Its time for the final screenshot thread! Show us what ya got here!
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  • @mojot89 - You are the BOMB thank you!!! will write this down so i can use it next time <3 mwah thank you so much! I never knew how to do this!! @Lynnwood - I broke the rules I'm sorry... i had to do it... so i thought i would share.. Caleb has entered my family.. i did some reading on sims4 and vamps.. i love me a good…
  • OMG YES!!!! lol. I heard him on the karaoke the first time and ran away with the camera from him i couldn't listen to him, he started to play the guitar and was singing and I'm like nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo mind you he's level 9 or 10 in singing but guitar is not even level 1 and he sounds blurk ... too funny…
  • I agree with you all sims3 is the BOMB!!! If they do another sims upgrade they really need to incorporate the sims3 moving with the sims through the world, it's what i love in sims3 not the stagnant house life or break screening it to a location, this is a pet hate of mine with sims2.. however saying this... sims4 has it's…
  • Sorry @Lynnwood - I just seen this reply, as i'm very new to sims4 and just learned how to use testing cheats true which i tend not to use when playing as i like it hard, but in the end i placed a door and reset him and all the time, i thought it was a glitch too. There is no way he could get under those stairs, but…
  • @Lynnwood - Completely agree, i absolutely love torturing my sims with hard mode lol... makes simming more interesting :smiley:
  • @Mikezumi - Thank you i did try that and it seems to have hick uped again.. but will defiantly do it again, i need to get it running as i do miss 3, To be honest I wasn't a fan of 4 either but since I've started and got some help with how to do things I'm actually enjoying it. :) The sims have much more life than sims3…
  • Thank you @MikeZumi i have gone through everything and it still causing me issues :( I managed one chapter of my story and it went all haywire on me again :'( I'm currently sims4 or the time being... until i get the courage to delete sims3 all over again and slowly put it all on, i think it's a cc that is corrupting my…
  • On this note does anyone know if there is a list of what the songs are in real life? A comparison? There are some songs so familiar but i can't put my finger on them, i'm doing a music family with this generation... so it's probably why i'm not interested in it lol
  • @Stormkeep - Yes it is i finally got to check it.. that is the game name in the menu when getting him to sing it. Now to have him do me a full clip to make his sim playing mama happy :wink: Thank you @LadyKyn he does sound really nice actually i can't get enough of him singing, and to my surprise Caleb Vatore and Don…
  • I was going to ask this same question re vamp bite.... Caleb bit my sim Aqua and umm she even missed work she just laid on the floor for half a day.. passed out lol i find it amusing and was going to count it in.. is it ok do that? Mine haven't been peeing themselves lately grrr they did more when i had one toilet in the…
  • Did any Caleb fans know he can sing? I am new to vampires in sims4 and this thread has helped me a lot, but today i had a massive surprise when i saw Caleb singing autonomously on the karaoke machine :) And he rocks it too... he's only level 4
  • Is it on top of the old smokey song?? OMG i have to go try it out right now. I don't usually get him to sing the campfire songs, i like his voice in rock lol... thank you both so much! He has sung this autonomously a few times now and i never can work out what he's singing.. You both made my night!
  • @LadyKyn OMG thank you thank you for some direction i never actually get him to try those lol... I will go and try him out on them i think he has 3 but I'll check in a few minutes. Thank you for the direction :) <3 LOL I thought i knew the song.. hahaha
  • I had to add this.. seem it's a I*Di*ot Challenge, so I'm watching my main sim.. i get nervous when sims are swimming as i had my sim self drown in the pool in sims3 so watching her and then i hear commotion... i zip over to have a look and my supposed Heir... is up.. stuck under the stairs.. I'm like how on earth did he…
  • @mojot89 - Thank you for that... will get them into jobs they are driving me nuts tonight lol
  • @Roane I hope so because i did my building skill are crap in sims4 and the house was overrun with children... so i moved mine to a bigger house.... i hope i didn't break the rules! I also have a question that i may have overlooked but re jobs can you get teens jobs or just select their adult aspirations randomly as they…
  • I do have one question tho.. it's still a while away for me and i can't recall reading it anywhere.. (might of missed it) ?? but re the points do the points carry over to the next gen Or start again? Just so i get this right :wink:
  • @mojot89 - Thank you so much! :smiley: I actually added to follow your links. I'm just working on my next lot of updates now having a rest from the crazies lol @Lynnwood - Thank you so much for that :) I must say i am enjoying this challenge.. controlling one sim and only when i really need to does have its great…
  • @MintyMango - btw LOVE LOVE LOVE your profile pic :wink: The blue hair does rock doesnt it :)
  • Hi all, i have been non active with sims4 for a while and decided to finally get this challenge up and running (well posts about it) Finally got my 1st gen kiddlets... now the fun of them aging up and... well choosing an heir... I have posted updates if anyone wants to see :) and more…
  • Thank you thank you so so so much! This is awesome and was so easy to do following the steps :)
  • @Mikezumi My pleasure and was looking forward to continue reading but photo links not working today so will wait until i can enjoy the piccies :) It really really does look like a lovely thread and your pictures are amazing :) Naww great Mikezumi had love again <3 she is cute Just hope this images problem doesn't last too…
  • @Mikezumi - Roaring Heights is gorgeous, i haven't played there yet but the lighting and what i seen of the world is beautiful. I just brought the grandpas grove the other week, haven't tried it out yet but what i'm seeing from your thread it looks like it's worth it. I know i started watching this thread and have it…
  • @Mikezumi - So true and love is the most powerful magic in life as we know :smiley: Thank you for your lovely comments... I just wish i didn't have so many problems doing that last chapter... lol My current game play is slowing it down in ways i didn't need :lol:
  • @Mikezumi - agree with meerkattime never tried genies but seeing your pics i will have to try it one day too. As for your choice yes i couldn't agree more, you really have an eye for some yummy sims, that it's always a pleasure to see your stories and threads... (mind you about to go hunting your other threads :smiley:
  • Finally after a very long time the next chapter is completed and released :) Enjoy! Wordpress has also been updated for those who prefer to read there ---> Link HERE Chapter 20 - Divine Devotion “J where are we? ….. I do not understand what is going on?”, Michael a little taken a back at Jagger’s aura. “Mike we are at a…
  • Oooohh la la Genie is hot!! Love his look!!! I have to go and see your other threads, i miss your boys thread and see how the gens are coming along, but @Mikezumi can your sims possibly get hotter :love: :smiley: When i need a sims drool i know where to come :wink:
  • GP continued - Resting my :heart: adding back some other characters. I had to put finishing this chapter on hold for a bit longer yet again.. after losing my J2 and M2 I backed up everything for a second time, i found i still have them but not as skilled as they were here... but thats ok i might not need them again however…
  • ... Cont time for some gardening and honey harvesting, seriously there is not one sim who doesn't get mauled by these bees grrr First time i watch Michael do the bee dance, it got him that angry it turned him into a WW Jags turn :( At this time i heard a strange sound.. i never heard it playing sims before. so i paused the…
  • GP continued for Chapter 20 but was put on pause when ANNIHILATION took place... This has never happened to me since playing sims was interesting yet, scary and heartbreaking... :disappointed: Letting the boys build up skills and entertain my ears while i plan the second half of the chapter and how I'm going to achieve…

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