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Can't pick up toddler

So I have a two story house, firstly my Sim would pick up the toddler and when I told her to take her upstairs in her room and set her on the floor she would walk upstairs then back downstairs and set her downstairs on the living room floor. Finally I was able to get her to put the toddler in her room at which everything seemed fine.
Now every time I tell the Sims to pick up the toddler to put her in her crib they walk from upstairs to downstairs and the action cancels and the toddler crawls to the top of the staircase and that's it. I cannot get anyone to pick her up. I don't know what's going on there is plenty of room to walk and to pick her up and put her down but they just wont do it. They insist on constantly walking downstairs.
How do I fix this please!?


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    ArilyArily Posts: 208 Member
    I removed everything from her room except her crib and even made the room bigger and blocked off the staircase, still no one can pick her up and put her in the crib!
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    igazorigazor Posts: 19,330 Member
    It sounds like you may have a case of abandoned social jigs in the kid's room. These are invisible objects that can often block access to things like toddlers and cribs even though it looks like nothing is in the way and your sims keep trying to route around them. A common source of these happens to be teaching toddlers how to walk, which is a pretty typical activity to take place in such a room.

    If you don't mind using mods, these can be flushed all at once via a command from MasterController.

    Without mods, the solution to shake them loose usually goes like this: retreat to Edit Town, evict the household (to the "clipboard" on the side of the map), copy the now uninhabited lot down to the bin, bulldoze the lot, replace it with the binned copy, and move the household right back in.
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    TarynTempestwindTarynTempestwind Posts: 4,438 Member
    You might try resetting your toddler.

    Hold down the "C"letter, the "Control" button and the "Shift key-all three keys at once. This will bring up the blue cheat box at the top.

    in that box type,
    ResetSim ( your sim's name)

    for example, I'll use my sim's name. You will type in your toddler's name instead...first and last if it were my Taryn Tempestwind sim that was stuck, I'd type her this:

    ResetSim Taryn Tempestwind

    That may be all you need to do. You will see your toddler move to a new spot on the lot.

    Hope that helps!
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    AlyxMSAlyxMS Posts: 22 Member
    > @igazor said:
    > It sounds like you may have a case of abandoned social jigs in the kid's room. These are invisible objects that can often block access to things like toddlers and cribs even though it looks like nothing is in the way and your sims keep trying to route around them. A common source of these happens to be teaching toddlers how to walk, which is a pretty typical activity to take place in such a room.
    > If you don't mind using mods, these can be flushed all at once via a command from MasterController.
    > Without mods, the solution to shake them loose usually goes like this: retreat to Edit Town, evict the household (to the "clipboard" on the side of the map), copy the now uninhabited lot down to the bin, bulldoze the lot, replace it with the binned copy, and move the household right back in.

    How exactly can I remove it with MasterController?
    Whenever a sim reaches lvl 2 in club dancing skill the sims would stop and leave what you called "social jig" on the ground.
    I reseted my sim, reseted my house, nothing works.
    I ended up reloading the save, making my sims leveling the club dancing skill in a actual dance club, took the entire building down, respawned it.
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    igazorigazor Posts: 19,330 Member
    @AlyxMS - Click anywhere on the ground (outside), a wall of the building on the lot, or the map tag of the lot in question. Then NRaas > MC > Object Stats > Non-Inventory and look through the list for anything that has the world "jig" in the name. Select to flush.

    I did forget to mention that the MC Cheats module is required in addition to the base mod.
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    AlyxMSAlyxMS Posts: 22 Member
    > @igazor said:
    > AlyxMS - Click anywhere on the ground (outside), a wall of the building on the lot, or the map tag of the lot in question. Then NRaas > MC > Object Stats > Non-Inventory and look through the list for anything that has the world "jig" in the name. Select to flush.
    > I did forget to mention that the MC Cheats module is required in addition to the base mod.

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    ArilyArily Posts: 208 Member
    Thank you @igazor but I've never taught her how to walk yet. This is a brand new room and nothing has really happened in there yet. I have the MasterController I will find the Cheats Module and see if I can fix it.
    There are 2 bedrooms a bathroom and hallway with stairs leading down on the second floor...and it doesn't matter which room she is in upstairs no one picks her up. I will try the jig thing and see what happens.

