their school – they had connections, charisma, and intelligence. However, despite their popularity, they kept level heads, rebuffed many admirers, and worked on their many talents.

    Post edited by Blargian on
    Bloodlines: Gustav & Ishka's Legacy | Family Tree: Echo + Plum | ID: Jalooloo
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    soccer_emmysoccer_emmy Posts: 114 Member
    I love your family!
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    BlargianBlargian Posts: 197 Member
    edited April 2017
    Chapter 2: Laying Roots

    Felix started dating Zolita Caliente, Constance and Laidley’s cousin, when both were only thirteen. She was the daughter of Dina Caliente, a socialite who moved from Oasis Springs in Arizona to escape the drama of her home life, only to find herself have the illegitimate son of a wealthy playboy. The two lovebirds met during music class in high school, with Felix being the star pianist and Zolita being a violin prodigy. They were so young that it only lasted two weeks, but they got back together when they were fourteen and have not been apart since. Gustav and Ishka’s creativity was certainly running through Felix’s blood.

    That does not mean that Didier and Janja were not creative, they just did not pursue art or music. Didier was into sports, playing scrum half for the Newcrest High rugby union team. Occasionally he played on the mixed netball team with Janja and Constance. The girls were not the most… skilled of players, but they had fun and Didier started looking at Constance as more than the confident friend of his little sister. Constance did not say much, but she was far from shy. She kept the smart Janja laughing throughout their entire childhood. She let the little genius rant and rave about space and aliens and the kind of plague she would creative if she was evil. Thank the lords there was not one bad bone in that girl’s body.

    When Didier was in his senior year, he looked at his little brother and thought, “Geez, that boy is happy.” Felix and Zolita had been together for three years by now, making and playing music together. Constance was now sixteen and Didier could not deny how he felt any longer. Janja knew he was in love with her best friend, and though, “EWWW!” and “Just go for it already!” simultaneously. Constance decided that she wanted to become a stand-up comedian and make people laugh for a living. Being the confident girl that she was, and with the blessing of Janja, she rented an empty studio apartment with Didier. They went there every day after rugby practice to test out new material she wrote. Surprisingly, nothing happened between them and Constance was so disappointed. Didier, Felix, Laidley, Constance, Zolita, and Janja would occasionally use the studio apartment for gatherings, playing lots of loud music and drinking lots of “juice”.

    Janja came over for a three-day movie marathon sleepover one Friday afternoon. Constance was talking about how Didier was the most clueless boy in the world, before Janja laughed and said, “And what is stopping you from making the first move?” Constance’s faced blanked. She stood still for one minute before she grabbed her coat and walked forty-five minutes to the Hilde residence. Her hair was messy due to the intense wind that afternoon. When Didier answered the door, he said, “The local homeless shelter is that way.” She replied with, “I’m supposed to be the funny one.” Whilst those two were off professing their love for each other, Janja told Laidley that she was not watching Final Destination on her own.


    Didier went to a police academy in Windenburg after graduation. Laidley moved to Otago to study a double degree in Medicine and Surgery. He was never the genius type, but after dating Janja for a few months, he realised that he wanted to be a surgeon. She encouraged him to be more academic and use his creative mind in a logical way. Both boys were insanely romantic – they co-ordinated shipments of flowers, mixtapes, and skype calls to their girlfriends back home. Constance and Janja never felt alone.

    The following year, Felix and Zolita moved to Spain to study at the Madrid Royal Conservatory on scholarships. She helped him with his Spanish. People often compared Zolita’s ability to Pablo de Sarasate and Felix’s to Franz Liszt if he was “a little more Swedish”. They won competitions and were critically acclaimed for their performances. Two compositions of Felix’s, My Zolita and Caliente, earned them enough royalties that they did not have to work for the rest of their lives if they wanted to. Zolita’s composition, Burla del Amor, solidified her status as a virtuoso violinist. They became concert musicians together. Their travels led them all throughout Europe, but they knew that they wanted to move back to New Zealand someday. Despite all their time in Spain, Felix’s Spanish was still dodgy – Zolita blamed that funky accent of his.

