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How often do you use cheats for your game?

just curious on who uses cheats to make things easier or whatever reason you use them for. i know i use motherlode all the time lol.
though from time to time i'll play with a family i made cheat free and try to live a more realistic life for them. it's usually just as fun when i do use cheats.


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    Choxie77Choxie77 Posts: 364 Member
    edited December 2013
    I used to use motherlode and max motives alllll the time. Once I got out of the habit of it I find my game play is actually a little more fun.

    So, I really don't use any cheats that effect game play at all.
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    Simmer3DeluxeSimmer3Deluxe Posts: 1,244 New Member
    edited December 2013
    I use cheats every time I play. My top ones are testingcheats, resetsim, and kaching lol. x)
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    MOMMINAMOMMINA Posts: 34 New Member
    edited December 2013
    I usually don't use cheats.
    But everytime I start a new town, I use testingcheatsenabled true to eliminate supernatural creatures. :):)

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    jimmysnanjimmysnan Posts: 8,303 Member
    edited December 2013
    I cheat at first with freerealestate so that my sims can get a decent house then I just go from there. There are times when I want my sim to have something so I use the cheat that makes them get some money in smaller amounts than motherlode I think it is kaching, and if I have more than 3 sims I use the one where you can have them not have to eat sleep or go to the bathroom. So that is how I play but then again I do not play my sims for long I get bored with them and start a new game before they are even able to get old.
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    LaBlue0314LaBlue0314 Posts: 17,438 Member
    edited December 2013
    I'm a proud cheater and I'm not afraid to say it. :lol: But seriously I don't cheat a whole lot, usually at the beginning of the game when I'm first starting a new sim. I will give her the freerealestate cheat. To me that is no difference, that starting off with any of the premade sims whom are already living in town. They start off with a nice home, and have cash on hand to take care of what ever.

    The second time I will cheat to fix their moods is when I'm trying to get the whole family linked up in their sleeping and waking time, and eating time. But this is only done for my large families.
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    litabelaqualitabelaqua Posts: 4,322 Member
    edited December 2013
    I don't do big cheats like money and skills because I like a bit of challenge in my game, and there is a sense of satisfaction from gaining skills by working for them, and gaining money by working for it. Money is too easy to come by in any case, no one needs to cheat money when you can sell a stupid wildflower for more than the cost of a computer.

    Anyway, no to big cheats, because im cheating myself out of the game. but little cheats, yeah all the time. After all I want to play and enjoy playing, so if my child or teen sim hasn't got time to shower after eating breakfast I might nudge the hygeine bar up a bit to get them through the day. If my sims gets invited out for a date at 11pm (seems to be a favourite time to get called up and invited out), ill nudge their energy bar up and again in the morning when they go to work if they havnt slept enough.

    If they need friends to get a promotion then so be it, ill move the sliders up on all relationships. I hate that you know, never in real life have I had to PROVE to my boss how many friends I got in order to get a raise or a promotion, so why does charisma skill have to rely on it. its stupid and I don't agree with it. I have 350 so called 'friends' on facebook alone, so if I can so can my sim!
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    MissRedsox19MissRedsox19 Posts: 19 New Member
    edited December 2013
    I mostly always use cheats. I make a sim or family, then I give them whatever I want & a super nice house. I love the design part of things the most. To use or not to use... entirely up to you! Just as long as you enjoy playing. :)
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    AMariseSAMariseS Posts: 2,458 Member
    edited December 2013
    I only use cheats in emergencies:
    A graduation and someone picks up the baby to go along. Need to pull those motives up so Baby's not miserable before it's all over!
    Buydebug for something like bug spawners for an Alchemist because the town wasn't made with enough or WA chests for spare collectibles and I have no urge to travel.
    I used to use cheats for stuck Sims, but that was before I got Master Controller Cheats.
    Oh, and speaking of MC-C, I use Edit in CAS all the time! Plan Outfit, and especially changing hairstyles for each outfit, takes way too long.
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    secretuk1965secretuk1965 Posts: 5,341 Member
    edited December 2013
    I try not to cheat , I never use money cheats, but if my sims have a baby I usually use the testingcheats and move up the baby's motives as they go down pretty quick, I don't use it on anyone but baby's and only use it if its needed, if I have a baby sitter who not that good.
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    Samr883Samr883 Posts: 1,139 New Member
    edited December 2013
    I've used kaching a couple of times, if my families are a few thousand short of buying a house. I use testingcheatsenabled true > makeallhappy but usually only when they're on vacation. And lastly I use moveobjects on because my sims like to a) stand in front of the elevator pods/stairs in masses and starve b) fall through ceilings and stairs.