    @TarynTempestwind I've tried that several times along with using the MasterController to reset the whole entire neighborhood and still same thing keeps happening.

    The only thing I haven't tried was moving them out and back in. I would hate to have to rebuy and redecorate the whole entire house. I am playing Legacy style as well so that would stink. =\

    Thanks for your suggestions! Hope I can fix it soon!
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    igazorigazor Posts: 19,330 Member
    Well, even if it's not my social jig theory it certainly sounds like something is blocking access there. I would definitely try the move in/move out method if MC doesn't find anything to flush, but be sure to do it the way where you copy the lot to your bin and bulldoze the original. Another thing to try, being sure to do a Save As first in case something goes wrong, is switching households and letting the clock run for a while, then switching back.

    If all else fails and you really do have to re-buy and redecorate the house, I would reimburse my household for any funds lost via MC or testingcheats as it's not really their fault that the original one had a faulty kid's room or something.
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    ArilyArily Posts: 208 Member
    I used the Cheats Module and went threw the non-inventory there was nothing in there with jig in the name or nothing named jig. So I am back to square 1.
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    JoAnne65JoAnne65 Posts: 22,959 Member
    edited December 2014
    What happens when you remove the stairs all together?
    I sure recognize the problem but never this serious. In the end I always succeed in picking up the toddler one way or the other.
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    igazorigazor Posts: 19,330 Member
    I've seen things like this happen with multi-story houses others have designed, apparently using the MoveObjectOn cheat -- but I suppose it can happen other ways as well. Have even seen sims apparently sleeping on the ceiling when in reality there were supposedly in their beds upstairs. I've also had one or two inactives' houses built below sea level go awry on me in Twinbrook in particular after the IP patch caused their basements to get filled with water -- a known glitch with that patch that I think was later fixed.

    If there is nothing else wrong with your toddler and the crib (does it function if you move it downstairs and teleport your toddler down there?), and the move out bulldoze replace move in sequence doesn't help, then I'm afraid the lot is simply faulty and needs to be redone.
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    JoAnne65JoAnne65 Posts: 22,959 Member
    edited December 2014
    If that's the issue (moveobjects, it isn't that in my case, it's routing) maybe resetsim helps?

    edit: oh, sorry, you did that already...
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    ArilyArily Posts: 208 Member
    Ok, I did as suggested I evicted them from the house, saved a copy of the house to the bin, bulldozed the current house, placed out a new copy, and moved the family back in. Now everything is working fine.
    Strange thing is now that I moved them out and back in the toddler has an imaginary friend that she didn't have before. Wish there was a way of deleting these darn things!
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    igazorigazor Posts: 19,330 Member
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    JoAnne65JoAnne65 Posts: 22,959 Member
    igazor wrote: »
    I'm curious: is it true deleting it just like that can corrupt your game? (if they had to make a mod for it I guess the answer is yes).
    I put the silly things in the inventory of the parents by the way, where they are unattainable for the little ones ;-)
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    ArilyArily Posts: 208 Member
    Awesome thank you!
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    ArilyArily Posts: 208 Member
    Something must have been definitely wrong with upstairs because laundry piles never used to spawn up there and now they are. Glad it's fixed now!
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    igazorigazor Posts: 19,330 Member
    I've been too scared to delete the IFs outright without using the mod steps outlined. Have read too many reports of players using testingcheats only to delete those pesky things and have their entire game get corrupted because some of the IF data gets left behind when done without MC's Total Annihilation step.

    I would also recommend having ErrorTrap in place if doing it the mod way just in case some errors surface right after the deletion anyway.

    But of course hiding them in an adults' inventory should also work -- not sure what happens if you switch households and they get stuck in family inventory instead, though.
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    JoAnne65JoAnne65 Posts: 22,959 Member
    When you switch households it's back in the kid's inventory again ;)
    (and when you left it in the mailbox as well)

    Glad your problem's fixed Arily!
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    igazorigazor Posts: 19,330 Member
    Yeah, we helped save a digital toddler's life! Or their parents' sanity...or something. :D
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    JoAnne65JoAnne65 Posts: 22,959 Member
    Any life counts lol
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