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The Squeamish Nature Lover, Shack-to-Swag Challenge

SimsLovinLycanSimsLovinLycan Posts: 1,910 Member
Story: Your sim is a squeamish individual who is determined to become a master of the outdoors. Gross bugs and slimy frogs be darned, they're going to become the greatest outdoorssim/explorer ever, fill every collection, and show the world that true bravery is not about not being freaked out by anything, but about doing things even when you are freaked out! And, of course, build a bangin' house along the way (Gotta have somewhere to crash after a long adventure, right?).

Packs Needed: The Sims 4 Base Game and Outdoor Retreat

Mission Statement: Build up your squeamish sim to master Fishing, Gardening, Herbalism, and all four Nature aspirations (The Curator, Angling Ace, Freelance Botanist, and Outdoor Enthusiast), as well as building a cool-looking pad worth at least §200,000 on the plot of land you started on (Mansion Barron Aspiration completion optional), Explore all of the hidden locals (including Planet Sixam if you have Get to Work), maxing out a career, and completing all non-event collections.

Aging Setting: Aging off for all sims.

Autonomy Setting: Off or Full allowed

Cheats Allowed: testingcheats [on/off] to reset sims or objects if weird glitches occur (such as objects sticking to your sim's hands, shift+click "Make Sim Happy" may only be used in extreme emergency (half or more needs under 50% due to failure to pause while AFK). bb.moveobjects [on/off] for building.

Banned Cheats: Free Realestate, all money cheats, the career item unlock cheat.

Aspiration Point Reward Potions: Needs potions may only be used in extreme emergencies. Emotion and physique-altering potions are banned.

Aspiration Point Reward Traits: Traits that alter learning speeds (Savant, Night Owl, etc.), Super Green Thumb, Frugal, Speed Cleaner, and Traits that alter basic needs decay (Anticeptic, Hardly Hungry, etc.) are banned. All others are fair game.

Other: You can't buy collectables from the Get to Work retail stores. You have to find them on your own. Exiting without saving is only allowed if your sim suffers emotional death.

Phase 1: Getting Started
1. Start a new game.

2. Create a household consisting of a single YA sim of any gender, human or supernatural, go nuts. The only requirement is that your sim must start out with the Squeamish trait and one of the four Nature aspirations.

3. When moving your sim into a new lot, pick any lot that your sim can afford. If there is a house on that lot, you must pick the option that completely bulldozes the lot, leaving it empty.

4. Once your sim arrives in their new home, build a simple, tiny one-room, single level shack with just the following items: A stand-alone sink, a toilet, one of the small CRT (square) T.V.'s, a small table to set it on, one of the twin/single beds marked as "Uncomfortable" or "Uncomfortable for Adults", a refrigerator, a book shelf, a chest, an outdoor trash can, a few wall posters, a single simple wall light on the inside (not one of the fancy or cute ones) and one for the front of the house), a door, one window each for the front and back wall, a rocket out back, and a bit of greenery in the yard. Also, buy the most expensive hand-held camera if you have Get to Work installed. Do not buy a tub or shower at this point. Instead, bathe at community lots or by washing your hands numerous times at the sink. (If the sink breaks, that's good Handiness training!)

5. Once you're set up, Do Not Start a Career First. Instead, immediately purchase all three volumes of the following skill books from the book shelf: Fishing, Gardening, Herbalism, Handiness, and either Cooking or Baking (you can only pick one cooking skill to start with, so choose wisely, and your sim may not watch the cooking channel unless they have the Foodie trait).

6. Now, ignoring the job thing again, get started on those aspirations. Be sure to switch to the appropriate one before working on an activity so that your hard work registers. For instance, before you go fishing, make sure you've got the Angling Ace aspiration selected. Switch aspirations as soon as you've completed a level on one, giving priority to the least completed one (don't worry too much about Outdoor Enthusiast just yet). You can not use the self interaction "Take Deep Breaths" at this point in the game, so after fishing or frogging, just let your sim have a sit-down or do something else until their queasiness wears off.