    By the time Constance and Janja graduated, Laidley was starting the third year of his double degree. Janja applied to study a Bachelor of Science at the same university as him. She decided on microbiology as her major and specialised in Environmental Microbiology. They moved into a small off-campus apartment together. Constance, however, did not pursue higher education. She moved to Windenburg to live with Didier, who just got promoted from being a Probationary Constable to a Detective. Windenburg was by no means a city, but it’s nightlife was a major tourist magnet and Constance took her chances on stand-up. She never made it international but was more than happy to be branded one of New Zealand’s best.
    Post edited by Blargian on
    Bloodlines: Gustav & Ishka's Legacy | Family Tree: Echo + Plum | ID: Jalooloo
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    BlargianBlargian Posts: 197 Member
    edited April 2017
    Chapter 3: Wedding Bells

    Back home in Newcrest, Gustav and Ishka’s gallery was as popular as ever. The Churchill family regularly hosted charity events which the Hilde’s were honoured to contribute to. Kian and Eugenie, Constance and Laidley’s parents, held the artists and their children in high regard. With council approval, they sponsored for them to paint murals on five Newcrest community buildings: The Town Hall, Library, a supermarket, and two car parks near the water. At the age of fifty-six, on Ishka’s birthday, Gustav planned an Italian holiday for two. They visited all documented buildings designed by Filippo Brunelleschi. Ishka said that this tour was “one of the best months in my life” because she had not seen Gustav so happy in such a long time.

    That same year, Felix proposed to Zolita in the small German town of Cochem. He was down on one knee and she accepted with a sly smile. Struggling with her pronunciation, she said, “Lass mich darüber nachdenken.” Felix wanted to make fun of her German but it was not like his abilities were any better. Their wedding was a few months later on a date when Laidley and Janja were not swamped with study. It was in Gothenburg – the place where their parents grew up and fell in love. All the Churchills and Hildes attended, and a lot of concert musicians and teachers the music duo became acquainted with throughout the years were present as well. After a honeymoon in Nassau, the two moved to a wonderful cottage in Windenburg.


    Felix and Zolita’s music careers started to slow down once they were back in New Zealand. On their six-month anniversary, Zolita revealed that she was two months pregnant. They wanted to wait until she was at least thirteen weeks before they told anyone. The two of them continued to compose music as they prepared for a baby. The first person Felix wanted to tell was his mother. He arraigned for his mother and father to take the train down to Windenburg for the big announcement. Over scones and hot chocolate, Gustav and Ishka found out that they were going to be grandparents. “It is going to be a gorgeous baby girl,” Ishka told her daughter-in-law. The next week, all the Hilde siblings and their partners gathered at the cottage. The first grandchild!


    Two weeks later, Didier proposed to Constance whilst they were exploring ancient ruins. She was ecstatic but claimed that “Constance Hilde does not sound as cool as Constance Churchill.” They got married by a river near Felix’s cottage. Like his parents, Didier did not wear shoes. Not only that, but they made a NO-SHOE policy for all the guests. Gustav and Ishka were more than happy to comply, but it took a big of coaxing to get the Churchill’s to ditch their designers. Janja was the maid of honour and Laidley was the best man. Felix and Zolita were part of the bridal party too, with the latter looking kind of funny with her little baby belly in a tight bridesmaid dress. Their reception was in Felix’s expansive yard. In front of the bonfire, Laidley asked Janja that if she wanted to get married too. “I thought you were romantic?” She joked, and they applied for a marriage license the next morning. They got married five days later in a Registry office at 9:30am, with Gustav, Ishka, Kian, and Eugenie being the only witnesses. Didier and Constance went honeymooning in Matamata – nothing screams true love like a Hobbiton Movie Set Tour. Laidley and Janja were too busy to go on a honeymoon but he swore he would take her somewhere special someday. When Constance came back, she told Janja that they “became sisters twice in one week”.