    So not often if I can help it.
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    TadOlsonTadOlson Posts: 11,380 Member
    edited December 2013
    I was mostly using testingcheatsenabled true and buydebug on for building my festival lots and wouldn't be above using freerealestate cheat if I wasn't using NRaas Mods to just have my game working properly for the way I want to play.
    I'm using certain cheats every time I start in Sims 2 because I don't want my Sims going to community lots that look unrealistically full and crowded for a new town.
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    IreneSwiftIreneSwift Posts: 6,247 Member
    edited December 2013
    The only time I use cheats during game play is to fix something, like resetsim, or to make some things that I don't feel are realistic, more realistic. For example, my lifespan is set for 2 sim days equal to one human year, and at that rate, it takes years for a child to make even one friend at school. In real life, elementary school kids usually have made their friends for any given school year in a matter of days. So sometimes I'll use Master Controller to make my children friends with the other children right away. More rarely, I might use it for adults too. Another thing I always do is immediately remove any friendships between my celebrity sims and any paparazzi, which is one of the most unrealistic things in the game.

    Other than that, I often use the Master Controller cheats to set up my games before I start playing them. But after that, I avoid cheats except as mentioned above. I especially avoid money cheats, except as part of setup. It's more of a challenge, and thus more fun, for them to have a bit of a financial struggle.
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    ForeverFranconiaForeverFranconia Posts: 2,154 Member
    edited December 2013
    Oh I am a big cheater. I'm always using motherlode, resetsim and freerealestate, and if I'm really not in the mood for the Simly grind, testingcheats.
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    xkaylanicolexxkaylanicolex Posts: 3,760 Member
    edited December 2013
    I want to say never but occasionally I'll max moods up if I'm being impatient and want to get things done.
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    puppynebulapuppynebula Posts: 31
    edited December 2013
    I'm really into storytelling, and I use them a lot to make the story work out just right. Usually, I give the family more money.

    Or sometimes I don't feel like taking care of a baby, so I'll just boost their moods a little. ;)
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    ChimarkChimark Posts: 2,166 Member
    edited December 2013
    I use cheats for two functions.

    First when I set up my game. I think it's stupid that I make a family from scratch and the husband and wife have little relationship with each other. So unless I want them to have a bad relationship, I always "fix" the relationship of the family members. Who likes who and who hates who, from the start, then after that point I don't change it. I am not gonna spend two real hours trying to get the father and son's relationship up to a point (or down) where I think it should've been at the start.

    I also use NRAAS debug enabler to put Sims on lots. I hate when I go to a bar or the spa and no one is there. I will use debug enabler to teleport Sims into the venue to get the place jumping.