Phase 2: Going Broke and Finding a job
Spend all of your time building your aspirations and skills. Don't visit Granite Falls just yet, though. Instead, just read your skill books, fish at local fishing spots, explore Sylvan Glade, and spend up your money building and upgrading your rocket and buying pots for your plants. Do not sell your collectables, but stash them in your chest instead to reduce inventory clutter. When the bills come, don't pay them. Let them pile up until all of your utilities are cut off. That is your cue to find a job. Pick any one you want, and pay those bills as soon as you have enough in your pockets to do so.

Phase 3: Getting Established
1. Continue working on your sim's aspiration, skills, and career. Once your sim reaches career level 4, expand the house a little to include a kitchen counter, a stove to cook or bake on (if you've been regularly studying your chosen culinary skill, you should be at level 3 by now, good enough not to have too high a chance of burning your sim's house to ashes), a small bedroom, and a loveseat (no tub or shower yet) and sell off a few of your excess collectables (You should have quite a few by this point). If your job's daily task involves doing something that you don't have the items for at home, go to a public venue that has what you need (Need to do something on the computer? Head to the Library. Need to play chess? Go out to the park.).

2. At level 6 of your career, you may expand your home again to include a second kitchen counter, a kitchen sink, a bathroom that's not the same room as your living room (still no tub or shower yet), any career rewards that are in your inventory that you didn't have room for before, and a second bedroom. If you have a Trash Plant, you're allowed to build a tiny greenhouse for it at this stage. At this point, you are now allowed to upgrade your bed to a more comfortable twin/single bed, get a new T.V., add a computer and a radio, and recruit one roommate from among your sim's friends, or add one manually through Manage Households, as well as use the "Take Deep Breaths" self-interaction after fishing or frogging. Once you've done all of this and your sim (and their roommate, if you've got one) has at least five days worth of vacation time and at least §10,000 saved up, you can now visit Granite Falls.

Phase 4: The End Game
At Career Level 8, you can begin building furnishing, and re-modeling your house as you please. Visit Granite Falls as much as possible and visit the Forgotten Grotto (accessible via the park in Oasis Springs) once you hit Handiness level 10. Max those skills, complete those aspirations, reach the top of that career, climb every mountain, ford every stream, complete those collections, and build the coolest-looking house you can on the lot you started on. ^_^

My Current Progress: Phase 3, Part 2.

Q: How to I get to Sixam?
A: If you have the Get to Work expansion, you can get their one of two ways. The first is to work your way up to the top of the Scientist career, then build and upgrade a wormhole generator so that you can teleport there. The second is to master the Rocket Science skill (reach level 10) and add a wormhole generator to your rocket.

Q: Do collectables added in expansion packs count toward completion?
A: Only if you have that expansion pack installed. Otherwise, nope.

Q: What size lot do you recommend that I start on?
A: You can pick any lot size you want. It all depends on how big a house you want in the end, really. If you want a sizeable home, starting on a 30X40 or bigger is for you. If you want to try and build an awesome home that's also moderately-sized or really small, 30X20 and under is what you want to be looking at. And, remember, you can build down up to two floors as well as up.

Q: Can Mansion Barron be completed on a small lot?
A: I don't know. Never tried it. Maybe you can try that out...

Q: Can my sim marry his/her roommate?
A: Sure.

Q: Can my sim date?
A: Absolutely.

Q: Can my sim party?
A: Again, yes.

Q: Can my sim start a family?
A: After the Nature aspirations are complete, yeah.

Q: When can my sim work on a second cooking skill?
A: After they max the first one you started. They can work on a third after the second is maxed out.

Q: Can the roommate have a separate cooking specialty from my main sim?
A: Yes.

Q: Is my alien sim allowed to transmute the elements/crystals he/she collects?
A: Yes, but only if you have duplicates.
There is a song I hear, a melody from the past...
When I woke for the first time, when I slept for the last.
Post edited by SimsLovinLycan on


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