    Post edited by Blargian on
    Bloodlines: Gustav & Ishka's Legacy | Family Tree: Echo + Plum | ID: Jalooloo
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    BlargianBlargian Posts: 197 Member
    edited January 2018
    Chapter 4: Circle of Life

    When Zolita was eight months pregnant, tragedy struck. Ishka, despite being healthy, had a stroke and passed away. The whole family was devastated; Gustav was shattered. At the funeral, he spoke about the amazing woman he had loved since they were sixteen. The most wonderful part about it was that Gustav spoke of her as a human being, not some mystical woman. Ishka liked to count the freckles on Gustav’s cheeks. She had ingrown hairs on her legs. She forgot to cover her nose when she sneezed. She had to dye her hair every couple of weeks to maintain her signature pink locks. Her eye sight was not too good. Ishka slept on the left side of the bed with her right leg between Gustav’s – if she did not fall asleep in her studio, of course. She would yell at him when he tried to cook dessert because “brownies are not supposed to taste like barbeque, Gustav!” He would never forget the sound of her voice and made sure to tell all their grandchildren her magnificent story.


    Ishka was right - it was a girl! Arabella Hilde: Daughter to Felix and Zolita, granddaughter of Gustav, Ishka, Phillip, and Dina. Her eyes were as blue as her mother’s, and her hair was just as dark. Her face, though, was remarkably like Ishka’s. Zolita would speak to her daughter in Spanish; Felix would speak to her in Swedish. Gustav would try to speak to her in German, but she looked like Ishka so he felt like he had to speak Swedish. They found raising their daughter an incredibly easy experience and decided they wanted more children. They got more than they bargained for with their twin girls: Petra and Lila. Life was certainly hectic with three baby girls under the age of two. Gustav fell in love with every single one of them. He made sure to become better at baking brownies so his grandchildren would not despise him. The cottage became too cramped for the family, especially with their grandfather being so hands-on. They moved the family in with Gustav back in Newcrest and helped him with the gallery. Didier and Constance moved into the cottage.


    Didier became one of the youngest Assistant Commissioners in New Zealand. It was three years after Ishka passed away when he started his new job. It was tough and disturbing work. Luckily, he would still come home to his beautiful wife and she would always make sure she would make him laugh before he fell asleep. One day, he came home particularly stressed. He forgot all his problems once he laid eyes upon his wife – red lips, stockings, a garter belt, and nothing else. That night, baby Nikola was conceived. If the boy ever asked how he was made, Didier just wanted to say it was a stork. By the time little Beatrice came around, Didier had become Police Commissioner. He was a busy man but he made sure he had time to be the best father that he could be.


    It took them a lot of hard work and sleepless nights, but both Laidley and Janja got lucrative jobs in Windenburg. They moved in to the cottage next to Didier and Constance – a perfect setup. Laidley was working in the hospitals as an on-call Trauma Surgeon; Janja was a Microbiologist at a prestigious research centre. They did not have time to raise a family for a long while. Beatrice had started preschool when the two agreed to try. Didier and Constance were next door if they needed any help, and Gustav would not think twice about the train ride it would take to get to the cottage. Seventeen months later, baby Radka was born. Viggo arrived not long after. Both Laidley and Janja got overwhelmed with their work schedule and responsibilities as parents. When Viggo was old enough to get all his inoculations, they decided to go on that honeymoon that Laidley promised. Scotland was amazing (mainly because the kids were well behaved)!

    Post edited by Blargian on
    Bloodlines: Gustav & Ishka's Legacy | Family Tree: Echo + Plum | ID: Jalooloo
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    BlargianBlargian Posts: 197 Member
    edited April 2017

    Nikola and Kassidy

    Franklin and Beatrice

    Asher and Arabella

    Lyle and Petra

    Aden and Lila

    Claudius and Radka

    Viggo and Caroline

    -Franklin and Lyle are the twin sons of Sergio Romeo and Jade Rosa.
    -Claudius and Caroline are siblings.
    -Asher is cousins with Claudius and Caroline.

