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Dust_Bunny2010 Member


  • Presenting a very short update on May: While May wasn't quite charmed by their rather humble home, she knew she couldn't quite call the kettle black, seeing as how she got scammed out of twenty thousand and is living in a hovel, so she had enough sense to keep her mouth shut. She certainly wouldn't fake pleasantries…
  • The Spice Festival has come to San Myshuno, and under orders from her boss, May has to take pictures and write and edit an article for the special "Summer Slumming" edition, an idea proposed by the ME to Miss Simtour on targeting the quite obviously less tasteful (read: poor, lower middle class, SAHM, blue collars) readers…
  • @Lyrie Oh, I'm looking forward to it! I know right? I don't know whether to love her because she's such a stereotype of a proud and vain villainess, or love her because she's the deconstruction of a sue and literally "not like the other girls." I'm not even sure myself if she IS that shalow or there's something deeper…
  • @Daephene I didn't know that. I've been away from the forums for so long. :D Well, I don't say it, May does. @ryttu3k So, every supernatural under one roof? Sounds exciting! Oh she will. She wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill. *insert evil cackle here* @AlwaysAsking I envy your ability to art. :D Yeah, they seem to be suckers, the…
  • @Sofmc9 I loved that story! Don't forget Peter and Clara. Very short update because arranging pictures before the computer resets to midnight is a pain in the butt. Why 12 AM is a thing instead of 00 AM, I'll never know. After a tiring day from revising articles in Smogue, May somehow took a wrong turn after a bout of…
  • @sarabeth2984 Thank you! I'm sorry about your saves too. So, it turns out I really do have a "back-up of a back-up", but it's so far back in my save that it's only the second generation as teens. I don't know yet if I will come back to it, but for now, I'll focus on May. Have another update: So, after selling a really…
  • @haneul I know, I hate her too, but honestly playing someone who is flawed without being exaggerated comically might be fun. Besides, May might just have many surprises to her. ;) @AlwaysAsking Thank you, it feels nice to be remembered. I miss Luise too. I think I have a "Backup of a backup" of her hidden somewhere in a…
  • @sunblond Thank you, I like yours too. May shows up at the Casbah Gallery. After all, Anna Simtour and Mademoiselle were matrons of the arts. If she was going to be the next classic couturiere of Champ Les Sims or editrix of Smogue magazine, she needed to fill in those big shoes and follow in their footsteps. 'Isn't that…
  • I don't know if anyone remembers me but it seems some of the older posters here are gone? A lot happened, I got sick (not with the virus, just really bad genes) for a long time, and my laptop broke and I lost my all my saves, even the ones in my USB back-up because my dog bit down on it. I wish I could get it back, but I…
  • @ryttu3k Thank you! I had to find and color coordinate some outfits that were stylish yet firm, and honestly, any girl or woman would look good with short hair as long as they have the countenance and finesse to go with it. I have a feeling Renata would be that type of person...maybe. We'll see... @sarabeth2984 Oh, I do! I…
  • @ryttu3k Her life has been a crazy ride. @sarabeth2984 I swear, I didn't even have to come up with some convoluted plot and cheat it to happen. :D The game is writing this story for me. When Dino and Luise were married, he was already friends with Geoffrey it seemed, so I thought to spin with that when Geoffrey invited him…
  • 1. How many rolls of toilet paper do you have in your house right now? Around 10, but we don't use toilet paper often since we have bidets. 2. Which items have you bought online so far that you would normally not get online? A bottle of Chanel No. 5, yeast, Chips Ahoy cookies. 3. Name 3 food items that you’re obsessed with…
  • @Daephene Thank you! Although sometimes I do worry for her sanity. :D Wolfgang? As in Wolfgang Munch? Neat! @ryttu3k Yeah, most Sims remember the Romance Festival the most, but for Luise and Dino, it's definitely the Humor and Hijinks Festival. :D What did Lilith see? :o @sarabeth2984 Thank you, I'm happy it's received…
  • When my famous sim makes all the fans swoon and some of them say "Foomoosh, foomoosh, foomoosh!" before fainting. I think it means "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!" She enjoys all the attention. "That's right, worship the ground I walk on, worms."