    I find the more venues you have the less you need cheats, because a lot of these things, like the dragons are really just "legal" cheats anyway. For instance yesterday my Sim only had a level two gambling skill at the casino and still made ten thousand simoleons.
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    AaeiynAaeiyn Posts: 521 Member
    edited December 2013
    I don't know a lot of the cheats. I'm a fan of the easy way, so once I know a cheat, that's it. That's how I play the game now xD so far I've been using testingcheatsenabled true to use the mailbox to keep the moods stagnant, use it to know everyone in the neighborhood and befriend them. IDK of any skill cheats. I'm still doing those manually. If there's a skill cheat, lemme know :) I know of the Lifetime Happiness points cheat, the re-editing of the sim. I usually save sims in the sim editor, if I really like my work, and I save color combos and outfit mixes, so I'm not starting from scratch again, but I don't need to activate the cheat bar for that. That's already in the game. Of course, I use the money cheats via motherlode and kaching. Those are the only cheats I know about, and if there's more, lemme know :)
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 29,082 Member
    edited December 2013
    I generally will use the freeRealEstate cheat up front when I place my CAS family into a home that is suitable in size for them. After that, I don't find myself using too many cheats. I do have mods, however, and am guilty of using Twallen's Master Controller to 'edit' a Sim from time to time. Mostly I do that when I've had to start all over again, just to get certain Sims back up to speed to where they were before the catastrophe struck. Or, if a Sim family member (no longer in the active household) is wearing atrocious clothing or weather unsuitable apparel.

    I agree, however, that playing cheat free is more fun. It's like playing Monopoly with the original rules, instead of all the added "house rules". If you enjoy that game and haven't tried it, I urge you to give it a try. It's really great fun.

    I don't usually use any cheats to assist my Sims in their careers. They work hard and complete Opportunities to get ahead. Unless, as stated above, it's to get said Sim back to where s/he was before the disaster struck that killed the game save.

    I started the current family I'm playing way back when ST first came out. Before then I attempted to play at least three of the sons, only to learn you couldn't have a singer with the band. :( I cannot tell you how many times I've had to restart them. After a time, I just stopped counting. I was really beginning to think the family, Cantrell, was cursed or something it got to be so bad.

    The last time I started them ALL over again was just after uni came out. I'd put them all through college, got them started in their separate careers when my old computer began its death throes. I tried to save my Sims3 folder, but alas, something went wrong in the translation and I opted to just start the entire family over again. One more time!

    This is when I went ahead and employed Master Controller. I started the original family unit instead of just the siblings. I went ahead and gave the parents their degrees, got them started in their careers. I also aged the teens up using MC to get the birth order correct. Then, instead of *********(since when was r-e-*******-i-n-g a bad word? :shock: ) uni for the fourth time with this group, I cheated and gave them the equivalent, courtesy of MC. I've managed to keep this group "alive" ever since. I think it's been six months now. (Believe me, that's a record.) I slowly transitioned from the parent's household, paring the adult children and their new spouses down (sending them to their own households) until the only daughter got married. Then she moved with her new hubby, their twins courtesy of MC again, and my singer Sim. Once singer was ready, I had him move to his own house and made his the active lot.

    They're a close family. They spend holidays and birthdays together. It's also nice that grandma often shows up at singer's gigs, still. I've either just learned how to really play this game, or this family is just plain fun. I'm having the time of my life with them.

    Okay, I guess you can't say **** as in re **** ing. Oi
    Starts with an H rhymes with mash. This is getting obnoxious. It shows up on preview but not when I hit submit. Bangs head on desk.
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    colton147colton147 Posts: 9,663 Member
    edited December 2013
    I don't use cheats (with the exception of moveobjects).
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    Ninja_ZaydaNinja_Zayda Posts: 15 Member
    edited December 2013
    Once I found the good cheats I used them every time I played. But now I'm realizing it gets boring when you just keep making them happy all the time and they get unlimited money. So now I try to use almost none to make the game be a little challenging.
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    XKidsInLoveXXKidsInLoveX Posts: 4,910 Member
    edited December 2013
    Every game I use TCET, Moveobjects on, resetsim, and kaching. I only use kaching when im trying to decorate their house and I run out before im done in the beginning lol, or when I use TCET to build buy on a community lot using my sims cash and then replace it. Love cheats.
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    ChemicalwibsChemicalwibs Posts: 6,345 Member
    edited December 2013
    Like every 5 minutes. "No, you're not hungry now - go upgrade that toilet!" *slides hunger bar up* :lol:
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