    -I realised that I keep marrying families with the same families. I love all the pairings I have made so far but I think I am going to widen the gene pool and integrate more diversity in generation 4.
    Post edited by Blargian on
    Bloodlines: Gustav & Ishka's Legacy | Family Tree: Echo + Plum | ID: Jalooloo
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    RamblineRoseRamblineRose Posts: 814 Member
    Love the story line keep it coming. A little intermarriage keeps it fun hehe.
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    BlargianBlargian Posts: 197 Member
    @RamblineRose Thank you for your comment :) It's nice to get a comment every now and then. I should be updating soon, but I'm trying to get the filler and side families sorted at the moment. I treat them with respect - one of them might be a future legacy character ;)

    It's funny, my legacy founders were originally going to be Marley and Cullen Churchill, but then I made Gustav and Ishka and I fell in love! So I care about all the Churchill descendants and have a storyline for them in my head, even though I write about the Hildes. There are a lot of Churchills integrated into my legacy if you look at the tree ;) Maybe too many...
    Bloodlines: Gustav & Ishka's Legacy | Family Tree: Echo + Plum | ID: Jalooloo
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    BlargianBlargian Posts: 197 Member
    edited April 2017
    Chapter 5: The A-Team

    She saw him knee-deep in a murky pond when they were in senior year. She always thought that he was cool, but he kept to himself; loner by choice, loner by nature. “Talk to him”, she said to herself. “Why don’t you just talk to him?”


    Arabella Hilde was popular at school – her grandparents were loved by the community and her parents were world-class musicians. She loved to hang out in the family art gallery, mixing and mingling with locals and esteemed guests alike. Asher Churchill came to the gallery once in September. He was wearing an oversized sweater with thumbholes, like usual, but something was different about him. She looked at him for a long time before she realised – he brushed his hair. Asher never did that... Was it cut? It used to be longer, she was sure of it.

    “Honey, you’ve been looking at that boy for fifteen minutes straight,” Zolita smiled.

    Arabella’s face was beet red when Asher made his was over to her. “This is your family’s gallery, right?” He asked as if he already knew the answer.

    “Yeah,” Arabella answered. She was never nervous talking to anyone, but this Asher kid got her flustered.

    “Cool,” he said as he walked off.

    “Cool,” Arabella said to herself. Her mother laughed quietly.

    He spent another hour at the gallery, browsing through the art. Arabella distracted herself by helping an elderly couple read the plaques on the wall. She was so proud of her grandparents’ work, and she loved the town she grew up in, but she knew that she was a city girl at heart. “And this is my personal favourite,” Arabella pointed to a portrait of Ishka cooking in her pyjamas. She was going to miss this place.

    And here she was, one year later, on a morning jog. “You probably shouldn’t be in there,” Arabella called out. “Who knows what’s in there?”

    “Exactly!” Asher shouted. His full concentration remained on the water, as if something was going to jump out. “Who knows what’s in here?”

    Arabella cursed as she was taking off her shoes and socks. She hesitantly entered the pond and walked slowly to Asher’s side. He explained to her that he saw a crab of some sort enter the water. And then something about the crab attracting certain bugs which eat a certain type of plant and blah blah blah… She tried to listen to him but she had no idea what he was saying. Long story short – he wanted the plant.

    An hour later, they found it. Their clothes were caked in mud and Asher’s blond beard was now a dark brown. The pure ecstasy on the young man’s face was contagious – Arabella was having the time of her life. “You should be a botanist or something,” she said. “You sure love plants.”

    “I plan on it,” smile lines formed around his eyes.

    When her little sisters ask where the two had their first kiss, Arabella lies and says it was by the beach on their third date. In her head, she says “It was muddy, very, very muddy.”

    After graduation, and ditching the school dance to go to the drive-thru in formal wear, Arabella and Asher decided to move into an apartment. They both wanted to take a gap year so that they could experience life together. He knew that she had her heart set on living in the city. He wasn’t much of a city person himself, but the university in the area that she applied for had a good Botany course he could see himself doing in the future.

