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Herbs and Beans

What kinds of things can your sims back home do with the herbs and beans that came with University Live? What will they need to make said things?


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    TheMomminatorTheMomminator Posts: 4,215 Member
    edited April 2014
    They can put the herbs in dishes they cook. The beans are useless.
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    MidnightCatlingMidnightCatling Posts: 3 New Member
    edited April 2014
    Your sims can eat the beans (raw), which give them various moodlets depending on the type of bean. (There's a list of what each type does here.) The herbs can also be burned in fireplaces - kind of like incense.
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    marinegirl36marinegirl36 Posts: 266 Member
    edited April 2014
    Thanks. You would think they would be able to use them when making things with their drink/coffee makers.
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    FryeGuy24FryeGuy24 Posts: 1,242 Member
    edited April 2014
    Fortunately, you CAN use the herbs and beans to make coffee and herbal drinks at home. It's one of my favorite things to do. But you can't use a base game coffee maker. You need to buy a barista bar and put it on your home lot. If memory serves, it's in buy mode, sort by function, surfaces, miscellaneous. It's in the same location as the Late Night professional bars, anyway.

    The barista bar can be a bit of an eyesore on a residential lot, but there are ways to incorporate it in a subtler manner:


    P.S. Red berry beans at perfect quality sell for $200 each (twice the cost of life fruit), so they can be lucrative if you're into money making.
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    lanlynlanlyn Posts: 5,036 Member
    edited April 2014
    I've been wondering what to do with the herbs and beans. If I put a barista bar on my home lot, no barista tender shows up, right? That would be annoying. I guess the public barista bars are already "stocked" with herbs and beans? No way to use them there I guess.

    FryeGuy24: I like how you designed the barista space. I think I'll try this.
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    FryeGuy24FryeGuy24 Posts: 1,242 Member
    edited April 2014
    Lanlyn, you are correct. No barista will show up if it's on a residential lot. (laughing at the mental image) But if you put it on a community lot in the home world, a barista will tend to it.

    One word of warning - you can also get snacks from the barista bar (muffins, brownies. etc.), so sims might sometimes want to autonomously eat this "junk food" instead of cooking or eating home-cooked leftovers from the fridge. If this bothers you and you're a mod user, I personally use NRaas Retuner to prevent sims from autonomously grabbing snacks from the bar.
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    TreyNutzTreyNutz Posts: 5,780 Member
    edited April 2014
    I took the time to grow plenty of perfect quality herbs and beans thinking they would be useful. But for the barista bar the herbs & beans need to be in your sim's inventory, you can't just stock the barista bar, which is a shame.

    I tend to keep only a handful of items in my sim's inventory because otherwise it's too hard to find anything. I've been reluctant to put all the herbs and beans there since there are so many. And putting the herbs in the fridge does nothing. That means they pay for the drinks at the barista bar in their own home, which is not terrible since my sims are too rich, but I have nothing to do with all the herbs I grew. Maybe I should just take a closer look at the herbs' effects and just put one to two herbs in each sim's inventory and then use that for meals and drinks and sell the rest.

    I've never seen my sims autonomously get anything from the barista bar at home. Not like the juice keg, they love that thing (as does the mail carrier).
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    FryeGuy24FryeGuy24 Posts: 1,242 Member
    edited April 2014
    I also find it frustrating that you can't stock the barista bar like you can a LN bar, so I keep my "top 3" herbs (basil, lavender, peppermint) and my favorite bean (maui bean) in my sims' inventories. The rest I keep in the fridge and manually move to the sim's inventory when I want to use them.

    The herb effects are much stronger when added to food (or eaten raw), but I still love the barista bar because I'm a huge tea drinker myself, so it's a sentimental thing.

    I only saw my sims take snacks from the barista bar a few times, but I put a swift end to it with the mod, so I don't know how prevalent it would have become.
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    lanlynlanlyn Posts: 5,036 Member
    edited April 2014
    Hmm, I like the idea of the barista bar in the home, but not keeping more things in the inventory. I already hate it that I have to transfer alchemy ingredients to my sims' inventory when they want to make elixirs. The same with my bot building sim. When they sell things on consignment, I have to transfer stuff. And then there's all that transfer of garden produce to the fridge and to storage. All this sorting gets tiresome.

    One thing I've liked about the MultiTab is that I don't have to move books out of the bookcases for the sims to read.

    I have put a few barista bars in the towns. I even made a Java Hut lot. The town sims love that place. There's a barista bar in my bowling Arcade lot too. Seemed appropriate.
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    chorvageechorvagee Posts: 544 Member
    I only keep peppermint on my sims inventory. It increases food quality when you add it on as well.
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