  • @GracieO312 Well with the early release coming to some regions, we might see it sooner than we think. @ryttu3k thank you! @AlwaysAsking It's not that I'm annoyed that they're sick, more like, how could they be so irresponsible and then make others potentially pay the consequences. I'm worried with a mixture of annoyance…
  • @GracieO312 Ding ding ding ding! We have a winner! Unfortunately I realized too late I forgot to include the leather gloves. I'll make her wear it until the game is finally out. I hate the LTD, but love the game and Tifa as a character. @AlwaysAsking Nope. No, I am not. Because my sibling got sick, I have to stay in to…
  • @AlwaysAsking Have not yet tried the slots, but I will soon. I wish I could update much more often too, but this lockdown is starting to take its toll on me. I may be an introvert but that doesn't mean I want to be kept in the same room for hours on end, added to the fact that I'm starting to fall into some sort of…
  • @Tixyen Hi, sorry! I didn't notice your comment because it didn't notify for some reason. Anyway, thank you! :D I have a feeling that the anniversary of her appearance will become a milestone for her family to celebrate (also because bonus legacy points), though I have no idea what to call it other than "Day of…
  • @Daravi Corrected, and thank you! It's actually nice to know about these things. Tbh, I have a German friend who is also a simmer and I run her by through this before posting anything (she checks for cultural accuracy, not grammar), normally at least. She's been tracking my sims since TS2, though I haven't really played…
  • @Ellupelluellu That is a very lovely wedding. <3 I'll go read your past posts to see how they met. @Daephene Thank you! Coordinating clothes was harder than I anticipated. That is...a lot of kids. I'm glad they found each other, even with all that tradition and potential backlash from their respective societies.…
  • @Shay2020 If it’s PS4, just press down the share button on your controller for around two to three seconds or so. After that go to Library and beside that their should be “Capture Gallery” and you’ll find your shots there. If it’s Xbox I don’t know.
  • @ryttu3k Honestly I was a little scared that I was making Luise into too much of a Sue, having a sad backstory and loved by people she encounters and all that, but no matter what I wanted to see her survive in that role, because abuse and negligence is a real thing and I wanted to explore the repercussions of that being in…
  • Wedding Day After a lengthy decision on where and when to hold the wedding, it was down to Myshuno Meadows and the Chalet Gardens of the Von Haunt Estate. It didn't take long for the two to decide after that. They wanted to marry in Europe, and though she'd acquiesce to the idea of marrying by the Campanian mountains or…
  • @ryttu3k There's all types of parental "mistakes", and I wanted to explore that with Luise using her as a foil in a traumatized child all grown up. Normally I had intended her to be childless waaay back when in the original write up as a result of her upbringing and fear of inflicting the same pain on a child she wouldn't…
  • @ryttu3k Here's hoping! Lovely kids, by the way. Uh...Caleb-ception? :D Yay! Double the fun. Now if only someone would gather all the good looking single sims in one room. @Becka28 Looks like a happy ending! Mental recovery and true love, nice poses too. Yeesh. Eliza's a hot mess. @ChuChuExpress Unfortunately I had to skim…
  • @Becka28 Nooo Blarfy! Aside from the weird emotions, how else did the uninstalling of mods affect your game? @sarabeth2984 hahaha, yes, eat more spicy foods, Don, eat them all! Also, thank you! I'm just about to update the thread now actually. @Simmelina1 Wow, Jean has very good genes. Heh. - The house is ready. It's just…
  • @Becka28 How are they not burning in daylight? :o Are they already that high-ranking? @Koteyka I really like your stories, the words anyway. I can't see the pics though :D It's literally (alphanumericstring).png. @AngeliqueAdelaide Aww, they're so cute. I missed reading about your sims. @AlwaysAsking I know, I know, but it…
  • @ryttu3k Whoa, did not know since I was skimming most pages I missed. Thanks for the heads up, and yeah, I was shocked she had that trait :D
  • @AlwaysAsking I finished. I love all of it. @MelsieYT What a lovely couple. The screenies look like they're actually the sort of thing you'd see in a professionally edited wedding reception video, so, kudos! What happened in my game today, nothing new for Luise for now. I am working on their house. Now that they…
  • @AlwaysAsking Thank you. That's the fun part of leaving this thing to be 80% game-driven. The stories practically write themselves :D . It's about to get weirder as the generations go down, I think. Oh I miss your sims! They are so cute, kind of indulges my uh... very, very tiny "rotten fangirl" inside, as ashamed I am to…
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