    Asher also knew something about Arabella that she never told him directly – she could not live without her sisters. When he suggested that he purchase an entire floor in the Culpepper Apartments block, Arabella freaked out. Welcome to San Myshuno – New Zealand’s own Hong Kong and Tokyo infusion! Yes! Yes! Yes! The sisters could live together and still have their privacy and independence. He followed through with his offer, thank god for the family fortune, but could only buy three out of four apartments. The forth apartment was home to a large family with three toddlers… at least they were not young partygoers, right?

    Felix and Zolita were happy that their eldest child had found such a sweet boy. They approved of them moving in together – both seeing the kid as the son they never had. Asher loved them like they were his in-laws already.

    Post edited by Blargian on
    Bloodlines: Gustav & Ishka's Legacy | Family Tree: Echo + Plum | ID: Jalooloo
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    BlargianBlargian Posts: 197 Member
    edited April 2017
    Chapter 6: Geek in the Streets, Freak in the… pt.1

    Imagine meeting the love of your life at GeekCon.


    You work as a nanny for months just to save up enough money for a geeked-out bender in the city. You hone your programming skills whenever you have free time. You mod games, you play games, you build games from scratch.

    All this hard work to be beaten in the Hack-a-Thon by a small-time gamer called Lyle “Behemøth” Romeo. At least Petra won the overall GamingComp award…

    The two-day GeekCon festival saw Petra Hilde battle cosplayers dressed as the grim reaper and anime characters, people who have never left their mother’s basements, and hackers and gamers that were so casual that they could not tell the difference between phishing and fishing. There were some pros in the mix, but no one she felt intimidated by.

    When Petra won the R.E.F.U.G.E. tournament, she heard some men say, “Wow, she won the competition?” and others say “Wow, she won the competition!” She accepted her small trophy with pride and took advantage of all the free coffee she was offered. She needed to stay focused, after all, as she still had Road Rival Alpha and Incredible Sports tournaments in the afternoon.

    She was crowned champion of Incredible Sports, and placed third in Road Rival Alpha. With some guy named John placing first, and Lyle placing second. She let them have that one.

    Petra spent the night in the motel room she rented, programming and hacking her nerves away. She knew her skills were top notch, but she felt disappointed in herself. In her head, despite recognising it as fantasy, she would come to the city, win everything, and swagger on home.

    At 1am, a mysterious chat box appeared in the centre of Petra’s monitor. She could almost hear Lyle's faint Italian accent through the computer.

    Behemøth: Rest up for the Hack-a-Thon, you’re gonna need it.
    p@r@dox: you dont scare me romeo
    Behemøth: Nice lingerie, btw.

    Petra looked up at the built-in webcam on her laptop. The light was on. She stuck a Star Trek band aid on it, before she replied.

    p@r@dox: if you get nervous, dont imagine me naked. might get too distracted.
    p@r@dox: i wanna win fair n square.
    Behemøth: I’ll just think about you now.
    p@r@dox: 🐸🐸🐸🐸
    Behemøth: You look good in red, wear it more often.
    Behemøth: ;)

    …Behemøth has disconnected.

    Petra had dreams of hacking him into oblivion that day.

    She almost liked the competition. Almost.
    Post edited by Blargian on
    Bloodlines: Gustav & Ishka's Legacy | Family Tree: Echo + Plum | ID: Jalooloo
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    BlargianBlargian Posts: 197 Member
    edited April 2017
    Chapter 7: Geek in the Streets, Freak in the… pt.2

    The Hack-a-Thon lasted six hours. Every hour, five people were eliminated. Petra sat far away from Lyle, but when they were the only two left standing (well, sitting), they had to sit on computers opposite of each other.

    Petra looked up, saw that Lyle was already looking at her, and gave him a wink.

    Bring it on.

    The results: p@r@dox-66%, Behemøth-90%. It was a slaughter.

    “How the hell did you do that!” Petra tried to be annoyed, but she was more impressed than anything.

    Lyle adjusted his silly brown sweater, “It took a while, but it payed off. Probably would’ve gotten 100% if I didn’t spend the first twenty minutes distorting your feed. I made sure to make it subtle, so you wouldn’t notice. And by the time you probably would notice, you’re in too deep.”

    He smirked, “Rookie mistake, my dear.”

    “No,” Petra smiled. “You’re just an ubernerd.”


    “A geek who would love to treated with expensive takeout tonight.”

    Lyle hit his index finger against his temple, pretending to think. He raised his finger in the air, before proclaiming, “Cheap curry, it is!”

    When the weekend was over, they had to return home. Turns out Lyle lived close to where Zolita grew up. Lyle and Petra kept in contact, virtual and physical, throughout the final year of high school.

    When they graduated, both decided against university and moved into the apartment that Asher bought for them. It was perfect for them – the bedroom was almost half the size of the entire apartment, the perfect geek den. They played chess in their room, they woohooed in their room, they read the entire novelisation of Star Trek in their room. And most importantly, they forged careers in their room. Lyle became a software engineer. He was known for his meticulous skill in finding flaws in code. Petra became well-known gamer, and to this day no one has ever surpassed her R.E.F.U.G.E. record.

    They had a child quite young, a son named Oleksy Romeo. Their room was large enough that they merged it with his nursery. They placed mirrors behind their desks so that they only had to peek out of the corner of their eyes to keep watch on him.


    Did I mention that they got married at GeekCon, of all places?

    Post edited by Blargian on
    Bloodlines: Gustav & Ishka's Legacy | Family Tree: Echo + Plum | ID: Jalooloo
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    BlargianBlargian Posts: 197 Member
    edited April 2017
    Chapter 8: Celebrity Heaven

    "Lilalicious" had 9.5 million subscribers between her website and YouTube channel. Her makeup tutorials and interesting vlogs won over the hearts of millennials across the world. She regularly featured her boyfriend, Aden Lovelace, goalkeeper for the San Myshuno Llamas. Who knew that he looked so good with winged eyeliner…


    Viewers loved her set up – celebrity boyfriend, perfect apartment, twin sister down the hall. Daily updates and weekly features. Whenever her well-respected family (full of artists, musicians, and scientists to answer questions) or her man’s teammates came over, Lila took advantage of it. She was blessed to have a supportive and interesting network to create content with. However, she also knew that you could not rely on status for success; her fans were deserved nothing but high-quality content.


    Lila declined to star on a reality TV-show about soccer girlfriends, but she still appeared in episodes as she had become friends with some of the women. Sometimes, she felt like their relationships were a bit superficial, but they were lovely girls despite being materialistic. The girls loved to be test subjects for Lila’s weekly makeup tutorials. They encouraged Lila to become a makeup artist, which she ended up doing casually for a while.

    The Llama team’s captain, right-midfielder Grigorij Hana, got hit by a car the night after a game. He and his girlfriend, ironically named Hannah, died within hours of each other. It rocked the entire sporting community. Aden was close to Grigorij, and Lila was not sure if he ever made peace with his death. She stuck by his side, for better or for worse, and eventually Aden was in his best form ever. His soccer was phenomenal and he dedicated every victory to his lost friend.

    For people who broadcast their relationship to the public, Lila and Aden decided to get engaged low-key. They had been together for years and even had baby Grisha, already. Grisha was named after the deceased, Grigorij. The two went engagement ring shopping together and decided on a simple ring with a singular gem. They got cheesy infinity tattoos on their wedding fingers, too. Aden’s teammates teased him about that move.

    The wedding itself, was even more low-key. Lila and Aden set up a wedding arch in their own living room. They let their son decorate the place with paper flowers and, unfortunately, he thought that his toys were included as decorations as well. When decided on the guest list, immediate family and as much friends as they could invite were included. They did not want it to be too large and fancy. Lila did, however, share wedding snaps with the world – all taken by guests!


    Felix and Zolita saw their last daughter married that day. It was beautiful to see them all so happy. Gustav and Ishka were most certainly watching on with smiles. The bride and groom, though, were outshone by three very energetic toddlers… Lots of cake was eaten and even more nappies were soiled.

    Meet Mr. and Mrs. Aden and Lila Lovelace (+Baby Grisha)!



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    Bloodlines: Gustav & Ishka's Legacy | Family Tree: Echo + Plum | ID: Jalooloo
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    BlargianBlargian Posts: 197 Member
    edited April 2017
    Chapter 9: Bestseller

    Kassidy came from a broken home. Her mother had a child (her) with her step-father. They all stayed under the same roof – you can see how that was a toxic environment to grow up in. Kassidy’s half-sister/aunty, Macy, and her were really close, and often spent time together outside of the home to get away from family trouble. Didier and Constance took the children under their wing, inviting them over for playdates and sleepovers ever since daycare. Nikola took a particular liking to a certain blonde…


    Nikola and Kassidy were both hopeless romantics. They watched the most cheesiest rom-coms together, ones that neither Beatrice nor Macy could stomach. Beauty and the Beast was probably the only movie that their sisters could watch with them.

    Despite the two having tunnel vision for each other, they never made a move throughout their early adolescents. They spent hours talking about their dream romance, princesses and prince charmings, and planning weddings to imaginary lovers. Kassidy decided to channel this imagination into writing, and found herself writing popular fanfiction. Nikola would beta read all her work. He encouraged her to pursue a career in writing, something Kassidy always thanked him for.

    The two went to formal together as friends. They danced together as friends. They won best dressed couple as friends. They kissed each other as friends. And then they finally said “I actually really really like you” to each other. They ended the night as way more than friends.


    Kassidy published her first novel at a young age – “Capoeira”, a story about the daughter of Angolan slaves falling in love with the rebellious son of a cruel Portuguese slavemaster. The story was set in Brazil during the mid-1800s. It became a bestseller, and the first thing people would read when they opened the novel was “For my love, Nikola Hilde.”

    Nikola decided to get into business. He spent years interning before he landed a lucrative job as an angel investor. He had an eye for the job, even though he was nothing like the men he worked with. He and Kassidy bought a lovely apartment from a family called the Jang’s – it was unique and colourful, a dream home for a couple with their head in the clouds!


    Kassidy had quite the online following, with some claiming to have been fans since her anime fanfiction days. Once she made an appearance on Lila’s makeup webseries. Her episode focused on how to match makeup with colourful hair. It became Lila’s third most popular episode.

    Whilst working on her second novel, Kassidy got in a bit of trouble. All she could think of was her own love life. Her characters were parallel with real life, and she was fine with that, until she ran out of material. Kate and Gale were childhood friends who spent years together before admitting their love. She was from a broken home, he was from a wonderful family. They both got successful careers, moved in with each other, and then… then… She did not know what to write. Her life was not boring, in fact it was perfect, but it got her wondering what was next.

    The Romance Festival was back in town one night. Kassidy had not written one page of her novel for two months. She thought that it would be a good thing for her and Nikola to go – they wanted to celebrate their love and she was hoping that she would be inspired by all the love around her. They started off the night with a love reading from a guru. After that, they viewed the flower garden. Maybe it was whatever was in that pink juice, because they then decided to get married in the heat of the moment!

    Post edited by Blargian on
    Bloodlines: Gustav & Ishka's Legacy | Family Tree: Echo + Plum | ID: Jalooloo
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    BlargianBlargian Posts: 197 Member
    edited April 2017
    Chapter 9: Italian Dreaming

    She was bewildered by the sight.

    Beatrice was hanging out with her cousin, Petra, when she set her eyes upon a Greek God… Well, an Italian God… Technically an Italian-South African-New Zealander God… That is beside the point. Anyways, she saw Franklin Romeo, brother to Petra’s boyfriend (now husband) Lyle. He was kind, and polite, and quiet – Beatrice was in awe. The muscles were just the icing on a very nice, sensitive cake.



    Franklin and Lyle were born in Cape Town, South Africa to Sergio, their Italian-South African father, and Jade, their Italian mother. Their parents decided to raise their children in Prato, Italy, so they moved there when the boys were two and four, respectively. By the time Lyle was ready for high school, they decided to move to New Zealand. They learnt how to speak fluent Italian and English, but their Afrikaans was scrappy.

    Franklin knew from a young age that he wanted to be a bodybuilder. He was born to be an athlete - he loved the feeling of being strong, and even the act of exercising was cathartic. Growing up, all he did was eat healthy, balanced meals, work out, and play video games that his brother modded. His life was simple, and he loved that, but like all straight, teenage boys, he was curious about girls. Lyle laughed at the fact that he had better luck with women than Franklin. He would always say, "You could get anyone you wanted, Frankie - Girls love muscles!"

    To which Franklin would reply, "I don't want just anyone!"

    And, of course, the girl he did end up wanting was the daughter of the Police Commissioner.

    He only knew her from pictures. Lyle caught him looking at a picture of Beatrice and her many cousins online, telling him to, "Pick his jaw off of the floor." He teased his little brother for weeks before suggesting that they meet.

    "Uhhhhhh... No?" Franklin replied at the suggestion.

    "Dude, come on! Now or never!"

    So Franklin took a deep breath, brushed his hair, and psyched himself up in the mirror. He met his dream girl the next afternoon.

    They got along really well. Franklin was more of a listener than a talker, and Beatrice loved how interested he seemed. She talked about following her artistic grandparents' footsteps. Instead of becoming an artist or an art curator, however, she wanted to be an art critic. She was good at painting, but she felt like she could make a career out of appraisal. She had, after all, been exposed to a lot of great art in her life. Beatrice encouraged Franklin to talk about his career goals, but he felt a bit embarrassed talking about how much he loved sports to her. He knew that once he started, he could not stop.

    Their passions for their future careers is what brought the two together. Franklin would join art classes that Beatrice would hold at the local art gallery. Beatrice would join him at the gym, with Franklin showing her proper techniques. They both thought that the most attractive feature of the other was that look in their eyes when they were doing something that they loved. Franklin also realllllyyy loved her freckles.


    After Franklin and Beatrice had been dating for a while, Franklin asked Didier an important question: Could he take his daughter to Italy to start a life with her? He told Didier about the bodybuilding opportunities where they would be going, the art gallery within walking distance of their home, and the fact that their home was just a plot of land. They would start a life from scratch, together.

    "I'll even teach your daughter Italian, sir!"

    Didier tried to be serious the entire time Franklin was speaking, but he was highly amused. Franklin was pitching this idea with such ferocity, as if Didier was a king and he was a villager who needed funds to feed his goats.

    "She is going to love it there. I think that there is this bakery with litt-"

    "Son," Didier stopped Franklin mid sentence.

    "Yes, sir."

    "Do you love my daughter?"

    "Yes, sir."

    "Then take her to Italy, and make her happy."

    "Yes, s-"

    "Didier, call me Didier."

    When Franklin asked Beatrice to move to Italy with him, she was overcome with joy! She had never travelled before and was excited to see the country that her man was from. She also went crazy when Franklin spoke Italian around her, and she was happy about the prospect of hearing him speak it more often!


    Bloodlines: Gustav & Ishka's Legacy | Family Tree: Echo + Plum | ID: Jalooloo
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    BlargianBlargian Posts: 197 Member
    edited December 2017
    I may continue this thread one day, but I have gotten to a point where there are too many sims to write about! I am very proud of my work here, and I am just beaming reading through it all.

    I am moving this legacy to this thread! Check it out if you want to continue reading their (now simplified) stories!
    Bloodlines: Gustav & Ishka's Legacy | Family Tree: Echo + Plum | ID: Jalooloo
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